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The Truth About Your Dog's Food Channel 5 Thursday 9 pm

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03-02-2014, 06:10 PM
OK I've calmed down now and we all just have to agree to differ
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03-02-2014, 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Jenny View Post
OK I've calmed down now and we all just have to agree to differ
I'm going to leave it alone, as well. It's easy to get worked up when you're passionate about something.

We're calm, we're okay, we're good. Nobody is shouting or swearing or mumbling obscenities to themselves whilst on the verge of socking their computer screens. Nobody is even remotely angry or irritated.

Keep telling yourself all those things. Okay, too far but you get my point! Calmmm is the way to go.
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03-02-2014, 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
Fish is a great source of protein for all dogs, whether they have allergies/sensitivities or not.

I apologise if I come over as being very dictatorial - I am not, and I do not mean to be. It is my passion for the BARF or raw food diets that makes me so, having nearly lost a dog to kibble feeding, my next door neighbour's GSD nearly died because of kibble feeding, the labrador I have already quoted doubtless would eventually have died prematurely or been put down because of kibble feeding. I am sure you can quote examples to back up claims of some dogs being unable to tolerate complex animal protein, but personally I have never ever come across one, and I have been involved with dogs since I was 14 - 46 years ago. Neither have I ever met a dog who ended up in the vets due to a stuck bone. Maybe I've just been lucky, but my enthusiasm for what after all is nature's way makes me come across as very bossy and dictatorial - I am most certainly not!

If raw feeding were harmful, then dogs would not have evolved into the second most successful species on this planet.

Apologies - I will try and be less enthusiastic!!
Enthusiasm should not be confused with dictatorial and sweeping (wrong) statements! Yes, as with anything, there will be instances of dogs not getting on with kibble to dire effect, but there are also lots of dogs who have sadly lost their lives through eating raw. Just because you yourself have not experienced it, it does not mean that it doesn't happen - so perhaps you should sit down and take a long hard think before typing something that might upset others.

I was not going to bother any more with this thread, but the highlighted bit above made me so mad. Once again, you have been so keen to promote your beliefs that you have ignored totally the fact that my dog, and others, CANNOT tolerate animal proteins (nor grains actually) simply because you have not experienced it yourself.

Life is not simply about learning from one's own experiences, but also about gaining knowledge from others. There are many "right ways" of going about things, but it is up to us to use our intelligence to choose the correct one to fit our own particular bill.
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03-02-2014, 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Jackie View Post
Completely agree with you jenny.

Well shoot me now for feeding kibble, I do it because is suits ME... What a terrible owner I must be.


Yet again Nikki you amaze me, you starved your dog for a week just because you wanted him to eat raw....

And yes Nikki, you do come across as " it's your way or the highway " I can't think of many owners who would be prepared to starve their dogs for a week in pursuit of a change of diet
Come and sit on the 'terrible owner' step with me then.

Not only am I not prepared to spend half my life ordering, taking delivery of, sorting, cutting up, weighing and putting the 'right bits together' to feed raw (geez wasn't that much trouble feeding my human brood!) and I can't be the only one who not only doesn't WANT to do that, but doesn't have TIME to do that or even freezer space (or, in my case ready access to all the components) but I've owned dogs who were picky eaters and never in a million years would I resort to STARVING them so they'd eat ANYTHING on offer once they were starving hungry enough.

I own a dog because I love dogs and it suits my beach bum, casual, meandering round the country lifestyle to have one and great company and endless source of amusement too. But the dog I have has to fit in with my lifestyle. Not change my lifestyle to one of ordering and worrying about getting enough supplies of all sorts of different raw meats, bone, offal and all sorts. And believe you me I OWN A VERY HAPPY, HEALTHY AND CONTENTED DOG.

If people applied as much draconian rules to what they feed their kids Cadburys, Ben & Jerry, Nestle, KFC, McD, TGFI, and all those mfrs that make chicken nuggets fishy shapes, choco cereals, chocolate spread, crisps, and a zillion other varieties of JUNK FOOD would be out of business. They ain't they are thriving so that's the proof - people don't apply such draconian rules to what they feed their kids. (not the vast majority of them) and if they applied the same rules to what they put in their own bodies we wouldn't be becoming a nation of overweight bodies.

We wouldn't be seeing TV progs about tummy tucks and gastric bypasses and all sorts and there wouldn't be a multi billion dollar industry based around weight watchers, slimmers world, slimming magazines. Children's teeth wouldn't decay. They'd all know what's good for them and good for their teeth and their heart and all that.

I don't know anyone who starved their kids for 3 days to get them to eat a healthy snack!

*oh and should add that if I ever bought a dog whose breeder insisted I feed wholly raw I'd just sign the bluddy paper anyway and then feed it whatever I wanted to. Big Brother isn't a REALITY here yet and how the hell would they know? And I bet quite a few do that - unless they are going to have some sort of dog 'inspectorate' calling round at mealtimes! No way would ANYONE tell me what to do with anything I bought and paid for in full.
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03-02-2014, 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Trouble View Post
I raw feed but if my dogs had refused to eat it, I wouldn't have persisted tbh. I just started off by tossing some tripe in with their kibble which they scoffed, I progressed to adding a chicken wing to their kibble and once it was obvious they were more than happy I switched completely. It hasn't been without incident though, Tucson my Pug has keeled over three times due to getting chicken skin lodged across the back of her throat, which would no doubt have put many people off entirely, I just make sure she doesn't get any chicken skin. Phoenix my black Pug also had an incident with choking on a bit of bone, she however clamped her jaws shut making it impossible for me to try and fish it out so I had to swing her up by her back legs. Thankfully they seem to have now settled in to chewing it properly as there's only so much drama I can take lol but I can see why people may not be happy to try it or persevere if they have problems.
I'm not as nice as you! Poor Hal - but we had no choice, it was eat raw or die ... The kibble was poisoning him and it had to go, so really it was easy for me. Sorry to hear about the problems you had though - just bad luck - luckily pain is a great teacher and she learned to chew her food properly!
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03-02-2014, 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Jenny View Post
Wow I've just come back on to take a look at this thread and yes Gnasher, you do come across as being incredibly condescending and dismissive of anyone who doesn't feed their dog the way you feed yours You are not a vet or a canine nutritionist
My vet was not claiming to be a specialist on nutrition just stated a FACT that they get dogs in who have damaged stomachs and gullets from RAW bone splinters.

One of my dogs has intolerances to chicken, beef, grain and pork. He is now on Orijen 6 Fish and from the moment I got him on that he too has looked fantastic. He's managed to keep weight on, has a glossy coat, normal poos and gleaming teeth. If I started giving him raw bones, mince etc his health would spiral downhill again. It was my vet who did the tests and he who suggested the food. He gets no commission from Orijen for recommending that food and its is a whole prey good ..... bones and all.

So folks if your dog is doing well on the food that you are feeding them I suggest you stick to it whether it be raw or dried.
Sorry - I'm not called gNAshER foR NOthing! Sorry about the caps no idea what's going on with my I pad!
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03-02-2014, 07:17 PM
It's a shame that people are unable to read posts. I clearly and concisely explained that Hal had a prolapsed anus due to the kibble he was fed and thus we had no choice but to cease feeding it to him. But why let a few facts stand in the way !
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03-02-2014, 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by Tang View Post
Come and sit on the 'terrible owner' step with me then.

Not only am I not prepared to spend half my life ordering, taking delivery of, sorting, cutting up, weighing and putting the 'right bits together' to feed raw (geez wasn't that much trouble feeding my human brood!) and I can't be the only one who not only doesn't WANT to do that, but doesn't have TIME to do that or even freezer space (or, in my case ready access to all the components) but I've owned dogs who were picky eaters and never in a million years would I resort to STARVING them so they'd eat ANYTHING on offer once they were starving hungry enough.

I own a dog because I love dogs and it suits my beach bum, casual, meandering round the country lifestyle to have one and great company and endless source of amusement too. But the dog I have has to fit in with my lifestyle. Not change my lifestyle to one of ordering and worrying about getting enough supplies of all sorts of different raw meats, bone, offal and all sorts. And believe you me I OWN A VERY HAPPY, HEALTHY AND CONTENTED DOG.

If people applied as much draconian rules to what they feed their kids Cadburys, Ben & Jerry, Nestle, KFC, McD, TGFI, and all those mfrs that make chicken nuggets fishy shapes, choco cereals, chocolate spread, crisps, and a zillion other varieties of JUNK FOOD would be out of business. They ain't they are thriving so that's the proof - people don't apply such draconian rules to what they feed their kids. (not the vast majority of them) and if they applied the same rules to what they put in their own bodies we wouldn't be becoming a nation of overweight bodies.

We wouldn't be seeing TV progs about tummy tucks and gastric bypasses and all sorts and there wouldn't be a multi billion dollar industry based around weight watchers, slimmers world, slimming magazines. Children's teeth wouldn't decay. They'd all know what's good for them and good for their teeth and their heart and all that.

I don't know anyone who starved their kids for 3 days to get them to eat a healthy snack!

*oh and should add that if I ever bought a dog whose breeder insisted I feed wholly raw I'd just sign the bluddy paper anyway and then feed it whatever I wanted to. Big Brother isn't a REALITY here yet and how the hell would they know? And I bet quite a few do that - unless they are going to have some sort of dog 'inspectorate' calling round at mealtimes! No way would ANYONE tell me what to do with anything I bought and paid for in full.
I would not dream of eating junk food and neither did I feed my daughter on it. I do not understand your point of view at all.
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03-02-2014, 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by mjfromga View Post
Jenny, language, language please. I'd not want a moderator to attack you over something ridiculous. You dogs do well on a very high quality and expensive dog food.

I think all she wants is the best diet for her dog, too. She firmly believes that a raw diet is best for any dog. You can understand why she'd not accept anything but the best for her dogs, right? You are the same way, correct?

I agree that letting the dog go hungry for a week just to get him to eat the food SHE wanted for him was overkill... but it was done with the best intentions - which was giving her dog what she feels is best because she loves him.

Please, lighten up and take it easy on her. If you look at it from her POV, feeding anything other than raw is unacceptable. Though I'd have mixed in something he'd eat along with the raw etc. slowly in an attempt to get him to eat it... not just made him go hungry.
Thank you ... But I must defend myself and say here that I tried everything to get him to eat the raw food - cooked liver, cooked meat, gravy,nothing worked. I did the right thing, a tough thing, but it was the right thing. Being a good parent or dog owner sometimes means having to do difficult things not just take the easy path.
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03-02-2014, 08:56 PM
I apologise Gnasher in that I clearly missed your post on Hal's prolapsed anus ..... I am sorry for that and that must have been an awful time for both of you.

I think we have learnt from this thread that we feed what be believe is best for our dogs. There will be a lot of people out there feeding rubbish food to their dogs and possibly not feeding them at all, but the fact that we are members of a dog forum means (I would assume) that we are all passionate about our dogs
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