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Campaign launched to combat dog mess blight on farmland

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Dogsey Senior
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01-05-2014, 12:43 PM
Our Parish Council threatened to ban dogs from the playing field here so are forming a dog owners group to organise picking up after other dog owners who couldn't be bothered.

In the mist the other morning, one dog walker left his dog out of sight and I had to shout to him to let him know that the dog had defecated. His comments " Oh thanks - I forgot that it's a critical time to pick up at the moment"... WTF ? It's always critical ?
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Dogsey Veteran
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01-05-2014, 01:28 PM
That's what I don't understand as I said it's second nature to me now, and I started owning dogs before picking up was popular so if I can learn so can anyone else.
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01-05-2014, 01:41 PM
Exactly Samson. I too have often picked up after 'other people's dogs' because me and my dog were the only ones around at the time when I spotted the heap! It's to do with not wanting more 'anti dog' campaigners. If ALL dog owners were responsible in every aspect of dog ownership there wouldn't be anything for anyone to complain about would there?

While people can point to piles of poo in public places and dogs running loose in public places and scaring people or attacking other dogs or barking all day and all night disturbing the peace - dog owners are always going to be on the 'back foot'. No point in separating good from bad dog owners when faced with someone who hates all dogs. They have the evidence!
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Dogsey Veteran
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01-05-2014, 06:26 PM
If it was as easy as dog owners picking up the poop instead of leaving it, then this issue would not be here. I find it pointless to just go on a tirade saying "just pick up the poop". Lots of dog owners don't pick up the poop and telling them to do that won't make a shred of difference.

You carry a poop bag, you pick the poop up. easy, but to some owners it's disgusting, worthless, etc. nothing can be SAID to change their minds, which is why they are trying to pass a law. I would APPRECIATE if they didn't exaggerate and add in irrelevant bits to push the laws though.
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01-05-2014, 06:45 PM
I would APPRECIATE if they didn't exaggerate and add in irrelevant bits to push the laws though.
What exaggerated facts would they is not an exaggeration that dog faeces carries parasites that can effect humans and in this case cattle , it's not a scaremonger tactic it's proven by research.
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01-05-2014, 08:33 PM
I do not believe that dog feces can cause abortions in cattle, and I have not seen research that supports this. Perhaps it exists, but I have not seen it nor did the article present it. So I do believe it is a scare tactic.

Also, the bit about off lead dogs is not relevant to dog poop in the fields, as people who have dogs on leashes ignore poop as well. IMO was just added to push the article more.

Again, if the research exists and can be provided in a legitimate, non biased, wholly factual written format for anybody to view... then okay my bad, but I have not seen it.

Worms etc. are found in all feces, and not only dog feces.
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01-05-2014, 08:55 PM
How would you 'see' any research on anything unless you looked for it Myra? They don't circulate research findings from UK to the general populace in the US.

What you 'believe' has very little to do with what is being talked about regarding new laws in the offing. Or protests from pressure groups.

I don't suppose you'd be amenable to any STRANGERS thinking they can do what the hell they like on YOUR property would you? I seem to recall you posting earlier that you got into a fight with someone for just such a thing - taking liberties with your property?

If you want to be able to do roughly whatever you like on any stretch of land - BUY IT! Even then you will find there will be restrictions in place regarding the use you can put it to.

I disagree also that there's NOTHING that can be done about irresponsible dog owners. If the fines are hefty enough and rigorously enforced I think we will see some changes.
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01-05-2014, 08:57 PM
Well mjfromge I guess no amount of evidence is going to influence what you believe to be true.

But here's a thought instead of insisting because you don't believe it, it can't be true, do some research on the subjects, it's all out there for anyone to see.
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01-05-2014, 09:02 PM
I'm sure if it causes abortions and infertility in cattle in Britain then it will do exactly the same to American Cattle.
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