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Cat dies after attack by off lead dog

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Dogsey Veteran
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23-03-2012, 03:36 PM
So because this cat may (or may not) have killed a few butterflies, mice and or deserved to be mauled by on off lead dog, because it is Karma

I do wonder about some people

Poor cat and its poor owners, what a horrific way to lose an elderly pet
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Ben Mcfuzzylugs
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23-03-2012, 03:44 PM
How horible for the cat and the cat owner
although I understand and agree with Gnashers point that dogs will be dogs
at the same time us humans have a duty to be the responsible ones
Yes sometimes accidents happen and a lead slips - but round houses like this dogs should be on lead

I couldnt be 100% sure if in the woods my dogs found a cat of what they would do with it then, I THINK only try and play - but you are never sure. But I can see something like that happening and it being noones fault - but your pet should be safe in its own garden
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Dogsey Veteran
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23-03-2012, 04:00 PM
Poor Kitty ...RIP sweetheart.

I lost on cat this way and another seriously injured....the first being when I was 13 and a pack of dogs got our cat Sandy of 18 (he never stood a chance)

and another Ginger, when the neighbour's retired greyhound jumped the fence and got him in our back garden, he had a ruptured stomach thankfully he did survive.

My sympathies to the owners xxx
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Dogsey Veteran
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23-03-2012, 04:12 PM
I use fly spray!

Don't suppose there'll be much sympathy flying around when I meet my end then

Another case of the 'blame' laying firmly at the dog owner's door
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rich c
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23-03-2012, 04:19 PM
Firstly, the cat shouldn't have died in the way it did. The dog's owner should have had more control. Not necessarily lead control, just training control. Just this very morning, I walked Jake offlead past four ducks sat by the side of the path we were walking along. He started to show interest in them but left them alone once I told him to leave them. I don't claim Jake is well trained, but he's sufficiently trained so I have sufficient off lead control of him.

I do have to agree that it's a bit hypocritical that dogs are expected to behave impeccably (Quite rightly though!) but cats are free to exercise their untamed prey drive on the local bird/small mammal population. Not to mention using the whole neighbourhood as a toilet when dog owners have to clear up after their pets. (Again, quite rightly especially when said business is right in the middle of a public thoroughfare.)
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Dogsey Veteran
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23-03-2012, 04:23 PM
Humans are the most blood thirsty creatures on this planet, who kill for every reason imaginable including fun.........does this mean murders are understandable?
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Almost a Veteran
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24-03-2012, 11:48 AM
So by your logic Gnasher, if a larger dog jumped in your garden and mauled your dog to death, that would be okay?

It's people like you that are not different from the idiots in the Daily Fail who talk about banning all dogs because they think they are dangerous child killing cr@pping machines. Same brand of vitriolic hatred for animals, just a differens species.
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Dogsey Veteran
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24-03-2012, 12:22 PM

No of course not ... I am just trying to present a balanced view. That when next door's moggy destroys a whole nest, parent included, of Goldcrests, a very rare species of bird, no-one says:

"All cats should be muzzled"

"Blame the owners"

"Cats should always be on a lead".

It is just accepted that this is a cat's nature, which it is of course.

But when it comes to a dog killing a cat ... o right, that's completely different, it's the dog's fault, the owner's fault, all dogs should be muzzled, all dogs should be on a lead etc. etc.

I entirely agree in this instance the dog's owner was entirely to blame ... simply because the dog should have been on a lead in a public place. However, let's take the scenario that poor little Poppy came into the dog's garden, and the same thing happened, the dog killed poor Poppy in the same horrific way ... then I say that is NOT the owner's fault, but just a dreadful accident.

I also presented the viewpoint that despite the fact my dogs are always on leads in a public place, except when we are exercising them in the fields, that a similar dreadful accident could have happened to me because I could have had a moment when I was not concentrating and my dogs took me unawares and managed to get away from me ... it happens, it is called an ACCIDENT (thanx Labradork).

It is very specie-ist to condemn a dog for killing a cat, but not condemn a cat for killing a nest of Goldcrests. But I do agree, the owner is to blame here because the dog was not on a lead.
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Dogsey Veteran
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24-03-2012, 12:29 PM
Yes the owner was to blame. And it's more bad publicity for the breed.
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Dogsey Veteran
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24-03-2012, 12:42 PM
We have been down this path before with Gnasher & her ideas about cats. I now treat this type of view point with total disdain

I agree with SB - if walking two dogs you cant hold into the lead you should walk them separately. Allowing this sort of thing to happen simply means you have no control

The fact remains that this was an elderly innocent pet on its OWN property savaged by an out if control dog whose owner didnt even attempt to control & stop it.

Poor wee cat, what a way to end its life.

RIP little one x
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