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07-01-2006, 07:48 PM

Thought twice about posting, but what the heck!

I was gonna post this, then wasn't but now I guess I am...

I am a little hot under the collar

Don't really want to be told off guys but just wanted to vent because I can't be perfect all of the time!


Ok so we just moved and have been really enjoying having good local
walks...Till this afternoon...

The dogs were playing around together when we saw a group of people
plus a dog...Because of the funny reactions the dogs have been
getting we sometimes steer clear of people to be honest...

(Because of how the dogs 'look' people seem scared even though they are the biggest friendliest wusses!)

Well at first I didn't see the kid so I said to Dawn, who was walking with me that we will stay on the trail, things will be fine...Then we saw the child...I
then said we would cross to the other trail mostly because Takoda
adores children more than anything!...

When we had him as a pup the kids where we used to live saw him from 8 weeks old and had no fear of him and used to invite him to play and jump up...I used to tell them if they could work with me to not get him so excited as when he would see him they would call his name from down the Kody would want to run to them and when he got to bigger and bigger it wasn't so good for me on the other end of the

Anyway in the blink of an eye Takoda was 90lbs and now going on 100lbs and these kiddies still saw him as that little pup of course and were never scared...From this even though I got the kids to help with his training to calm him instead Takoda still remembers the good old days now and again when he see's a child...

Well we switched trail and the dogs were going to follow (I would have then put Kody onlead) all was well right till when the kid started doing jumping jacks and a handstand and then ran a bit towards the dogs and made a kinda kung foo action at them...I thought ****!...As I knew Kody would see it as an invite to play.

I instantly ran in the other direction and called the dogs as it's the quickest way in a situation like that and my girl Keena followed (not so into people) Kody didn't at first but then did...

Then the lab that was with them came running up to play with my dogs and I was petting the lab and talking to it all nicely etc etc thinking all was ok...

The guy who owned the lab is calling it away but ironically it didn't listen and stayed with us...the guy then comes right up to my face shouting at me and said the child had been knocked over...Told me I should get those 'THINGS' on lead get in my car and go home...

Heck I was really sorry Kody knocked that kid down and I take full responsibility but I wasn't given the chance to speak...

When I could finally get a word out I told him his dog was no more under control than mine as it was not taking one bit of notice of him and actually jumped up at me when it came over to us. (Even though I wasn't doing jumping jacks etc )

This ***** just would not see reason and was going on about the dogs as if they were rabid...Sorry folks but then I got my back up and shouted at him twice as loud and twice as aggressive because he kept standing so close and shouting in my face with coffe breath waving his hands around...

He asked for my address, he wanted to call the police!...No I didn't give it to him...I really wanted to say sorry but he was talking to me like I was ****...He said you cant have dogs that look like THAT and expect people to not be afraid...

I said my dogs were acting no different to his and that I couldn't help how they look...I was getting * off...I shouted at him...and was pointing my finger a bit and he told me he would break it...The idiot was knocking on and I could have flattened him ...So I gestured oh really, go ahead...I told him to step further back as his closeness was really starting to get on my nerves and he raised his retractable dog lead as if he was going to take a swing at Dawn pushed in the middle and told him to back off...She shouted at him in quite an authoritative deep tone and he looked like he wanted to wee down his leg before telling her 'Oh go back home yank' (she is American)

So after calling my dogs THINGS and going on like they were killers, wanting to call the police, threatening to break my finger, going to take a swing at my head with his ******* retractable and then being rude to Dawn for being a ******* yank I had had it with him...

He started to try to walk off, I followed him and had a right tirade...Then his misses or who ever the ***** was standing near starts squawking and I just got so wound up...Then Dawn says enough and I leave it...


I am in the wrong for Kody jumping up I know (don't tell me off)

But I am so ticked off basically I can see that this old man is going to tell everyone that walks there that we are awful people and our dogs are rabid and in less than a month here I have gotten myself a bad name ****.

I know I shouldn't have gotten ****** off but hell I'm only human.

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07-01-2006, 08:00 PM
Feel better now??

Well I am not gonna tell you that you were in the wrong...

I would have behaved in exactly the same way..

There is nothing I can say to help other than don't judge the other people who walk there... He may not even be from around there... Let everyone else meet your dogs and take them for what they are not what someone says they are..

And if you see him again tell him he is an "ignorant pig" shouting at people like that!!

Sorry no help but I would have been the same
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mustards mum
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07-01-2006, 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by myschievous
But I am so ticked off basically I can see that this old man is going to tell everyone that walks there that we are awful people and our dogs are rabid and in less than a month here I have gotten myself a bad name ****.

I know I shouldn't have gotten ****** off but hell I'm only human.


Hey I totally know where you are coming from and totally sympathise, quite honestly how you didn't clock someone who was being so agressive towards you, your dogs and partner I don't know!!!! and I am usually against violence at all times, but I think you were very restrained.

Some people are just ignorant and you just have to ignore them or if they get in your face as this idiot did; turn and walk away. Easier said than done, I know. Your dogs are yours to control and I'm always aware that for some reason "fluffy" dogs are tolerated when they run wild but my boy dobermann who is only 6 months old is expected to be perfect ?

For balance why not make a point of taking your dogs out and chatting with other people and asking if they know "that crazy man with the out of control lab"?

Don't worry about bloting your copy book, who cares what other people think and if they in furture give you a wide berth then that's your good fortune
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07-01-2006, 08:06 PM
thats a horrible thing to happen,some people are so ignorant what is wrong with a few polite words,and enquiring what breed of dogs they are,and mentioning what happened re: the child being knocked over and allowing you to apologise which sounds is what you would of done if given the chance.Hope you are feeling calmer soon.
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07-01-2006, 08:06 PM
Well that's what I'm hoping is that he isn't even local as it's only about a few mins walk from my house.

I do agree with you about the other walkers as it is going to be hard not to think it's all eyes on me and the dogs I will have to remind myself that they probably don't have a clue what went on!

I ordered a couple springer type things to attatch to the bike and have them run with me so I think now may be the time to try them out for a week or so.

This happened on the heath at the top of my road but also right close is the forest so I will go get lost in there for a bit with the dogs and bike!

Thanks Louise.
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07-01-2006, 08:06 PM
Hope you feel better now Mys. Not a perfect situation granted, but if the guy was in your face....... (been there, done that) Maybe if this person is normally as disagreeable, then if he sprouts off to all and sundry, they won't take any notice
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07-01-2006, 08:09 PM
Meant to add why wasn't he keeping the child and his dog under control.Silly man.You may find he does it to other people also.Sounds as if he needs to go to anger management.
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bens mum
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07-01-2006, 08:10 PM
wow,justy realised your dogs are not total 2 headed monsters,but 2 really attrative animals,i always stop and admire them when i see them out in the street.
as for that jerk (being polite here) sounds like his kid could do with some training let alone his dog.
its difficult when u first move into a new area,(moved a few times) and making a good impression is always important, im hoping that this persons a village jerk and that not many ppl will take any notice of him,especially those who have already met you and your pets,
other than wishing you luck for the future,theres not much more i can say.
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07-01-2006, 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Zantababy
thats a horrible thing to happen,some people are so ignorant what is wrong with a few polite words,and enquiring what breed of dogs they are,and mentioning what happened re: the child being knocked over and allowing you to apologise which sounds is what you would of done if given the chance.Hope you are feeling calmer soon.
Thaks Zanta...That's exactly how it should have happened...It was so horrible cuz by the time it was a full fledged row, Keena was just standing there looking all spanked, I had Takoda by the collar and he just wanted to run away from all the carry on and the poor lab belonging to that mam was just sheepishly wagging it's tail standing there...I wanted to scoop up all the dogs including his and leave His dog was such a sweetie too Well guess I wont be seeing it close by again now

I would have unreservedly apologised to the woman and child had I been given the chance

It is one of those one off incidents that happen and then you are mud within a second without being able to reason...

In the mean time Takoda is under intense no jumping never ever training...Although he hasn't done so in months and I strongly believe he only did it because of the childs strange movements towards him...Which I know doesn't excuse what happened...But he isn't the rabid beast this guy made out

I am calm have no remorse towards that guy just feel sorry for the dogs and myself a bit as it's the worse thing to happen while out enjoying a walk
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mustards mum
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07-01-2006, 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by myschievous
I ordered a couple springer type things to attatch to the bike and have them run with me so I think now may be the time to try them out for a week or so.

Oh how do they work?

I would love to cycle with my dog but my old boy, that I lost last year, would just run in front of my bike all the time even when he was 14 years old and it seems that my new puppy has no respect for moving objects either, just seems to feel he has to get in front of them
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