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BellaAnnie is offline  
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30-03-2015, 09:06 AM

Boarding advice

Hi Everyone,

I've currently got two dogs on boarding here with me. I've been boarding for a while now and have really been enjoying it.

However, I've got two here who are completely running riot. They have no manners, have had no training, and today one has attached my resident girl (she is unharmed but she was pinned down with a lot of aggression / teeth out etc.)

The family are abroad until next Wednesday. I literally have no idea what to do. Behaviour such as:

Double footing ANY door when shut, crying through the night, fighting each other over bones / toys (now all been taken away), scavenging, jumping up, mouthing, eating my plants / remotes / shoes (anything left about, which is now up as best as we can get!), pinching things off the side (we have no crated off our kitchen), digging / eating plants in the garden, constant jealousy and striving for attention, rude / forceful with other dogs, they also NEVER stop - it's actually unbeknown to me.

I truly believe they have just been left to do whatever they like when at home.

Now believe me, we had a trial night a few months ago, and they were not like this at all otherwise I would have never taken them on.

I can't start any training because there is too much to cover in such a short space of time.

Would anyone have any advice as to how to handle this?!
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SarahJade is offline  
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30-03-2015, 11:12 AM
Do you think they could be anxious?

Might be an idea to just take them out for lots and lots of walks. Really tire them out so they just sleep. You're going to be shattered to, but sounds like it's in the interest of everyone if these dogs are so tired they don't move.
It wouldn't work as a long term fix, mainly writing this for anyone else reading this, as they would just become fitter and need that amount of exercise everyday, but for 2 days hopefully with enough walking they will tire out and sleep. Of course be aware that a tired dog fueled with adrenalin might be a complete disaster... You need to be certain they are just going bonkers, not scared or anxious.
Do you have any crates? Or a pen? Safe garden?
You really do need something and have it stated in your contact that if any dog begins to destroy your house, is aggressive towards any other dog or person or is deemed a half to him or herself that you will use the crate/external kennel/run etc. It's the only way you can make sure everyone and every thing is safe.

Another thing would be to try adding some Bach rescue remedy to their water. I personally would also have that on the registration sheet, that every dog that comes to stay with you will have that in their water. I've never known it do any harm, it will help relax them or do nothing if they don't need it, and might help your dogs with the comings and going especially if they are a bit thuggish. You could also try the dap (I think it's called adaptil now) diffuser, collars, sprays. Never worked with my dog, but it does make a big difference for other dogs.
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mjfromga is offline  
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30-03-2015, 11:15 AM
Now that you have the dogs, you must keep them safe and stimulated. Needless to say, you might wish to re-think your screening process. My boy did the TDI test. The dog must be removed from the sight of his owner and introduced to people and other dogs. This is because the dog may act fine when in the sights of his owner, but go berserk with SA once he can no longer see his owner.

Like you said, remove toys and things they fight over, and separate them. No point in trying to train them IMO. There is not enough time, you're not a behaviorist/trainer, and the owners are not paying you to train them. Be sure that your dog is safe from them at all times. Try and get them some more exercise, this may help their naughty and destructive behavior.

In the meantime, feed them separately, ensure they have their own places to sleep, and keep the headache pills on standby. Sorry about this! If you feel comfortable enough, you can contact the owners, explain the situation (be sure to say you've got everything under control), and ask if the dogs have a favorite treat, toy, etc. that may help.

Perhaps suggest they take the dogs to be trained (recommend some good trainers) when they come to retrieve them. You will lose the client if you do this most likely, but the dogs probably stress their owners out, so they may be keen on it. In any case, you'd never take these dogs again, so besides a bit of potential bad press from their displeased word of mouth, not a ton to lose.
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tumbleweed is offline  
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30-03-2015, 11:24 AM
I do hope you are licenced to board in the first place?
and second that you have a pet insurance to cover any injury/death/loss/damage.

If not then all it needs is a neighbour to complain and it is an instant jail sentence is my guess or heavy fine and a ban from keeping animals

Having run and owned a professional boarding kennels for 21 years if we had that problem we would just move them to another kennels on keeping animals.

Sorry but i am very much anti home boarding, I have heard too many stories about them to even risk my dog in one for even a day
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30-03-2015, 11:29 AM
Hi Tumbleweed,

I most certainly am licensed and insured thank you.

I think it's a good idea as SarahJade mentioned to state in my contact they will be boarded elsewhere should instances like this occur (thank you for that). I felt trial nights would cover things like this, as I have turned dogs away before after a trial; but apparently not!

It's all lessons learned isn't it.

Just as a little more info.
They are both given a walk in the morning with my other younger dog and have a real good run off lead for around 45 minutes. They are then up and about all day as we also have dogs on day care here. So they play with the other dogs for most of the day.

For example, today they have been up straight for almost 7 hours now. Walked, fed, and been playing. The other dogs try to settle and this can be part of the time whereby they become a little naughty. It's a little strange for me as I think 7 hours of running, playing, chasing, walking etc.... surely they should flake too? But they don't! They've been here 4 days now; I would have expected them to calm down / got used to the environment a little.

I will most definitely be offering them advice. These pooches need training, for their own good and their families!!! I don't usually like to offer advice like this as I think it isn't my place; but this is for their benefit lol x
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30-03-2015, 11:30 AM
Sorry guys, meant to say thank you for your advice and input xxx
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mjfromga is offline  
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30-03-2015, 11:55 AM
I actually like the idea of home based boarding. My Nigredo has never been in a kennel. Even the shelter he came from did not use cages. I'd not have him caged up if not necessary and I'm not sure how he'd take it. They have a cage free boarding suite thingy in town where the dogs are never caged. It's expensive, but I'd eat the cost of this place before I'd use normal kennels. I'd also try home care before I tried normal caged kennels with him. It depends on who it is. I personally would use a home service if it was licensed etc. over a cage kennel type place. I think my Nigredo would enjoy it so much better.
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SarahJade is offline  
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30-03-2015, 12:24 PM
It's hard to know what's going on without knowing or seeing the dogs. Do you know their normal routine?
It could be they are used to going nonstop all day and they aren't getting enough exercise or stimulation, or it could be there aren't used to this level of stimulation and they are running purely off adrenalin. Either way, I'm sorry to say this isn't a match for them.
Do you have a quiet safe you room you could put them in, might be an idea to listen closely or put them in one at a time, just to relax a little. Maybe have the radio on in the background.
I'm really sorry I can't be of more help and I hope this isn't putting you off boarding.

I think home boarding for the right dogs is a wonderful thing, I know a few dogs that would take it in their stride and love it. I also know many many dogs that wouldn't. It all depends on the dog.
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Dibbythedog is offline  
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30-03-2015, 05:49 PM
Gosh , what a nightmare! I think this is a situation you will just have to stick it out.

This might be a situation where they are over stimulated and over aroused and simply can't relax.

I used to work at boarding kennels and often, the owners couldnt believe how their dogs had behaved. The most common phrase I heard was S/he doesnt behave like that at home!

I get the feeling my two would behave like that even they are reasonably behaved at home.

Interestingly , I considered doing boarding at home ( this was years ago ) and one of the conditions of the Council license was we couldn't have our own dogs as well as boarders so that was the end of that
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