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Helena54 is offline  
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27-06-2013, 06:06 AM

Morning - Dogsey Daily Thread - Thursday

Good morning all you Dogsey Peops

I can't believe I just had to sit here for a couple of minutes, stare out the window, to think what day it is, but I finally decided on Thursday, so I hope I'm right Who cares anyway

Beautiful, beautiful summer's morning, not a leaf stirring out there, the bees are already busy, the sun is shining and the birds are singing and up early, it's definitely gonna be a hot one darn sarf, hope yours is too.

Dave home tonight cos he's given himself tomorrow off, and he seems very pleased that I've got a plasterer coming to give us a price for the outside wall that needs fixing and rendering, along with a carpenter who's going to hang the final 4 internal doors, cos Dave's had enough, and so have I, and with the professionals, you get an in and out job they'll probably be gone in a day or two at the most, jobs done, and no worries for Dave each week-end. Sorted!

I'm off up to the van to meet the people in there this morning if I can catch them at home, cos they're from Dogsey and it would be nice to say hi, even though they rang when they arrived, they only spoke to Dave. I'm going into the office too to see where my i-pad is that I've won along with my £250 cos they're a bit slow on handing it over They still haven't sorted that stupid gas bill out, but the manager knows it's wrong, but I want it taken off my account whilst they're sorting out a new sensible one.

Losos, Harvey my thoughts are with you this morning, you were so very very kind to me when I lost dear Cassie, I will never forget that beautiful candlestick you made for her grave, and how supportive you were to me, and I know you're feeling absolutely drained and lifeless this morning, but please know that we are all here for you and feel your pain.xxxx

Jen (1) So sorry about your tragic news of your friend, I remember you posting up about her when you first heard her news, it must be terrible to think how she is now, when they were only trying to help. I do hope things improve, the family must be in bits.xxxx

Hope everyone else is on an even keel today along with the doglets, and enjoy your day.
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27-06-2013, 06:17 AM
Morning Helena. Yes its Thursday.
Not sure what its like outside here yet only just surfaced and switched the lap top on. It looks like it could be nice and bright out there I am hoping so anyway.
A nice long weekend with Dave to look forward too. Maybe you two can pop out as the jobs have come to an end.
Good luck with sorting the bill and getting your gifts today.
Are you going to spill who the Dogsey peeps are that are staying ?

Harvey just to let you know I am thinking of you all today.
Jenny thinking of you too and your friends family.
Malka I hope its been a quiet night.

Nothing much on today except treading on egg shells around Michael he came last night and my goodness is he down and grumpy. Its going to be a long haul till the 5th when he can get to see the Dr.
He will probably stay in his room that's what he usually does as he knows what a trial he can be when he is like this.
He was always such a happy child.

Hey ho never mind these things are sent to try us.
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27-06-2013, 06:20 AM
Morning Lynn, oh dear, poor Michael, and of course, I know all about treading on those eggshells here don't I. Now that he's home, let's hope he can lift himself up being around you, especially Dillon, that's what they do isn't it. You certainly have your cross to bear in life don't you
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27-06-2013, 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn, oh dear, poor Michael, and of course, I know all about treading on those eggshells here don't I. Now that he's home, let's hope he can lift himself up being around you, especially Dillon, that's what they do isn't it. You certainly have your cross to bear in life don't you
Thanks Helena won't hold my breath on that one. He's eating so that's good he usually gives up eating for a bit and I find myself trying to get him to eat which doesn't help.
I know how Gorden felt when I was like this its not easy is it ?

Lorraine just caught up with your post from last night so glad Davie enjoyed himself.
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27-06-2013, 06:26 AM
Morning all,

Well no sign of Brian, he went out last night and hasn't come back. I think he's at his friends,it's usually where he ends up when he goes on a bender.

I suspect I will be unable to go to work today. It's a pain when he's like that.

Anyway, today's plans now include the ironing, the washing, possibly tidying the office and laminating some map symbols for camp.

My thoughts are with Harvey this morning as well.
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27-06-2013, 06:28 AM
Morning Lorraine, sorry you seem to be going through some problems again with o/h, but hopefully, he'll soon be back home with his tail between his legs, maybe some flowers and chocs might be in order too. Not easy is it Lorraine, but hopefully, it's just a little blip and you'll get back on track, just like we have here. xxxx
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27-06-2013, 06:34 AM
Morning from Ireland. All quiet out there for now.

Jenny; so sorry re your friend. I hope that dr gets sued and struck off frankly as this is total incompetence. It really is and so much suffering as a result

Aching all over and hurts to breathe but this will hopefully ease. Was up sick in the night and after managed finally to keep pain relief down slept and woke with bedding etc soaked in sweat so maybe that will help! Anyone who says M.E is all in the mind should really see some of us when it is bad. Ah well!

Dogs have had a huge portion of raw chicken each so are fast asleep now, bless them!

Heard the cat flap when my two were with me so made a noise and opened the top window to see a pale streak race away. I do like to see my guests He does not like raw chicken though.

My LL was at the gate last evening when the big boy cat was seen along the lane. I called and he started running; LL amazed as he had no idea cats can be trained! Or that cats can get as huge as this one. Cats here are runty and little above vermin.

So we walk on slowly here.. staying abed today and will see how the day goes. Wait and see time
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27-06-2013, 06:43 AM
Morning Rose, sounds like you had a terrible night there, so you're wise to take it easy today, you obviously know how best to get through these episodes. Makes me realise just how lucky I am when everything is still working here, apart from a few aches and pains which are always self inflicted. You take care of yourself and get yourself better
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27-06-2013, 06:45 AM
Morning all. Thinking of you today Losos.

It's been a long day already for me. Owner's cousin here before 6.30am to sign the lease. I'd set my alarm for 6am just in case as she wanted to 'meet me downstairs' (after I tidied the whole bleedin' place up lol! Was my intention to get up, meet her and go straight off to the lake with Bella.

Anyway I was awake at 5 and thought it was stupid to try go back to sleep for less than an hour so I got us ready and took Bella and my phone with me (she was calling me when almost here).

I felt a bit sorry for Bella as we were doing sort of figures of 8 around the local blocks so's not to get too far off in case she was early. But I think today proved that it is us humans who love the 'nicer places' to walk and the muttleys don't really care - interesting smells everywhere! So she isn't going to the lake today. She's asleep on the sofa.

My forced early start has done nothing to improve efficiency I feel like I'm in a trance right now! Got some scanning in to do and have decided that I am DEFINITELY going to archive a lot more paperwork rubbish (having had to wade through so much last night). I do try not to keep anything older than 6 months but it seems to pile up so fast.

I might as well have gone swimming early for all I've not got done! However I am now starving so ....

Have a lovely day everyone and hope all 2 leggeds and 4 leggeds with ills and problems see some light soon.
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27-06-2013, 06:52 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Rose, sounds like you had a terrible night there, so you're wise to take it easy today, you obviously know how best to get through these episodes. Makes me realise just how lucky I am when everything is still working here, apart from a few aches and pains which are always self inflicted. You take care of yourself and get yourself better
Kind lady! But reading some of the posts today ... makes solitude seem fine as relationships can be so hard. Caring always costs.. All in thoughts and prayers today here ..

Age can be disappointing though....adapting is the key...I am at present a little out of my depth with this so must learn to swim again.. doggy paddle!

Coffee calls! Maybe toast as I have a wonderful selection of free bread this week...Back later!
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