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Zara's_Momma is offline  
Location: Wirral, Cheshire UK
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13-03-2010, 12:04 PM

Bitter-sweet day...

So, yesterday me and my daughter took Zara up to the beach like we do most days (depending on my work pattern etc).
We were playing quite happily on a nearby field, when I spotted two Jack Russels making their way over. I called Zara back straight away, because she is quite fearful of little dogs (she has been bitten a fair few times by JRT's).
I took a look around to try and find the dog's owners, however I couldn't see anyone, I then remembered that they probably belonged to the farm house we just passed (they have lots of little dogs that just come and go as they please).

The dogs were getting closer and circling us (not in a nasty way, I think they were just trying to establish who we were).
We began walking away, but I could feel the dogs were very close to us, so I took my water bottle out, ready to give them a little splash if they got too close (a bit mean, I know, but if they went for Zara, and she retaliated then she could easily hurt them).
So, we picked up our pace and five minutes later the dogs had gone, I let Zara off lead again. All was well, when I heard a little scampering noise coming up behind me.
The little brown and white one was following us. Before I could react, he was by my side wagging his little tail at me. Zara then came hurtling over, she stopped just next to him and barked , I know her barks well though and understood that this was just a 'who the heck are you?!' bark. He didn't react at all, just looked at her and if he could roll his eyes, he would have.
So, not wanting to encourage him to follow us (he had gone quite a distance from his home) I put Zara back on lead and started walking again. He still followed.
We got back to the main field, about 15 mins walk from were he came from and he was still with us, Zara needed a bit more of a run, so I let her off and threw the ball for her, she was very good and ignored the little dog that was sat by my side, still wagging his tail at me. At this point, I was starting to worry that perhaps he didn't belong to the farm house and he was in fact lost?
I carried on playing with Zara in the hope that the little dog would find his way back, but he was determined to stay with us. He also was desperate for me to throw the ball for him (awww). Zara was getting a little tired at this point so we started heading back to the car. I could see that she was desperate to go and have a play with him, so she wondered over, barked and then went into her best play bow! He thought it was great, so they both went charging around the field together.
It was lovely to see her so comfortable with the little dog and he was a very sweet little boy.
So, we got to the car park, I opened the boot and Zara jumped in. I then opened the door to put Zara's stuff in and the little dog jumped in and curled up on the seat next to me . At this point, I was certain that he must be lost. I saw a two women approaching, with a little group of JR and terrier crosses. I called over to them 'excuse me, is this your dog' they said he wasn't. Another guy with a little westie then came round the corner, I see him all the tim with his dog, so I called to him whether he knew who the JR belonged to, he didn't.
He had a collar on, with a tag, but I had no phone with me and I was reluctant to bring him home with me (in case I got accused of stealing him or something). Luckily, one of the ladies had her mobile, so she rang the number on his tag (no other info on it, just a mobile number).
The guy who answers says that yes, it is his dog and he must have escaped again. Apparently he was only with him 'five minutes ago' which I know isn't true because he had been with us for a good 20 mins.
So, this guy lives about 10 minutes drive from were we where, but a good 25 mins walking distance. At this point I was pretty annoyed that his dog had gone missing, but he was just sitting at home and not looking for him. It was getting cold, but the guy said he would only be 10 mins.
25 mins later, we are all still stood there with the little dog, who is shaking at this point. We also noticed the inside of his right are is red and he keeps scratching it, he also keeps coughing and is tilting his head to one side.
Anyway, EVENTULLY the guy turns up, steps out his truck, smoking a fag, he then looks at us, grunts and picks the dog up by the scruff of his neck and gets back in the car. I was even more annoyed at this point. No thank you for standing with his dog in the cold, nothing.
So, he gets in his van and before he can drive off, one of the ladies tells him that his dog's ear is looking sore. His response was 'Oh, yeah, he has seizures.' Does that really explain the tilted head, the bright red inside of his ear, the scratching and coughing?

This little dog, is honestly one of the sweetest dogs you could meet, very friendly, happy little chap plus Zara loved him. His owner obviously couldn't care less about him as apparently he is always going missing. I know if Zara was missing, I would be SO thank full to whoever found her and watched her until I could come and get her. I would be down there in a heart beat, not faffing around for half an hour!!! I'm sorry, but it really annoyed me.
I asked him if he had another little JR as his dog was running around with one earlier. He said no, he only has one . It just doesn't add up to me, don't you think it's a but of a coincidence that two JR's turn up at exactly the same time? Both running side by side???

Now, this is where the plot thickens, throughout the dog's short stay with me, I seem to recognise the two brown patches above his eyes. Only then did I remember seeing him last summer when Zara was a pup. He was by himself again and I remember worrying where his owner was. The two ladies with me told me that they have seen him on numerous occasions by himself, and last time he as also with another JR female. Their description of her matched mine. They said that last time the female was very dog aggressive, so they couldn't get near her.
So, two JR's turn up at exactly the same time, one is VERY dog aggressive, but seems fine with the JR she's with...I'm worried that they have just been dumped there? But why would he leave a collar on his dog? It only had a mobile number, no post code, address or name (his name actually turned out to be Jack).

I'm just a little confused. As I said, it just didn't add up to me, but what could I do really? I couldn't just say 'sorry, I'm not going to let you have your dog back.'
Honestly, I'm just worried about this little dog's safety. He was near two fairly busy car parks (he didn't have ANY road sense), plus a main road, the sea and a rail way line. Plus he was so, so trusting that anyone could have walked off with him .
If I see him again, what do you guys think I should do? Honestly, I would have quite happily given him a home! But I couldn't just take him if he belonged to someone else, even if that someone couldn't give two hoots about his dog.

If I do see him again, I think I'll give the guy a ring, give him a good telling off then offer to give the dog a good home.

All in all, a bitter-sweet walk, Zara got to have a good play with a dog that she would usually be terrified of and it really brought her confidence up, but a little doggle might have gone to a home were he isn't very well looked after. And what about the other little one? I didn't see where she went (as I said, I assumed they both belonged to the near by farm house).

Opinions please!
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madmare is offline  
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13-03-2010, 01:17 PM
If I were you next time I would pick him up and notify the dog warden saying if he is not claimed you will give him a good home.
Poor little mite sounds like he has an awful home so I would be tempted to remove the collar before the dog warden took him.
If the chap does really care for him he will search and pay to get him home and then JRT proof his garden, if he doesn't want him then you legally have yourself a lovely new dog and friend for Zara.
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rottietao is offline  
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13-03-2010, 01:55 PM
totally agree!!! and i'd be looking out for the other little one and do the same (even if i couldn't rehome both ) at least would be in better hands. good luck seeing them again......for their sakes !!!!
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Zara's_Momma is offline  
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13-03-2010, 02:11 PM
Thanks guys. I'm feeling a little guilty to be honest! I will take your advise, if I see him again. I will be looking out for the other one too, as will the two ladies with me. Apparently she isn't very nice though and last time one of the ladies tried to get hold of her, she almost took her hand off! I will always carry a slip lead with me from now on, that way I can try and coax her over and slip it over her head, rather than trying to clip a lead onto her collar (if she wears one, I didn't see).
I know I keep saying it, but that little dog was so, so sweet. We walked past lots of other dogs and he greeted them all with his tail wagging, I know it's really naughty of me to say, but I actually enjoyed walking with 2 dogs, Zara was so much more calm and confident, it was lovely to see. I do hope that man appreciates what a beautiful little dog he has.

I'll be down at the shore every afternoon, hopefully, so will be on 'jack watch' I will also tell the people I know down there to look out for him.
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liverbird is offline  
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13-03-2010, 02:16 PM
Totally agree with whats been said already, but the jrt sounds like he needs some medical attention too, would you be prepared for vet bills?
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rottietao is offline  
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13-03-2010, 02:19 PM
great to hear that, never know your luck -- one day perhaps!! sounds like little one that joined you was meant to be somehow;;; time will tell---- perhaps you could let us know any updates------
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Zara's_Momma is offline  
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13-03-2010, 04:19 PM
Yeah- maybe one day! I will keep you updated, don't worry! I seriously doubt I will see this little guy for a long time, last time I saw him was about June of last year and one time before that. I just really hope that I have misread the situation and that the little dog does have a good home were he is loved and cared for. If I am honest with myself, I know that isn't the case, but I would rather think otherwise.
Liverbird- IF (and that is a very big if!) the dog ever became mine, then yes, of course I would be willing to pay the vets bills to get him sorted out, he looked as if he needed it. But, as I said, I am very doubtful that I will see him for a long time, unfortunately.
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liverbird is offline  
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13-03-2010, 06:12 PM
here's hoping it's not too long before you see him again
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Vicki is offline  
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13-03-2010, 07:46 PM
If it were me, I would be back in the same place tomorrow in the hope this little dog would reappear. He would then come home with me. His "owner" obviously doesn't give a stuff.....
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Zara's_Momma is offline  
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13-03-2010, 08:41 PM
Hi Vicki!
I was down at the shore first thing this morning and there was no sign of him. I wanted to go this afternoon too, but it wasn't possible (nephew's 21st, I couldn't get out of it!)
I will be going tomorrow morning first thing and I will try to get there in the afternoon too, if I can.

As I said, I would definitely take him in, I was contemplating getting a pal for Zara anyway, but really, I couldn't just take him, could I?!
His 'owner' only lives 10 mins away, imagine if he saw me walking his dog!
Plus, if I did hand him in to the dog warden and he wasn't claimed, wouldn't he just be put to sleep? I didn't think they re-home there?

Oh, I don't know. I may be reading into it too much, but I'm very sensitive about these things. I hate the thought of animal needing help.
I think it's because a lost collie drowned on that beach last year. Collies are fairly large dogs, if he could be swept away, then a little JR would have easily drowned if he got too close .
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