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14-08-2013, 06:12 AM

Dogsey daily thread (Wednesday).

Morning everyone.
I am off to see mum later. Michael (brother ) visited yesterday and said her mood was better in as much as she wasn't moaning all the time but she did seem sad.
My SIL's BIL died last week I didn't know him mum did so Michael told her and she mentioned how she was the only one left now.
I am taking her neighbour/friend with me today.

Helena hoping Zena's paw is still doing well and her ear.
Thinking of Moyra and Lorraine still today.
Malka hope things are beginning to look better your way.
Linda hoping Loki had no more fits when home and you got a restful night.
Pat hoping you and DIL are feeling better today.

By the way that room sounds good I was reading about catching up on last nights thread.

Stay safe and have a good day everyone.
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14-08-2013, 06:23 AM
Morning Lynn and all.

Hope the visit with your mum goes well Lynn perhaps seeing her neighbour will cheer her up.

I havn't let Lily in the garden since yesterday late afternoon, but I nipped out there this morning to put some bird food out and had fleas jumping on my shoes. Its a nightmare and like something out of a horror movie. Not sure what i can do as I can't treat my whole garden it would cost a small fortune.

Another very busy day for me at work today and I will have to walk Lily instead of letting her in the garden for a wee everytime she wants to go, which is going to be hard work.

Hope your all ok. Have a good day all.
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14-08-2013, 06:23 AM

Just popping in to say I am still around, but am having major 'puter problems with Dogsey, both on Firefox and on Chrome and I am fed up fighting everything at once so might not be around much.

Hope everyone has a good day [and hope this actually posts]
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14-08-2013, 06:36 AM
Morning Bev sorry I did see the bit about the fleas.
Apple cider vinegar given to Lily as well as the garlic can help keep fleas away on the animal you can drink it too. Also just sprinkle the DE you have ordered around the shed area mind you or Lily don't breath in the dust though it gives off.
I hope the suggestions work for you.
Morning Malka sorry you are having even more problems.
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14-08-2013, 06:43 AM
Morning all Raining here today.
What a dilemma you have there with the fleas Bev Urgghhh makes me shiver.
Hope you can sort your PC out soon Malka

Now, what to do with 2 Germans in the rain?!!!
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14-08-2013, 06:51 AM
Morning Lynn, Bev, Malka and everyone

Blimey, we've only just woken up here Zena was upside down snoring her head off I even had to wake her up, this is unheard of. Sun is shining again, had a bit of rain overnight and they said it's going to be very hot, even overnight only going down to 17, but that's ok, cos I was quite chilly last night thinking summer might have been over. Not a cloud in the sky, hope you've all got the same.

All seems well with that foot and ear, even after that spot of blood appearing on the wound, which she either knocked herself or the vet picked off the scab when he was picking around in it. I dabbed it in cornflour cos that's all I had and it hasn't done it since, but I'm sticking with my quiet walks until after the week-end like he told me to.

Lynn, Hope you can cheer your mum up when you visit and will you tell her you're moving? Maybe not I suppose. Hope you're out of those blues today and that everything is going smoothly for you.

Bev, I never thought about fleas in the garden Did you get to wherever that doctor sent you to for those chest pains? I do hope so! Try and slow down a bit if you can (says me!!!! ).

Pat, hope you're feeling well enough to go to the camel park with them all today, I know how much you love it there, so enjoy yourself.

Jenny, didn't notice you about last night, hope is all ok with you, and look how the time is going, you'll soon be down here enjoying these lovely walks in the sunshine

I've been ordered to do nothing today, so that's what I'll do. Might do a few e-mails which need doing cos I still haven't got that commission I'm due, which is probably down to the fact that the park referred the guy to me for renting my van, they obviously feel I owe them for that I don't feel the same way though

Enjoy your day everyone, hope you're all ok along with the doglets.

Morning Jen, you snuck in there whilst I was typing. Hmmm, what to do with Geeermans when it's wet.....I'm sure you'll think of something, just make sure it's indoors.
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14-08-2013, 07:15 AM
Morning Jenny. I think you need to drink wine eat chocklit and play cards with the Germans today if its raining.
Morning Helena glad to her Zena's wound seems to be clearing up. Dillon sometimes looks a little sore some days if he has had a mad bounce up and down.

Slight change of plan here we are off to Suffolk I feel really bad about this but somewhere has popped up I have just seen and I would really like to look at it.
The garden is huge and it is exactly what I had imagined I would move too in my head.
Our paperwork is still sitting on the cupboard waiting to be posted to Solicitor.
More tears because I am wracked with guilt if I like this place and Gorden does too that we will pull out of the cottage sale. Poor woman due to have her baby in 4 weeks and maybe they have found somewhere but I can't keep living my life around others I have done it for so long and this is no small changing my plans for the day for someone else this is my life and happiness.
If it isn't right for whatever reason we will stick with the cottage.
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Lucky Star
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14-08-2013, 07:17 AM
Morning everyone

I didn't have a bad night, thanks Lynn . Probably because I'm exhausted - I'm not good at sleeping in the car.

The night we left Ireland, I stayed up to do last minute packing and cleaning and had an hour's sleep before we had to get up at 2.30 am. We left the house at 4.30 am and had to drive around 3 hours to the ferry. Then we had a 4 hour sailing to arrive in Wales at 1 pm, then got home at 7.30 pm (we stopped for lunch and to give Loki a break).

I need to find a replacement for Michael's shoe today after Loki chewed it and pop to see my mum and dad and give them the keys to the house.

We were planning to go for a meal on Friday because it's our wedding anniversary but the place we wanted to go to is closed for the summer! It's also Michael's birthday on Saturday so I need to organise stuff for that.

Good luck with this other house Lynn. You must do what is right for you.

Have a great day everyone.
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14-08-2013, 07:27 AM
Morning Lynn and fellow members,

I've spent 20 mins catching up on yesterday's news. I didn't come back on yesterday after the lunch party we went to 'cos we didn't get back until mid-evening. We had a lovely time and I came back around 4.30 to feed the dogs and then took them back with with to the party as they love the two resident dogs there. Ate far too much rich food and then suffered as it took me hours to go to sleep last night I was up early this morning to drop my son at the station for 6.50 as he's working in London today and tomorrow .... all part of the training for his new job.

Lynn - I hope you are feeling a little more positive about your move today. ((hugs)). I hope the visit to see your Mum goes well and she cheers up a little.
Helena - This enforced rest must be driving you mad but maybe, just maybe you need to take life a little slower rather than at flat-out pace Not long now 'til I come down which I'm really looking forward to.
Bev - Phone the council and they will come round and fumigate the garden. It's not as though it has been caused through any fault of your having hedgehogs resident in the garden. If you phone the Environmental Health Dept they should sort it and probably free of charge as its a council property. We bought a house about 25 years ago and it was full of fleas and the council came round and it took them about 20 minutes to spray the carpets so your garden wouldn't take long.
Moyra and Lore - My thoughts are still with you and your families ((hugs)).
Malka - I hope you can get your computer fixed.
Nippy - Those photos you posted yesterday are lovely. You and your OH look like you both have a good laugh Enjoy your day with whatever you decide to do to entertain your friends ... local museum, drive out into the country to a pub for lunch, a nice walk and cream tea. I'd be happy just to sit and watch that sea of yours coming in and out.
Hi June I hope you and the girls are doing ok. Any more news on your son and what he's being charged for?

Lots of talk yesterday on mad-horses. I too could tell some stories about trying horses out. The last one I got I had blood tested so that if after a week or so she turned lupey, I could at least check the blood to see if she had been doped. Unfortunately its not uncommon

Off to take the dogs out before going over to visit my Mum. My OH is going to drop me and the dogs off before going on to visit his Mum. Then on the way home we've got to stop in Uxbridge and collect the block off his racing car.

See you all after lunch.
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14-08-2013, 07:30 AM
Lynn - you snuck your last post in. Good luck with the house you are off to see in Suffolk. I hope its all you want it to be. ((hugs)).
LS - You too snuck in. I missed any thread on Loki chewing your sons shoe up .... oh dear, dog will be dogs Enjoy your day.
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