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madmare is offline  
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15-12-2009, 08:40 PM


I went to the dentist today as I have been having problems with a back tooth. It needs to come out but I panicked big time in the chair and wouldn't let him do it.
I have always been referred for sedation before as I used to be so dental phobic I couldn't even talk to the dental receptionist on the phone, I would end up in the corner on the floor sobbing at the thought of just speaking to them on the phone.
However with the help of my doctor and valium I have slowly built up confidence to let my lovely dentist do fillings now under local anesthetic.
Now I have this awful toothache in the very back tooth at the top which already has a huge filling in it and my dentist is not there till after christmas. I saw a very young one today who was very nice, but after x-rays said it must come out.
If he refers me for sedation I won't get it done until mid january now and I can't put up with the pain that long, but I am too scared to be awake and have it done.
He has made me another appointment for Thur morn at 9.55 to have it out under local, but I really am petrified.
I asked him lots of questions but he can't garruntee me because of the size of the tooth and the filling that the tooth will come out all in one go.
I feel so silly being like this and cross with myself as if I could have found a little courage today it would all have been over with by now, instead I am still sat here in pain.
How can I get myself through this.
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15-12-2009, 08:49 PM
Wish I could say something constructive but I can't except I know exactly how youfeel. I am severely phobic too, not just a fear a real phobia. You are not alone but that will be of little confort hopefully cyber hugs will help a little x
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15-12-2009, 08:58 PM
Awww (((hugs))) Bev, just see how Thursday goes you don't have to do anything you are not comfortable with.
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15-12-2009, 09:02 PM
Hugs Bev xxx

I can't offer anything constructive either as I'm Phobic too,could you see your GP before your appointment perhaps to make you feel a little more comfortable ?

Good luck I will be thinking of you hun xxx
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15-12-2009, 09:30 PM
I really feel for you - I am dentist-phobic as well

I was 'persuaded' by Mum to go along recently - being a bit of a control freak as well - one thing I hate is being dictated to by my own fears! I have worked really hard to get over spiders (nearly there ) but the dentist is a big one for me.....I know exactly how it started but that doesn't seem to help.

I end up a quivering wreck in the chair....literally shaking (teeth chattering as well which does not help!)

The guy I go to is really sympathetic (he has to be - last time I nearly assulted him while he was injecting the anesthetic and then proceeded to have a panic attack!)

I hope you can sort something out - have you thought about hypnotherapy?
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15-12-2009, 09:41 PM
hun I really feel for you but if im being honest.........getting it pulled will prob be far less hasstle than having a filling,

I went through all this at the end of last year with my wisdom tooth, in the end it had to be pulled, two seconds it was out, no drilling no faffing about, I felt so brave after it,
if you can stand the injections to have fillings, you can do this, its just an injection or two and a quick ...........nothing really, I cant say I even felt a tug,
its over in seconds,
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15-12-2009, 09:43 PM
I hadn't been since college----about 36 years to be precise. I hated the idea.

However I had to goto the emergency dentist and she pulled one out and it was really easy.So I got on a list and I am now having a course of treatment---same dentist as Tassle and he is very sympathetic.

My stratagy is to pretend I am elsewhere and it is not really me and to keep in mind that it will be over in an hours time. Bit like when I had Tassle!

I have to go on Friday to finish off root canal work and I just have to push the thought away till it happens. I am the same with the doctors.

I think you have to find your own special way of dealing with it.It isn't too horrific in the end--the thought is worse.

Good luck

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big paul
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15-12-2009, 09:52 PM
Not sure if this will help but i read once that if you take an i-pod to lissen to it helps take your mind off it.
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madmare is offline  
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15-12-2009, 09:57 PM
I'm glad to hear I am not alone with these extreme feeling of fear at the dentist, although I wish we could all get over it.
Thankyou also for the reassuring words.
I am just so scared something will go wrong and he will have to cut my gum and dig out bits of tooth and root because it wouldn't come out as one, and then have to stitch me up.
It also won't be over quickly if something goes wrong I could be sitting there in agony for ages. What if he gets half way through getting it out and I can't bear it anymore.

I know I know its silly thinking like this, but I can't help it I am so scared.
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rune is offline  
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15-12-2009, 09:59 PM
You won't feel a thing while you are there---just the injection going in. Honest.

I pod is a great idea.

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