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09-11-2007, 04:45 PM

someone has just threatened to kill my dogs.

I'll try and make it as short as possible but i'm in tears here, really upset.

Came in with my wee lad from school, he was at the top of the path messing about with a big stick he'd found. I opened the front door and I had Dusty with me so I let her run in but she still had her lead on. I was standing at the door so the others didn't escape but I heard Dusty yelp so I ran to see what she'd done and she'd just got her lead caught on her leg, wimp that she is, anyway while I was unclipping it Maddy and Charlie must have got past me and out of the door. Maddy (not being for a run for a week or so) must have saw her chance and Charlie just followed suit. I didn't even notice 'til I stood back up and saw them run across the road.

As you can imagine I was horrified, I shouted them and Maddy came right back in but Charlie decided to be a little sh*t and ran up towards the shops. His recall is brill on a walk but for some reason if he ever gets out the house he becomes instantly deaf.

Anyway I put the others in and went to get his lead and when I went back out the daughter of our next door neighbour was waiting for me in her car with a tirade of abuse. She said she'd just nearly ran over Maddy (that big silver viscious *******, she called her), and shouting and swearing at me in front of her 2 young children also in her car. She must have been reversing off the drive and Maddy run past. I can understand her being annoyed so I explained (calmly at first) that it was an accident, Maddy never runs out like that I know it's because she hasn't been out recently but I was willing to apologise e.t.c but she kept going on about how Maddy had went for her daughter before (er not to my knowledge, she's never went for ANY human before) and next time she saw her she was going to kill her. And she said just you wait if she ever gets out again I will kill her, wait 'til you put her out (meaning our back garden). And going on and on about how she was going to kill my viscious beast of a dog.

I have to say I felt more sorry for her 2 kids, wtf mother speaks like that in front of her children????

Anyway I threw back as good as I got but was very upset later and I went next door to the woman (her mother) and explained what had happened and that I didn't want to cause any trouble (it's my fathers house so I don't want to cause him aggro with the neighbours) but I was going to have to call the police as this is the second time she has threatened to harm one of my dogs. The other time was when Charlie was sat on OUR garden, and her daughter ran up to him screaming and he barked at her, which i'm sorry but that was her own fault entirely. But I just let that go.

Now i'm not sure if to ring the police or not, the lady next door said there was no need as it was all talk and she was only angry e.t.c, but at the end of the day there is no need for that is there? I don't want to waste police time or anything over something petty but i'm really upset about it.

Also I rang a friend as I was on my own and just wanted a bit of support only to be told 'Oh well it's your own fault anyway for not being in control of your dogs yet again', making me out to be the worst dog owner on the planet, which is now what I feel like.

Just really upset sorry for the rant. Thanx for listening. x
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09-11-2007, 04:51 PM

Defo tell the police!! and nice friend you have! blimey, maddy only ran coz she hasnt been out for ages!!!

Big hugs and kisses hun

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09-11-2007, 04:53 PM
OH God Kel, really sorry to hear this, what a Orrid vile woman to be faced with.

If it were me I would be calling the Police if not just to warn them that although your dogs got out, this woman has access to your back garden and has made threats. At least that way, if she does do anything, they will be have been prewarned that it was premeditated !!

You may have been at fault for letting your dogs run loose (accidentally) (you know my feelings on that) but even still, if it were me, even though I hate it, I would have been more inclined to try and catch the dog and hand it back, as that just makes more sense than being a total B*tch !!! There really was no need for the abuse.

{{{HUGS}}} to you and Maddy
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09-11-2007, 04:53 PM
Oh Big Hugs, I'd report the incident so there is a log but say you don't want anything done at this time but just wanted them to be aware of what was going on.
Chin up, you know your dogs aren't vicious monsters.
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09-11-2007, 04:55 PM
Aww, hun, big (((HUGS))), I'm so sorry this has happened, what with the fright of your babies getting out, then this vile women verbally attacking you, I'm not suprised your in tear, I don't blame you for wanting to report it to the police, she shouldn't be allowed to get away with it, but at the end of the day, you have to live next door to her mother, will this cause more agro for you, it's a tough decision to make, and only you can make it, I'd certainly leave it till you're a bit calmer and look at it with a clearer mind, sorry I can't be of any more help, but that's what I'd do
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kirstya72 is offline  
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09-11-2007, 04:58 PM
Take a big deep breath.
Neighbour's daughter sounds like a real horror but as her mother has said it sounds like she is all talk. Her mother sounds a bit more sensible, do you generally get on with her? Maybe she will be able to calm the daughter down.

The woman was probably angry/scared especially if she is not a dog lover, which doesn't in any way excuse her behaviour, yes your dog's got loose but it was an accident and you were trying to get them back under control.

I don't know about telling the police though as the dogs were loose so although she had no right to threaten you and the dogs and behave the way she did, maybe they (police) would come down on her side (I don't know the legalities etc)

Maybe your friend could have been a bit more supportive first before telling you off

Hope your day gets better, I know I haven't given you much in the way of constructive advice but I feel for you as my two would be off like a rocket given the chance.

Take care
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09-11-2007, 05:00 PM
Thanx guys, I think I just better calm down and then call the police in the morning, It's not like they always get out or anything like that as obviously that would make anyone mad, and Maddy was the one she was targetting, and Maddy is the one who came straight back in the house as soon as I called her in. It wasn't her fault, she didn't even bark or anything.

I really don't do well when people target my dogs.
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Sez & Amber
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09-11-2007, 05:03 PM
Definately call the police! Dogs get out occasionally, and Maddy came straight back to you. It was an accident, and surely the police wouldn't think that any of your dogs deserve to be killed for it?! No one has the right to threaten you or your family, and that includes your pets. What sort of sick, evil person would do that, especially infront of their own children?
When my JRT was a pup, someone threatened to kill him for barking all night repeatedly (it wasn't him, and we had never heard any dogs around us barking a lot ) and one day, someone threw some meat over the fence. I have no idea what was on it, but he became ill and was rushed to the vets, where they found he had been poisoned. Fortunately, with treatment he was okay, but if someone hadn't been home when he became ill it might have been a different story.
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09-11-2007, 05:03 PM
OMG , Kel thats awful , i agree with the others hun and report it straight away , big hugs hun , xdk
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09-11-2007, 05:03 PM
Oh I am so sorry.Might be worth ringing the Police and having a chat about it just incase she does do anything.It does sound though as if she has a rather large gob on her and thinks she is big and frightening shouting like that.
Wouldn't hurt to have an off the record chat with them and see what they say might make you feel a bit easier too.
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