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DavidC is offline  
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06-07-2011, 10:43 AM

So many questions - trying to prepare.

We have a date for collecting our boy, 1 month's time. Then we will be proud owners of our Portuguese Water Dog.

Thus now more questions have started flooding our minds, even the silliest little things. I'm hoping you can help.

I have now ordered the following books, based on recommendations here (Dogsey should really get them added to their referral products).
  • The Culture Clash - Jean Donaldson
  • Don't Shoot the Dog!: The New Art of Teaching and Training - Karen Pryor
  • The Rescue Dog - Gwen Bailey

I don't know whether they will answer the kind of questions I have or not. But here's some for starters.

We want him to feel part of the family, but it's all new to us, and I realise we need some boundaries.
  1. Do you let your dog upstairs? It'd never occurred to me until I heard a few dog owners mention it.
  2. Do you let your dog on the couch? Again, I kind of assumed they would, I though him cuddling up with us on the sofa would be lovely... maybe I'll think twice when I see him again and remember how big he is!
  3. When it comes to car travel, are they fine on the back seat, or do we need to put him in the boot of the car with a rail? We currently have 2 hatchback cars, which we are considering getting rid of anyway, to get a newer less costly to run kind of car. Obviously I've been considering estate type cars since we are now getting a dog. What's the norm?
    I remember the days when I used to regularly see dogs staring out the back of car boot windows, or back seat windows, but I don't seem to see that anymore, has something changed?
  4. Do you always make sure he eats after you?
  5. Do you ensure he's trained to always enter rooms after you etc?
  6. What size crate is suitable? He's about 23" at withers, and approx 25kg.
  7. I always thought he was classed as a medium size dog, but the lady at the pet shop said he's over 15kg (he's ~25kg), ergo classed as large. Is that the case?

I want to try to consider what we need to have established before he even comes in the door, and what to consider.

Thanks again,
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sarah1983 is offline  
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06-07-2011, 11:11 AM
I allowed my dog upstairs when I had an upstairs. He sleeps on the bed with me if my husband isn't there and he spends a lot of his day curled up on the couch. He's a 35kg lapdog and I love cuddling with him on the couch. Don't worry about eating before him either, it's a load of old rubbish. I've found Rupert likes to eat with us so I put his dinner down at the same time we're having ours.

I do insist on my dog being behind me when going through doors on leash. I lived in a flat when I got him and am back in one now and I'd rather go out first and make sure the coast is clear before he comes out. I don't want him scaring anyone in the communal entrance and he's dog aggressive so I need to be aware if there's another dog there. Inside the home it depends, sometimes I go through first, sometimes I'll send him through first.

I think the dominance theory stuff which all of these things come from is a load of old rubbish to be honest.
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dog_geek is offline  
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06-07-2011, 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by DavidC View Post
We have a date for collecting our boy, 1 month's time. Then we will be proud owners of our Portuguese Water Dog.

Thus now more questions have started flooding our minds, even the silliest little things. I'm hoping you can help.

I have now ordered the following books, based on recommendations here (Dogsey should really get them added to their referral products).
  • The Culture Clash - Jean Donaldson
  • Don't Shoot the Dog!: The New Art of Teaching and Training - Karen Pryor
  • The Rescue Dog - Gwen Bailey

I don't know whether they will answer the kind of questions I have or not. But here's some for starters.

We want him to feel part of the family, but it's all new to us, and I realise we need some boundaries.
  1. Do you let your dog upstairs? It'd never occurred to me until I heard a few dog owners mention it.
  2. Do you let your dog on the couch? Again, I kind of assumed they would, I though him cuddling up with us on the sofa would be lovely... maybe I'll think twice when I see him again and remember how big he is!
  3. When it comes to car travel, are they fine on the back seat, or do we need to put him in the boot of the car with a rail? We currently have 2 hatchback cars, which we are considering getting rid of anyway, to get a newer less costly to run kind of car. Obviously I've been considering estate type cars since we are now getting a dog. What's the norm?
    I remember the days when I used to regularly see dogs staring out the back of car boot windows, or back seat windows, but I don't seem to see that anymore, has something changed?
  4. Do you always make sure he eats after you?
  5. Do you ensure he's trained to always enter rooms after you etc?
  6. What size crate is suitable? He's about 23" at withers, and approx 25kg.
  7. I always thought he was classed as a medium size dog, but the lady at the pet shop said he's over 15kg, ergo classed as large. Is that the case?

I want to try to consider what we need to have established before he even comes in the door, and what to consider.

Thanks again,
wow..lots of questions

1)I let my dog upstairs as he likes to sleep near me but he sleeps on the floor not my bed. And he only goes up there at night time. You can control his access to upstairs with a baby gate. I think this is really just personal choice.

2) I dont let my dog on the sofa, i have leather sofas and dont want to risk his claws damaging it getting on and off. I also dont want to get squashed when im on it Again its personal preference. Unless your dog shows signs of aggression when you try to get them off, then I wouldnt allow them on it at all.

3) Car travel, mine is in the boot on a bed. He used to travel in the back seat with a harness seat belt on but my OH got fed up of his drool all over the sides of the doors and windows. I dont have a dog guard at the back as the seats are high and he hasnt got the strength in his back legs to climb over (hes old). However, if you decide to put him in the boot, I would suggest a dog guard.

4) My dog eats when I decide to feed him, he doesnt have set meal times either. Depends on when hes had his walk as you dont want to feed them straight after exercise because of the danger of bloat. You need to wait an hour or so after or feed them an hour or so before.

5) I have trained mine to wait for me to go first through doors and gates. This is just so he doesnt knock me flying when Im half way through I dont think its about dominance!

6) I cant help you there, I have never used crates. I have nothing against them though. Different things work for different dogs and owners.

7) I would of said at 15kg he is a medium dog! Mine is 25kg and is classed as medium breed for his synoquin supplements.

Just to add, I would do what you are comfortable with and not concentrate to much on 'doing the best thing' . As I said before different things work best for different dogs and owners, no dogs are exactly the same. You will find some things are just trail and error.

Enjoy your dog
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Moon's Mum
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06-07-2011, 11:24 AM
Brilliant book choices That'll keep ypu busy for while!

I think while you should make some allowances for a dog settling in, it is easier for a dog to settle if you set up the boundaries from the beginning and it knows what it can and can't do. If you let it up on the sofa at first then chance yu're mind, it's going to wonder why. So good idea thinking it through before doggy arrives.

1) My previous dog wasn't allowed upstairs because my mum wanted a dog free zone. Cain is allowed upstairs because it was easier than trying to keep him downstairs I think it's personal preference, although I think its easier on a dogs joints if they aren't allowed up and down all of the time.

2) Personally Cain doesn't get on the couch, but that's because he's so huge and sheds like mad! There'd be no space for me! Although i don't have a problem with most dogs getting on the sofa (with the exception of the occassional really pushy dog, or if it causes aggression/guarding issues), as long as the dog gets up when asked and gets off when told.

3) I put Cain in the boot as he's sooo big that he'd drool on my shoulder on the back seat Put them whereever they fit best, just ensure they are properly restrained i.e. seatbelt on back seat, dog crate/guards in the boot. We are considering an estate for our next car to make life easier (he currently is squished into a Nissan Micra )

4) I think making sure you eat first is a pointless old hangover from the "dominance" era. I feed Cain first, that way he's happy to lie on his bed in peace while we eat without giving us the "I'm so hungy" eyes

5) I let Cain walk through doors before me (again, the going first is an old style "leadership" rubbish), HOWEVER if I'm there before him, he is not allowed to push past. He is also never allowed to go through the front door without sitting and waiting for permission, but this is a safety thing as I don't want him running out onto the street and thinking that's ok.

6) Not sure about crate measurements, rule of thumbs is he should be able to stand up and turn around comfortably in it.

7) Personally he sounds meduim to me, I think anything over 20/25kg is large

Sounds like you're thinking things through well. i bet you must be so excited!
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Abbey is offline  
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06-07-2011, 11:24 AM
First of congratulations on your new pup - very exciting.

1) We allowed the dogs upstairs (when we had upstairs) once toilet trained.

2) On the couch is by invitation - they all understand this and very rarely go up if we're not there.

3) I like the dogs secure in the boot - so either a car cage/tailgate guard - teachingba good 'wait' is important so they don't come flying out of the car.

4) Not my dogs are fed long before we eat.

5) No....I would correct barging through a front/backdoor.

6) I use crates only whilst pups - i have 3 different sizes depending on the dog/breed.

7) We have Vizslas - around 27kg - I'd class them asva medium sized breed.

With pups consistency is the key IMO.

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06-07-2011, 11:28 AM
All of your questions are mostly personal preferences. If you want him upstairs, then let him upstairs, if you want him on the couch, than let him on the couch (unless he starts guarding the afformentioned resources)... it's up to you. You're getting a non-shedding breed, so you wont have alot of dog hair all over the place.

My dogs eat when I feed them, no set time, but I do make my dogs wait lying down for their food until I say "go eat", it's only good manners. I also ask my dogs to wait going through doorways, mostly as a precaution so I dont have dogs bolting through doorways (Scout used to be really bad at that, but no longer, she waits for the "go ahead" sign.

As to the crate, you want a crate big enough that he can comfortably turn around and lay down, but not too big, though my three newest dogs live in a crate that's GSD sized together.

As to travelling in the car, again, as long as they're safe, it's a personal preference for you. Ollie travels in a car seatbelt in the passenger seat in my truck, Boo and Mouse in a crate behind the seats, Scout in a seatbelt or behind the seats if Ollie's with us too, and if zoe's in the car, she's on a passenger's lap (she gets extremely carsick so the passenger can quickly put her head out the window to puke when she has to) I plan on getting a topper for my truck so the dogs can all go back there for car rides (except Zoe)... it'll be much easier!
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DavidC is offline  
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06-07-2011, 11:30 AM
Thanks for the replies so far.

Just to clarify on size, he is 25kg approx.

And he's not a pup, he's just turned 2 years old.

Am I to glean from some of these posts that you can get dog seatbelts!?
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06-07-2011, 11:35 AM
Great that you're thinking it all through

Do you let your dog upstairs?

Yes, but only into the spare room and hall. Not into the bedrooms unless the family member whose bedroom it is specifically agrees and is going to their room anyway.

Do you let your dog on the couch?

I would advise you and your partner to decide what the 'sofa' policy is ahead of time

Maybe you want him to be allowed on all sofas? One sofa? No sofas?

Whichever it is, decide and stick to it! This is key.

If you do let him on any sofas, you should ensure that he obeys the 'off' command when you want him to get off the sofa for any reason.

When it comes to car travel, are they fine on the back seat, or do we need to put him in the boot of the car with a rail?

My dog sits on the back seat, in a car harness. I would urge you to consider this and do not let your boy travel 'loose' in the back as it's dangerous for him AND for you you.

Do you always make sure he eats after you?


Some trainers insist people feed their dogs after they eat and that this 'shows' them who is boss. I don't do it, if anything Dex eats before us!

Do you ensure he's trained to always enter rooms after you etc?

As long as my dog enters or leaves a room/place calmly, he can walk in front of me.

When we finish a walk and enter the house, I want him going in before me as the last thing I want is for him to suddenly spy a cat from the corner of his eye just as I am ahead of him walking through the door
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IsoChick is offline  
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06-07-2011, 11:39 AM
1. Our two (Boxers) are allowed upstairs when I am there. Frankly, all they want to do is find some clean washing and roll all over it, or smoosh their jowels on the windows, so I'd rather they didn;t!

2. On the couch by invitation only. Mainly cos they are huge and take up so much room. In the winter they are very determindly couch-bound, however this time of year they would rather mooch round the garden or sleep on the cool tiled floor.

3. We have previously had 4x4's and estates; and the dogs travelled in the boot mostly. Smooshy bed down (old quilt) and that was it. We have gone down to 2 smaller more economical cars. Both boys have seatbelt harnesses and sit on the (covered) back seats. We've done some fairly longish drives like this (5 hours) and they tend to fall asleep.

4. My 2 breakfast earlier than me (as I'm feeding all our other animals) and they eat their tea pretty much at the same time, e.g. I fill their bowls just before we eat, then we take our plates into the dining room/living room and they eat in the kitchen. Stops whining/drooling/hungry puppy eyes!

5. Hhmmm, doors are a funny one. Since we don't use a front door (side/back door only) I let them out before me. Saves smashed knee caps and squashed feet! They can, and do 'sit and wait' at doors/gates/stiles etc if required; but I don't really enforce it at home.

6. I don't crate ours anymore (no room for an elephant sized cage!!) however have used the largest sized crate available before (Great Dane sized) as I wanted them to have as much room as possible (when we had a single dog).

7. I would class 15kg as medium.... both my 2 are over 25kg, and I'd err on the side of caution and call them medium as well!
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06-07-2011, 11:39 AM
  1. Do you let your dog upstairs? It'd never occurred to me until I heard a few dog owners mention it.
It's a matter of personal choice, I choose not to, they sleep in the utility room. They only go upstairs to have a bath, which is once in a blue moon. I don't have a stair gate to stop them, they don't even show an interest anymore.
  1. Do you let your dog on the couch? Again, I kind of assumed they would, I though him cuddling up with us on the sofa would be lovely... maybe I'll think twice when I see him again and remember how big he is!
Again it's personal choice, my lot are not allowed on the sofa's in the lounge but they are allowed on the sofa in the conservatory and they do know the difference.
  1. When it comes to car travel, are they fine on the back seat, or do we need to put him in the boot of the car with a rail? We currently have 2 hatchback cars, which we are considering getting rid of anyway, to get a newer less costly to run kind of car. Obviously I've been considering estate type cars since we are now getting a dog. What's the norm?
    I remember the days when I used to regularly see dogs staring out the back of car boot windows, or back seat windows, but I don't seem to see that anymore, has something changed?
Mine all travel either between a dog guard and tailgate guard in the boot or the little ones are crated on the back seat. The crates are soft crates and are anchored down. They don't attempt to claw their way out otherwise they'd need metal crates. I wouldn't allow any dog to travel unrestrained and I wouldn't want to trust a seat belt clip and harness arrangement in the event of an accident. A flying dog would kill you if it was thrown forward by impact etc. Safer for all concerned to restrain them properly.
  1. Do you always make sure he eats after you?
NO it's a load of old tosh, they eat at their feeding time and I eat when hungry, just train him not to beg for food.
  1. Do you ensure he's trained to always enter rooms after you etc?
Manners are good but again it's a load of tosh to say they feel superior if allowed through first. I expect them not to knock me flying in their haste and I expect them to wait if told to but I don't always want to go through the door either before or after them.
  1. What size crate is suitable? He's about 23" at withers, and approx 25kg.
I would say a 42" crate which is about 31" tall. Doghealth do good strong ones.
  1. I always thought he was classed as a medium size dog, but the lady at the pet shop said he's over 15kg, ergo classed as large. Is that the case?
My staffie is 18kgs and he's a midget but you can call him large if you want to, I still call my Dobermanns medium and the big one is 46kgs and 27" at the withers. I guess I could call them large

Hope that helps
I have no idea why all the numbers changed to 1 oops
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