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lynnb is offline  
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26-02-2012, 12:25 AM

Not again

Some of you might remember that i had a heart attack about 2 years ago, very scarey but i was lucky in that is was a very minor artery and they put in a stent, there was also no lasting damage to my heart.
Well since then i have stopped smoking 6 months ago now, my 2rd and lasting attempt and reduced my cholesterol from 5.7 to 4.1 with the help of statens.
At 3.30am last wednesday i was woken with what i thought was heart burn, but it got worse, i realized it wasn't just wind ,i was also on my own ken was working nights last week, so phoned my son who came straight away then rang for an ambalance. my son got there first.
The paramedics did all the tests and said nothing was showing up, but i had better be checked out.
To cut along story short they had to wait for the results of the emzyme blood tests to tell if i had had a heart attack .
When the result was yes.I think they were very surprised.
So i have had to have another stent put in, it just doesn't seem fair, i'v tried to do all the things i'v been told to do but it still wasn't enough to prevent this happening again.
I'm only 53 and on my 2 heart attack, oddly enough my twin sister had a heart attack 4 months ago.
We are now being told its all to do with genetics.
How does that prevent it happening again.?
It all seems to have happened so quickly.
I had the attack, on wednesday, had my op on friday,and they sent me home friday evening saying i was now ok.
But i'm frightened and very tearful and don't know who to turn to and of course its the weekend.
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EllesBelles is offline  
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26-02-2012, 12:39 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this.

I work in veterinary science rather than human biology, but if its the same, then all the doctors can really do is advise you on how to reduce the chances of heart attacks.

Stick with what you are doing, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible. Unfortunately, if your heart attacks are genetic, they may well happen anyway. Being healthy will help your body to cope with them, though, and could prevent another one.

Have you got a number to dial in an emergency, for over the weekend? That could make you feel better. I'm surprised they let you out so fast, but that is a very good sign - you recovered fast, and they now consider you okay. It's a good thing, although I can appreciate why it doesn't feel like one.
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Northernsoulgirl is offline  
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26-02-2012, 12:50 AM
I'm sorry to hear this too. Life just isn't fair at times is it? half the population are smoking and eating themselves silly and seem to suffer no real hardship, other people who look after themselves suffer like yourself. You are doing the right thing though, the healthier you are the better able you will be to weather these attacks I would think. It must be very scarey for you, I wish I could help you, but for what it's worth am thinking about you and wishing you well.
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Magpyex is offline  
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26-02-2012, 02:08 AM
Really sorry to hear this, I have the same problem in my family too. It seems so unfair that you can do everything 'right' and it still isn't enough. My mum was told the same thing by a doctor a few years ago - that she could lose the weight, eat more healthily, do more cardio exercise and she'd still be at risk because it's a genetic problem for our family rather than a problem brought on by an unhealthy lifestyle.

For what it's worth, my thoughts are with you. You really need someone to talk to who can empathise - have you thought about a support group? If you ask at the hospital I'm sure they could put you in contact with a local support group you could go to. It might sound silly but talking with people who are in similar situations might help
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youngstevie is offline  
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26-02-2012, 07:28 AM
Sorry to hear this......... just wanted to send some (((hugs))) and wishing you a speedy recovery xx
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Chris is offline  
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26-02-2012, 07:40 AM
No wonder you are scared and worried - the doctors didn't do a very good job of reassuring you, just packed you off home with an 'it genetic' diagnosis.

I'm no expert and don't have a lot of experience of this, but what you are doing by living a healthy lifestyle will be considerably reducing any risk.

Another thing that is really likely to help is more positive thinking - which is where a support group would very likely be a major help to you. Worrying and feeling low always makes us more prone to all sorts of illnesses. You may be fighting a genetic predisposition, but the key word is 'fighting' - you haven't lost!

You are aware of the signs and symptoms. You know when to get help. Make your everyday life as happy as it can be so that worry and stress fade into the background. Live your life, don't spend it worrying 'what might be' because 'what might be' may never happen.

For what it's worth, my old boss had a genetic pre-disposition to heart problems. Her first attack came in her early fifties and she had more after that. Unfortunately, I lost contact with her some 8 years ago when we both moved to different areas, but at that time she was 68 and still going strong.

Hopefully, you've got many years in front of you. Enjoy 'em. Life is too short for any of us to spend our time worrying about what might be

Big hugs xxx
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Lou is offline  
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26-02-2012, 07:41 AM
Bless ya! *Hugs*

Wishing you a speedy recovery xx
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Vicki is offline  
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26-02-2012, 08:23 AM
If it's genetic, then the attacks are pretty much out of your hands.

However, the stronger your body is, the better it will cope. I'm thinking this is why you were discharged so quickly.

Keep up the good work hon, we're here if you need us....

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Fernsmum is offline  
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26-02-2012, 09:34 AM
My husband has never been overweight or smoked , he has always led a healthy lifestyle and there is no family history of heart problems . Both his parents lived to be over 80 . He had no high blood pressure and his cholesterol was fine . Suddenly when he was around 53 he began having mild chest pains . Although the Doctor thought everything was fine he referred him to the cardiology department just to be on the safe side .
We were horrified to discover his coronary arteries were as bad as they could be . He was booked for a heart bypass x 5 but in the end they did a bypass x 4 . That was 5 years ago .
He has had a very positive attitude ever since . He took early retiremet even though he could have kept on working . He wanted more time to enjoy himself ! Since then he plays a lot of golf . he goes swimming and has recently been on an 8 week holiday to New Zealand . Today he is away with a friend to watch one of the international rugby matches .
My advice to you would be try to enjoy your life . There is no point beating your self up asking why this has happened . Be kind to yourself and have fun . Do as many things you like doing as you can . I think having a positive attitude helps .
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Nippy is offline  
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26-02-2012, 09:45 AM
Hi Lynn, just wanted to send you loads and loads of hugs.
We are all here for you and thinking of you.

From experience I know that if there is the slightest problem the ambulance service never mind a 999 call to make sure all is well, especially for someone with your history.
Take care honey xx
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