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Dogsey Veteran mo is Female


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Location: Manchester

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About me

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Name: Maureen Boyd
Male or Female: Female
Type of dog/s owned: Alaskan Malamutes
Prev Breeds owned: Samoyeds, and mixed breeds
Has owned dogs for: More than 20 years!
Dog's owned: 5
Dogs owned over the years: 6 - 10
I have trained dogs to: An intermediate level (10 commands or more)
Believe in using positive training methods?: Yes - but I will raise my voice if I have to
Have you ever shown any of your dogs?: Yes have been for8 - 15 years
Have you ever bred your dog?: yes - I am an ethical breeder who breeds an occasional litter to further my breed only
Pet Insurance: Yes my dog/s are insured
Marital Status: Married
Children / Grandchildren: 1 Daughter
Drives: Ford Transit van fitted out inside with cages, and a sleeping area for when staying over at rallies


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