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Dogsey Veteran chaz is Female


Location: South Oxfordshire, England

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About me

I grew up in a house surronded by animals, mainly dogs, which varied in size from Trampus a Deerhound to a little Smooth haired Fox terrier called Dennis, and loved every minute of it, I was also in a home with a few cats too, unfornatly two were trapped in a house fire, one went to live wild, and never came back, and up to a few years ago I still saw him, but he had devoleped a deep fear of humans after that, the other a calico and white stayed, but she didn't like to live in the house so much after that, since then I have had more cats, mainly Moggies, but I also had a Ragdoll and a Maine coon cross, and now have a love for both breeds. Along of course with rabbits, and from a early age a admiration for any English rabbit came about. I now live in out numbered by pets, with Honey and Diesel the dogs, and my lil pets, Misty and Magic the chinchillas, who were unwanted, and came to me last year with bad feet, but they are now better and so lovely, they can keep me amused all night with their little conversations to each other, and Drew, who are of course my English rabbits, Drew came to me as a unwanted bun, his previous owners had heard that you can only get black and white English, oh well, their loss, I also had a beutiful young girl called Nancy who I got from a great breeder up in Wales. Each of them was more then a pet to me, they all helped make my life complete, unfornatly I lost Nancy in my arms on the 31st March 2010, I will never forget her, she was everything I could want her to be and more, and I never got to spend enough time with her. Recently I also picked up a rare variety tri colour English doe aswell, who is called Harmony, and even if I do say so myself she is a gorgeous solid marked rabbit, and a colour that I had been wanting for a long time :) I suppose I should also talk about me too :D, in the recent years I have been studying animals, it started at college, and was going great, until I rehomed a Bull terrier I got from work, things went wrong, and I got injured, meaning that I had to stop after a while, I did go back, but at the time my hand was too injured, and after having the physio therapy I had missed so much, but I got a qualifaction, and last year went to do a apprenticeship at a wildlife hospital for six months, because I wanted to finish a course based on animals, even if half way through I found out that it was a lower qualifaction then I already had lol. I also have a few hobbies, I love moto-x, but haven't been riding since I had my quad stolen, but occainsly now go to Culham park with the dogs to watch it, and get more involved again, and if I can ever get another quad, ideally a Quadzilla Shark or Polaris Pheonix I would get one in a heart beat, I also like photography, I might not be any good, but that doesn't stop me :p and I also admire any working dogs, particulary schutzhund, and would love in the future either a Malinois or a English Bull terrier to train in such a way, as how the dogs move, and the displine of the sport amazes me.

My Interests

Shopping, talking, photograpghy, dogs.

Name: Charlie
Male or Female: Female
Type of dog/s owned: Lurcher and Longdog
Prev Breeds owned: Bull terrier, Deer hound (family pet), Whippet (family pet), GSDs (family pet's), Jack Russels (family pet's), Heinz 57s (family pet's), Smoot
Has owned dogs for: 9 to 20 years
Dog's owned: 2
Dogs owned over the years: 3
I have trained dogs to: An intermediate level (10 commands or more)
Believe in using positive training methods?: Yes - but I will raise my voice if I have to
Have you ever shown any of your dogs?: No I do not show
Have you ever bred your dog?: no
Pet Insurance: No my dogs are not insured
Marital Status: Single


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