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Administrator Azz is Male


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Location: South Wales, UK

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About me

Not much to tell really :p I've been the admin of this forum for over a decade now and I've really enjoyed getting to know loads of really great people. I also enjoy putting up sites like this where people can go and not only get the info and support they need, but have a bit of fun along the way too :-) I hope you enjoy your time here :)

My Interests

Dogs, Cats, BIG cats *grin* animals, people friends and family (oh and cars and home electronics)

Name: Az
Male or Female: Male
Type of dog/s owned: A big softy!
Prev Breeds owned: Parents owned a Dobe.
Has owned dogs for: 1 to 3 years
Dog's owned: 1
Dogs owned over the years: 1
I have trained dogs to: A high level (more than 20 different commands)
Believe in using positive training methods?: Yes - but I will raise my voice if I have to
Have you ever shown any of your dogs?: No I do not show
Have you ever bred your dog?: no
Pet Insurance: Yes my dog/s are insured
Drives: Aston Martin (in my dreams!)
Welcome code: 123


My Dogs!


06-12-2015 12:26 AM

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