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Dogsey Veteran IanTaylor is Male


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Location: Aberdeen, Scotland

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About me

Into the 40's now so just the beginning if what they say is true. And also at the beginning of what I hope will be a long happy life with Laura (Luz) who I have Dogsey to thank for us coming together. Wound down the mountaineering a bit now due to an injury to my foot, so now just enjoy nice walks with the dogs and other outdoor stuff like fishing, camping etc. Work pays the bills and isn't too bad, the shift pattern making it barable due to the number of days off I have to enjoy my other interests. Also leaves me plenty of spare time to keep you all entertained here on Dogsey.

My Interests

Mountaineering, camping, coaching kids football, cooking, chilling out

Name: Ian
Male or Female: Male
Type of dog/s owned: Labrador Retrievers
Prev Breeds owned: Have owned several X breeds. Special mention has to go to Jess, my Lab X who was my mountaineering buddy for almost 13 years. Sadly missed :-(
Has owned dogs for: More than 20 years!
Dog's owned: 2
Dogs owned over the years: 6 - 10
I have trained dogs to: An intermediate level (10 commands or more)
Believe in using positive training methods?: Yes - but I will raise my voice if I have to
Have you ever shown any of your dogs?: No I do not show
Have you ever bred your dog?: no
Pet Insurance: Yes my dog/s are insured
Marital Status: in LTR
Children / Grandchildren: 2 Sons 1 Daughter
Drives: Renault Laguna Sports Tourer


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