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Almost a Veteran Fourlegz is Female


Location: Yorkshire

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About me

I was never allowed a pet as a child so I left home at age 17 and bought myself a puppy. A beautiful GSD with pretty eyes and a super temperament. My happiness was short-lived. She developed anal furunculosis and died aged five and a half. Whilst we had her we inherited another GSD bitch from my then brother-in-law. A lovely long-coat but nasty with strangers. These days she'd be destroyed. She lived until her back end gave up aged eleven. Dogless and without a sense of direction I left home again which culminated in my divorce two years later. I then landed my dream job - working in boarding kennels! I absolutely loved it. Quite a substantial establishment taking dogs and cats as well as a long standing trimming & grooming room. I learned A LOT! By this time I had met my current partner and eventually after much discussion moved area which was the end of my kennels career to date. I did however, acquire along the way, two more dogs - a cavalier and a GSD crossbreed plus five cats! We have lived in our current dwelling for fifteen and a half years and are down to one elderly cat and our new (nine month old) puppy. Losing a pet is always a sad and upsetting time but losing our GSD cross was heartbreaking. She had been an absolute smasher and having her until she was seventeen had made us feel as though she was indestructible. Her back end simply gave up - although her mind was as sharp as ever. The day she left us to make her journey over the bridge, she ate a full roast chicken - something we would never usually allow- but we knew that she had a contentedly full tummy to send her on her way. Our new puppy is a bundle of fun and having graduated from puppy-class we are moving on to intermediate training. She's doing rather well even if I do say so myself!

My Interests


Name: Fourlegz
Male or Female: Female
Type of dog/s owned: Husky GSD x
Prev Breeds owned: 2 x GSD & 2 x GSD cross
Has owned dogs for: More than 20 years!
Dog's owned: 1
Dogs owned over the years: 4 - 6
I have trained dogs to: An intermediate level (10 commands or more)
Believe in using positive training methods?: Yes
Have you ever shown any of your dogs?: Yes have been for 1 - 3 years
Have you ever bred your dog?: no
Pet Insurance: Not insured yet but am looking into it
Marital Status: in LTR
Drives: Land Rover


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