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Dogsey Veteran Lottie is Female


Location: Sheffield

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About me

I had wanted a dog from the age of 3, but at 17 I finally got my first dalmatian, Takara, a little liver and white bitch from a local breeder who is a fantastic support. Takara was an early 18 birthday present and is my pride and joy, she is now six years old and has participated in agility (we had to stop due to my mobility) and obedience and we used to compete successfully at conformation shows. I could never have imagined how much Takara changed my life, she brought me out of a depression, encouraged me to leave the house, became an avenue for me to get out and see things I've never seen before in my life. Eddy (dalmatian) entered my life aged 11.5 years. His owner was emigrating and leaving him here. He died 4 years later on May 14 2010 at 15 and a half years of age and left a huge hole. Bubble, my deaf dalmatian, arrived in November 2009. She is now 2 years old and a little darling. Beans the JRT was in the rescue that I volunteer at. I go up to train the dogs there and he had been returned to the rescue due to dog aggression. The rescue asked if I would take him home for a week to work with him, and he never left again. There was not an aggressive bone in his body, he was just an excited pup who barked when he couldn't get to say hello to other dogs. Sadly, he had just 4 weeks with us before he developed epilepsy and had to be put to sleep when he suffered multiple seizures and he didn't respond to medication. He was only a baby but was needed at the bridge, to join the angels. Most recently I've acquired Timmi - another failed foster dog! Nobody wanted him so he stayed... He's mental. I owe a lot to my dogs, they are the reason for many things, me setting up my own company, finding my vocation and they are my best friends.

My Interests

dog training, dog shows, animals, dancing, drama, music and French!

Name: Lottie
Male or Female: Female
Type of dog/s owned: 2 dallies and a lurcher
Prev Breeds owned: Dalmatians Terrier-Lurcher Jack Russell Terrier heinz57
Has owned dogs for: 4 to 8 years
Dog's owned: 2
Dogs owned over the years: 4 - 6
I have trained dogs to: A high level (more than 20 different commands)
Believe in using positive training methods?: Yes
Have you ever shown any of your dogs?: No I do not show
Have you ever bred your dog?: no
Pet Insurance: Yes my dog/s are insured
Marital Status: Single
Drives: Citroen Berlingo


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