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19-09-2013, 05:13 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread Thursday.

Morning everyone.
Weather dry here at the moment. I do believe the weather is meant to be nice for a few days I am looking forward to that.

I am not sure if I will be around much today so will possibly leave you to chat amongst yourselves.
A couple of things happened yesterday which have put me back and in a bit of a dark place again so I will spend today trying to haul myself once again out of the black hole I seem to keep finding myself in.
I did enjoy my catch up with my friend though just a shame it all went downhill when I got home.

To all the poorly people hoping you feel better soon and any pets that maybe under the weather.

Sally thank goodness your father was relieved from having to go to the Korean war. Sad about your not so nice Step-mother.
Good news on the foot front.
Sorry to hear about your friend June my friend I met up with yesterday is also going through some awful stuff. We make a right pair when we meet up.
jenny lovely pictures on the other thread.

Might catch you later.
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19-09-2013, 06:18 AM
Morning Lynn and everyone.

Sorry to hear you've been plunged back down in the depths again there Lynn, but hopefully, something will happen to help you out of your black hole. As Dave says, there's a limit to how many slaps in the face somebody can take isn't there xxxx

Sally, just read your story on catchup daily, and I guess that SSAFA woman was an angel sent to divert the course of your life back onto the right track, lucky old you. I too have a bunion caused by a cheap old pair of Tesco trainers I once used for dog walking When it's painful like that, if you pull your big toe back out straight the pain will go if you hold it there for a while.

The neighbour came round last night and Zena was an absolute nightmare with her, but it was dark when she came to the big gate, and my ball trick with her didn't work, she jumped at this woman and wouldn't calm down When I eventually calmed her down as we sat by the puter to do the letter, this poor woman kept getting the slimey squeaky ball plonked over the arm of the chair into her lap. She thought it was funny, but I was getting quite annoyed with Zena wanting to be the centre of attention, so I made her lay down by us, plonked the ball between her legs and told her to stay, which she did. Then she went all silly and was writhing about upside down on the floor Oh this dog is soooooo embarrassing at times.

The guy we're helping out with these objection letters has said that if we win our case with the planners, he's going to take us all out to dinner - result! I hope we do win, not only for his benefit, but it will be a great night out cos I do get on well with them both.

Dave home tonight, looking forward to that, but it goes too quickly when he's home.

I've put 2lbs back on, so I cut into my giant cupcake last night and had 2 slices!!!!

Hope everyone is well today along with the doglets, and I'll catch you later, I want to get this letter of mine up on the planner's website so that it's all out of the way. Catch up later.
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19-09-2013, 06:39 AM
Morning all,

Lynn, sorry you are down, I hope you can feel better.

Helena, love the idea of an excited Zena with a new person, I'm afraid I'm one of those who would be rolling on the floor playing with her

Work for me, then cadets. It's going to be busy. I'm not in the mood for it, could do with going back to bed.
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19-09-2013, 06:42 AM
Morning Lynn, Helena and fellow members,

Very dull here but hope of a brighter day. Just got back from taking the dogs out which is earlier than normal but I'm taking my OH to have a tooth out this morning at 9, then food shopping and then a quick coffee with Polly. I need to carry on with the kitchen chair covers, but that's really a job when the weather is bad and I can't be outside.

Lynn - Huge (((hugs))) and I hope you can get yourself back on track again about the move.
Helena - Zena and her slobbery-ball-in-the-lap of your guest is so funny (providing it wasn't my guest). It's such a good trick 'cos nobody wants one on their lap so of course are going to throw it off ..... result.

I've got to shoot now as things to do, people to see

I do hope all those poorly members and dogs are feeling better today. See you all later.
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19-09-2013, 06:43 AM
Hi Lore you snuck in. I hope you have a good day and work and then cadets.
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Lynne is offline  
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19-09-2013, 07:28 AM
Morning all.
(((Hugs))) Lynn. Hope you come out of your dark hole very soon. It seems to be happening a lot lately to you doesn't it.?
LOL at Zena with the ball. When anybody comes here Taff dashes outside wanting them to follow him in the hope they will play ball.
Good luck with your OH's tooth jenny He'll no doubt expect a bit of TLC later.
The weather is brightening up here a bit after a shower earlier. Not much planned though except maybe trying to sort the back bedroom out a bit.
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19-09-2013, 07:30 AM
Morning all.

Huge hugs Lynn, I do feel for you. Just when you start to pick yourself up something else knocks you down. I've been there and I hope it sorts it's self out soon. We are all here for you, in what ever way we can be, from a distance.

Another busy Thurs, so can I just wish you all a good day and I will be back later.
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19-09-2013, 08:40 AM
Good morning fellow members just got back from shopping , have put it all away and I am off to the Drs now.

When I return I will make some leek soup for lunch. Where does the time go, I always seem to be soooo busy.

Enjoy your day everyone .
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19-09-2013, 08:40 AM

Lynn - sorry to hear that you are feeling down again - maybe if we all held hands to form a chain we could help hoist you out of that horrid black hole. (((hugs)))

jenny - I do wish you had not mention the "t" word [which seems to be the "in" thing at the moment] as I desperately need to see the "D" about one fallen-off crown [which I have and which can, hopefully, be stuck back on again], plus the crowned tooth which broke off below the gum line so crunchie knows how they will get that out - and to add more logs on the fire I woke with a problem with my upper right back molar. Well it was crowned about 40 years ago and although it is not the tooth itself that hurts, all the surrounding gum seems to be filling the side of my mouth.

- cannot remember any more, as usual. But, Da Booger did not want to go out until about 4.30am - mind you it was way past 1am when we finally got to bed - then she did not shift again until nearly 10am! Mind you I had to get up to pill her at 7am while she just laid on the bed and raised her sleepy head to take it, so I rolled over her and went back to sleep again.

I decided not to leave the dehydrator on all night, just in case... so switched it off and then plugged it in again when I finally surfaced as I think the tomatoes could do with another couple of hours.

Hope everyone has a

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tawneywolf is offline  
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19-09-2013, 09:11 AM
Pouring down here now. It has rained overnight and was just finishing off in the yard and it started
Hope it disappears soon so's I can get everyone out and sorted.
Lynn I hope you are OK, missed you last night and was hoping you were alright, but you're not are you.
Jenny are you going to have a play with a photoshop thingy, if you are successful please can I have a nidiots guide to it so's I can find out where I am going wrong!!! Best of luck with OH and the dentist today.
Malka I hope you sort that tooth of yours out somehow. I know you are in the middle of nowhere as regards doctors etc. is it the same with dentists. Good luck with the tomatoes in the dehydrator, surely they'll be done by now
Mini, you are like a one woman whirlwind, is it a Hannah-free day today. You've been out and turned the world upside down, cleaned it, and come back in, and I've only just fed the girlies and done the yard!!!!
Helena, you don't seem to have an endless list of Things To Do today, are you having a letter writing day and then doing nuffink, but then you'll find something to do won't you. Zena is being Zena, she'll always be a puppy at heart I think, and at least your visitor understood and wasn't in the least put out by her by the sounds of it. Good luck to the man who is trying to stop planning permission. Hope you get your nice meal out.
Nippy, you sound a lot better today, no high BP, poorly ears, throat etc. Hope you're getting better weather down in Devon than we are up here in t'Norf.
Lore have a good day at work and I'm sure cadets will go fine, we all have days when we don't want to get up, even when we're not working anymore, you work so hard with everything you deserve a couple of lie ins, maybe over the weekend?
TM, whats it like where you are, like I said it has just starte pouring down here, hope its passing over to somewhere else!!!
Got some phone calls to make, so I suppose I best get on with them otherwise I'll still be on the phone next week!!!
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