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26-03-2013, 06:40 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Tuesday).

Morning everyone.
Firstly apologies for not getting on yesterday I left home at 10.30 got to Gill's around 11am then we left hers at 11.40 and then the day flew by. I arrived home around 5ish walked Dillon with Gorden thought about tea and by the time all that was done I was done in especially after all my early starts recently and decorating. Gill and I had a lovely day and we laughed quite a lot which did us both good.
More decorating today and fiddly jobs. Oh gosh my head is so full of not knowing where we are going to end up living as Gorden is applying for a 1 year contract for a job in Nottingham and some other part time associate tutor jobs not sure where exactly but I do know one may mean living Shropshire way.
I like to do my research on the areas I will be so far away from anyone I know I don't want to end up living in an awful area to boot. Quiet, rural with big garden and room for veggie patch and plenty of games with Dillon will do me fine.
Dillon slept till 5.45 this morning and has been in the garden had a lie down and is now back in and sleeping at my feet. No barking or manic pacing today. When the bathroom called at 5am I looked out of the window and no cars parked up the top and none when he got me up at 1/4 to six. So I now know those cars held the problem. Yesterday was quite bad for him even my leg got the loving when I was home which is most unusual.

I have had a quick catch up on yesterdays thread and will now attempt to reply as much as my memory will allow.

Helena sorry to hear Dave is poorly I hope the x-ray gets to the root of his neck problem. I also hope you get that hospital sorted if anyone can you can.
Glad to hear Zena's paw is now well and truly on the mend and I did laugh at the taking at the socks back as they didn't stay up on your dog.
I hope the bookings start rolling in soon for the new van.
June so sorry to hear Ash sorry can't get use to to Junior was crying when he heard you yesterday hopefully he will settle now in the next few days and his tummy will settle too. You and him built quite a bond especially all the training you did together. Big (((hugs))) from me and the furry bear.
Malka I do hope that eye is feeling better today although I doubt it is looking much better at the moment.
Linda I hope you got a lie-in this morning and that Loki isn't so unsettled today. And happy birthday.
Sally lets hope poor Jimmi gets a walk today.
Lorraine thank goodness you had that assignment backed up elsewhere. Nearly Thursday.
Bev I hope you enjoyed your meal Ash cooked last night and you had a nice evening.

I feel sure I have left some of you out so big big apologies and I hope you are all feeling well and not too stressed out
and that all furry friends are are well too.

Still cold out there so stay warm and safe.
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26-03-2013, 07:08 AM
Morning Lynn. It's a late starter for me. Son is arriving on Friday so I am now busy busy busy. They've paid a fortune for tickets as it will be Easter in UK. Over £1K for economy class!

Got the handyman coming later to see what he can do about raising the height of my double bed a couple of inches ditto one armchair. Have got a raised loo seat organised and adjustable high table and stools and even got a lift in a people carrier from airport sorted so he won't have to squeeze into a BMW (nearly all taxis are beamers here).

I wrecked the place yesterday doing and starting on so many jobs at once.

Hope everyone has a good day. Hope your weather warms up soon.

Hope someone buys the pool table.
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26-03-2013, 07:33 AM
Morning Lynn, Pat and everyone

Morning Lynn, glad to hear Dillon was more settled this morning, let's hope those people don't come back to your area again to unsettle him. Glad to hear Gorden has some irons in the fire. Remember when we were looking Lynn, we managed to work our way around the whole of the country before deciding on here, I spent hours and hours on the puter looking, but somehow, it'll all fall into place when you're ready and you'll know where you're moving to won't you, when Gorden gets his position. I'm sure you can find something nice and rural no matter where he finds his job, and I really hope your house goes quickly too.

Morning Pat, you must be getting excited about your son visiting on Friday, but what a price for that ticket of his I wonder if you could use this as a good excuse to get it shifted if you ring the landlord today? You could really lay it on about the seriousness of your son's op (which it is anyway isn't it!) and the pool table being there is going to make life very, very difficult for you. Try the sympathy vote from him it might well work. Or tell him you're going to have to move it outside for fear of him hurting himself or falling over, much as you don't want to, he's far more important than a pool table Good luck with modifying everything else.

Poor Dave had a headache last night because the radiographer who he said didn't seem to know what he was doing cos he was only 12, pushed his head back to put the chin support underneath it, and of course, moving his head back like that causes his problems anyway. I told him he should have refused or at least told him he can't force his head back, but Dave isn't like that, he just does what he's told by anybody. Anyway, he's gone off to work so it must be better this morning and hopefully, the x-ray will show degenerative probs and nothing more serious. I think he really needs an MRI cos his physio lady said there's something trapped which shouldn't be, and you can't see nerves and blood vessels on an x-ray can ya!

I shall be doing my new walk up on the clifftops this morning, I love that walk, it's all very dry and we see these lovely cattle up there with the big horns, long fur and chunky legs, can't think what they're called, but they're very docile creatures and one came over for a scratch yesterday

Don't know what else I'll be doing today, but it'll probably involve rushing around here and there, and I've got a few phone calls to make, so I'm sure it'll be another busy one.

Hope you're all ok along with the doglets and I'll catch yer later
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26-03-2013, 07:36 AM
Helena did all that on the phone to the owner yesterday - telling him I need the space blah blah. It will be going outside.

Dagnammit - just heard the banks are not opening today - it will be Thursday now.

They really are making themselves look as if they can't get anything right at any time - let alone in a time of crisis. This is just going to make the long suffering people get more cheesed off. Especially if they have made a trip to the bank this morning specially.
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26-03-2013, 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Helena did all that on the phone to the owner yesterday - telling him I need the space blah blah. It will be going outside.

Dagnammit - just heard the banks are not opening today - it will be Thursday now.

They really are making themselves look as if they can't get anything right at any time - let alone in a time of crisis. This is just going to make the long suffering people get more cheesed off. Especially if they have made a trip to the bank this morning specially.
Good, put it outside, it could be months couldn't it, just like those banks of yours It was the main story on the news last night that they had changed their minds about the opening day, put it off till Wednesday, then during the news, they put it off till Thursday, so who knows when they might put it off until from here? Such a nightmare for you.
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26-03-2013, 07:59 AM
Morning Lynn, Pat, H and all

I am glad you had a good day yesterday Lynn. Had to laugh at the thought of Dillon and your leg. At least you know now why he is behaving the way he is.

I can't believe how much those air fares are to Cyprus, although with this ongoing cold here I would imagine a lot of people are keen to go somewhere warmer for a change. When on earth is this pool table going to depart. You should be having a rent reduction for the room it is taking up!.

The banks aren't opening until Thursday in Cyprus because they are afraid everyone will try to take out their money at once, I am mystified as to how opening on Thursday will make any difference, unless there is a lot of money being transferred to the banks to prop them up.

Poor Dave, shame you weren't with him as the young radiographer would have known all about it H. Enjoy your cliff top walk, hope you have your thermals on as it is very cold out there!

It's going to be a bit of a groundhog day here, repeat of Sunday, fiddling with this dratted caravan. I will probably find I haven't switched a vital switch!

Have a good day all.
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26-03-2013, 08:05 AM
Morning Lynn and fellow members,

Lynn - That is incredible that you've managed to associate Dillon's behaviour with that car (and dogs from it obviously ) Well what a relief to you that it wasn't there this morning and Dillon appears calm - less him. Thank goodness for your sanity too. ((Hugs)). So glad you had a lovely day with Gill yesterday and a good laugh which was probably very therapeutic for you both.

Pat - How exciting for you that your son is coming over on Friday but what a price It is so naughty that all the travel prices get hiked up just when the demand is greatest - I really don't understand that as once a plane is full, it's full You've asked so many times that you need the pool table moved, I would honestly leave a message to say you are putting it outside on Thursday if it still hasn't been moved as you need the space now. I bet he'll soon come and get it. It is unbelievable what is happening with your banks, and no doubt when they do eventually open on Thursday everyone will take out the max they are allowed to.....I certainly wood.

Helena - So sorry about Dave's neck I think X-ray is always the first thing they do and decided after the results of that whether an MRI is necessary. If nothing bony does show up I would really push for an MRI - it's not worth messing around with necks Enjoy your walk 'up-top'. Do you mean 'highland cattle' the ones with long rust coloured coats and enormous horns?

Malka - I hope the swelling has started to subside and you are in less pain today.

No doubt by the time I post this more members will have posted - so good morning to you as well.

Busy day for me. Off to walk dogs shortly and then over to visit Mum (meeting my brother there) as we have a meeting to go over Mum's care plan at present. This afternoon we intend to lay the utility room flooring so that washing machine etc can all be pushed back properly against the wall.
Take care and keep warm.
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madmare is offline  
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26-03-2013, 08:12 AM
Morning lynn and all,

Yet another freezing cold day and no sign of any let up in the forecasts.
Ash cooked a lovely meal last night and also done all the washing up. Charly has got a good one there thats for sure.

I stopped Lilys painkillers so she had none yesterday and she managed her little walks round the block without any limping so I took her a bit further this morning and she semed absolutly fine so I think she had either strained something or trapped a nerve where the vet found her a bit tender along where her spine joins her pelvis. She said that can sometimes cause the type of pain and lameness Lily had.

Heard from Charly last night and she said she was enjoying the trip but was very tired so having an early night. Ash said he had spoken to her and apparently they had lost one of the uni students and didn't know if she had got left behind at a stop on the way somewhere as nobody had seen her for sometime .

Lynn my friend who is a teacher is signed with an agency round here and is getting inundated with teaching work and a couple of schools have asked her to stay with them on a permanent basis. She has refused as she likes to work when she wants to but she is definetly getting offered placements every day. I hope Gordon can get something soon and i can find out what agency she is with if you like.

Hope Dave's x-ray results show nothing to worry about H and I am glad Zena seems fine now.

Malka i hope you are feeling better today.

Take care all and keep warm.
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Lynn is online now  
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26-03-2013, 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Morning Lynn. It's a late starter for me. Son is arriving on Friday so I am now busy busy busy. They've paid a fortune for tickets as it will be Easter in UK. Over £1K for economy class!

Got the handyman coming later to see what he can do about raising the height of my double bed a couple of inches ditto one armchair. Have got a raised loo seat organised and adjustable high table and stools and even got a lift in a people carrier from airport sorted so he won't have to squeeze into a BMW (nearly all taxis are beamers here).

I wrecked the place yesterday doing and starting on so many jobs at once.

Hope everyone has a good day. Hope your weather warms up soon.

Hope someone buys the pool table.
Morning Pat what lovely news about your son visiting. What a dreadful price for the tickets.
Good luck with all those jobs today and sorting that pool table outside it will have to go and if the weather gets it which i'm sure it won't it be his own fault not yours.

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn, Pat and everyone

Morning Lynn, glad to hear Dillon was more settled this morning, let's hope those people don't come back to your area again to unsettle him. Glad to hear Gorden has some irons in the fire. Remember when we were looking Lynn, we managed to work our way around the whole of the country before deciding on here, I spent hours and hours on the puter looking, but somehow, it'll all fall into place when you're ready and you'll know where you're moving to won't you, when Gorden gets his position. I'm sure you can find something nice and rural no matter where he finds his job, and I really hope your house goes quickly too.

Morning Pat, you must be getting excited about your son visiting on Friday, but what a price for that ticket of his I wonder if you could use this as a good excuse to get it shifted if you ring the landlord today? You could really lay it on about the seriousness of your son's op (which it is anyway isn't it!) and the pool table being there is going to make life very, very difficult for you. Try the sympathy vote from him it might well work. Or tell him you're going to have to move it outside for fear of him hurting himself or falling over, much as you don't want to, he's far more important than a pool table Good luck with modifying everything else.

Poor Dave had a headache last night because the radiographer who he said didn't seem to know what he was doing cos he was only 12, pushed his head back to put the chin support underneath it, and of course, moving his head back like that causes his problems anyway. I told him he should have refused or at least told him he can't force his head back, but Dave isn't like that, he just does what he's told by anybody. Anyway, he's gone off to work so it must be better this morning and hopefully, the x-ray will show degenerative probs and nothing more serious. I think he really needs an MRI cos his physio lady said there's something trapped which shouldn't be, and you can't see nerves and blood vessels on an x-ray can ya!

I shall be doing my new walk up on the clifftops this morning, I love that walk, it's all very dry and we see these lovely cattle up there with the big horns, long fur and chunky legs, can't think what they're called, but they're very docile creatures and one came over for a scratch yesterday

Don't know what else I'll be doing today, but it'll probably involve rushing around here and there, and I've got a few phone calls to make, so I'm sure it'll be another busy one.

Hope you're all ok along with the doglets and I'll catch yer later
Morning Helena poor Dave I do hope the neck will be alright after his driving all that way and then working. Honestly some people how do they get or keep these jobs.
Enjoy the walk it sounds nice. You are braver than me stroking the cattle. Are they the Highland cattle I thought they had long horns and were shaggy.

[QUOTE=Tangutica;2677343]Helena did all that on the phone to the owner yesterday - telling him I need the space blah blah. It will be going outside.

Dagnammit - just heard the banks are not opening today - it will be Thursday now.

People will be getting mightily annoyed very soon I can imagine.

Well I spoke to soon one of the cars that pulls up pulled up later today so 6.30 off he goes pacing, whining, scratching at the door and barking if in or out. So we donned out coats and took him out just before 7 now if it was a nice warm spring morning I wouldn't mind but when its freezing your face off weather still I get a tad miffed. Still home now and he is settled and waiting for breakfast.

Gorden has put my mind at rest a bit we are still going to head towards the top end of North Lincs or bottom end of Derbyshire and if he gets the Notts job we are not to far away for him to travel and if he doesn't and gets one of the other part time jobs he will make an early start and late finish when he works like he did for his p/t Winchester job he had. If he is only working part time the journey once in a while will not matter along with his consultancy work. If he doesn't get any of the jobs still not to much of a worry he still has his consultancy work and can travel anywhere no mortgage to worry about and can look for jobs nearer to where we will be living.
So off to do more research again.
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26-03-2013, 08:59 AM
Morning all, not a lot going on here today, just got back in with Millie and having a coffee before I start ....

Sorry to hear all your news and problems, hope they are sorted soon.

Have as good as one as you folks..xx
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