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21-03-2013, 06:48 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Thursday).

Morning everyone. A bright chilly frosty day here.

Dillon was awake at 5 this morning. Gorden got up today.

Mark is round today to do the living room ceiling and coving for us. Dillon was very well behaved yesterday better than I thought so I hope he will oblige again today.
The house looks and feels pretty empty downstairs anyway it is really bringing it home about moving now which I am looking forward too but also feeling a bit sad and worried over.
Mostly because we have been pushed into this position rather than it being a decision because we want to go and it is the right time for everyone.
Michael is my main worry he wants to stay here or in London so he can finish his course and we will have to leave him and we are hoping between now and us moving he will find himself somewhere to stay. It might be difficult on a 2 day a week job though. If he can't find anywhere he will have to move with us and we will have to see if the course can be moved.
We don't see Mark, Tracey and the children every weekend but they are just down the road and that will take some getting use to not just getting together at the drop of a hat. They can come and have some lovely holidays though.
Then there is leaving Gill behind and my very best friend.
Mum is fine she is well looked after and isn't as needy now as she use to be.
The other half of me is excited about living hopefully in a more rural area having a big garden for Dillon and a veggie patch.
Gill is off to see the consultant today to see what they are going to do about the growth that has appeared whether Barts will operate or whether it will be more chemo now or whether they will want to wait as long as they can as this will be her last ever session allowed. The appointment isn't till late afternoon so a good job I have plenty to keep my mind occupied till I hear from her.

Pat I was sorry to read your son isn't allowed to fly for a while. Sensible I suppose but you were looking forward to seeing him I know especially as you had been so worried about him and who wouldn't of been I know I would be in your position. Fingers crossed it won't be too long before he can visit.
Linda I hope Loki is better today and that you have managed a better nights sleep.
Malka I am hoping you get a SW assigned to you now that will do her job properly.
Helena did you speak to Dave about the van last night and has a decision been made. Are you working toward caravan park dominance.
Everyone else I hope you are all feeling well and if not or still feeling poorly wishing you better soon. The same goes for poorly doglets.

Oooooh the sun is lovely lets hope it stays.
Have a safe and good day everyone.
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21-03-2013, 07:05 AM
Morning Lynn and everyone

I've got a blue(ish) sky, but my sun hasn't appeared yet, I'm hoping it will, and we're heading off up the top instead of the beach by way of a change this morning.

I can understand how you must be feeling about the house Lynn, you've probably lived there for as long as we lived at our last house (25years) and it's quite a drastic change to move to another area, but when you look back, I hope you wish you'd done it years ago like we do now. Yes, world domination is out of the question for me, so I'll have to make do with dominating a caravan park won't I

Zena got up at midnight, went off into the kitchen, drank copious amounts of water and then I heard her chucking up. Not what I wanted being here on my own in the middle of the night, and what with her last episode when she aspirated on it She was so sorry for herself afterwards, and then she seemed scared to drink in case it happened again I got a couple of markies into her so that she didn't have an empty tummy overnight, and put down some warm water next to her bed. She's fine this morning, it's all so odd. Any dog should be able to drink as much water as they want shouldn't they without chucking it all up sometimes.

Dave home tonight, so we'll be chatting about the new purchase tomorrow. I'm getting very excited about advertising this new one and I usually get a 2nd flurry of enquiries around May, so hopefully, it'll all be up and running and the bookings will come flooding in again in May just like it did in January for my current one. I've decided to stick with the "cheap" theme along with the dog people theme, it's worked so far, so why change it, but if there are more than 2 people in future, I am going to increase the charge per person and only allow 4 maximum in it. It would easily sleep 6 having 3 bedrooms, but 6 people can make a lot of mess and I'm the one who has to clean it all up lol!

Bev I hope Lily is ok this morning on that foot? Good luck with her, and I hope everyone else is well along with their doglets.

Enjoy your Thursday
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21-03-2013, 07:25 AM

I have just [nearly] been arrested because I went early across to the macolet and some child had left his bike flat out on the pavement - ignored my "hello" yell so I picked up the bike and chucked it in the road. Child went home and screamed at mommy so mommy phoned the cops. And so they came to arrest me until they saw I am on Xanadu and I have every right to use a pavement and if a child dumps his bike on it and does not move it, I can, and will, and do, chuck it into the road.

I am such an evil person really, and you really do not want to know me, but kids dumping bikes and blocking the pavement is/are not acceptable to me.

Because I am an evil old woman, hehehehehehehe.
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21-03-2013, 07:27 AM
Morning Lynn, H and all

I am glad that Dillon has settled down a bit, I hope the disruption isn't too bad today. It's understandable that you feel torn about moving, leaving everything you know but it's always possible to visit, we have a good network of roads these days, it's much easier than it used to be.

I am sorry Gill is having a setback, fingers crossed that they will operate and get it out.

Poor Zena, it must be such a worry, always seems worse when you are on your own. I hope you take piccies of this super duper van, it sounds wonderful. I could see myself living in one one day, some of them are so luxurious! You will have to rebuild your website now!

I hope poorly people and dogs are feeling better today.

I have a busy day today, off to my cousins bungalow to do some more stripping and removal of ceiling tiles, just one room to do now also loads of furniture to move, some will need disposal, not much worth saving, we are planning on hiring a skip when we are a bit more organised. I also have two plasterers coming out to give me quotes on the ceilings, we wont be able to do much else until they are sorted.

I hope my caravan mover rollers arrive today as the fitter is coming at 8.30am tomorrow to fit them. I am supposed to be removing the cover but as it took about 2 hrs to put it on I am going to try to fold the side up onto the roof, it's so big it takes time to work out what way round it is and running around the van with a ladder to pull it into place must burn off loads of calories!

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
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21-03-2013, 07:28 AM
Morning Malka

In trouble again, some of these kids are so thoughtless.
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madmare is offline  
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21-03-2013, 07:36 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

Lily is still having big problems with that foot/leg even on the Tramadol. One minute she seems fine and then she is holding it in the air in obvious pain. It seems if she stands for any length of time she then starts limping and holding it up, as well as various other times. I really can't work out whether it is the foot or the leg.
My vet is not in today but if no better by the morning I will phone her first thing, but I suppose its going to involve expensive x-rays of the foot leg and spine to find the problem.

I have found a house not far from my mum and sister in a small village to exchange with. Strangely enough its 4 doors up from where I lived as a small child. Its smaller than I have now but not a bad size for a 2 bedroom and it has a decent size garden that backs onto open fields.
I would love to take it and am going to take Charly to see it when she is free, but and there is always a but, it is a long way for Charly to get to uni every day and we don't know if we could afford the extra £7 a day for her to get there, also I would need to have a job to go to in the area as there is no parking where I work now so I would have to get 2 buses at a cost of £10 a day. It just seems a great chance to get me out of here, but in reality I can't compromise Charlys future either and she still has anothr year to go. So Lynn looks like the same as you I have dilemmas to move to somewhere I love. Why is nothing ever straightforward eh!

Hope Zena is ok H, it is strange what she is doing when just drinking, although with Lily's throat and stomach problem she often chokes herself on water.

Hope you all have a good day, the sun is shining but it is still very cold.
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21-03-2013, 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn and everyone

I've got a blue(ish) sky, but my sun hasn't appeared yet, I'm hoping it will, and we're heading off up the top instead of the beach by way of a change this morning.

I can understand how you must be feeling about the house Lynn, you've probably lived there for as long as we lived at our last house (25years) and it's quite a drastic change to move to another area, but when you look back, I hope you wish you'd done it years ago like we do now. Yes, world domination is out of the question for me, so I'll have to make do with dominating a caravan park won't I

Zena got up at midnight, went off into the kitchen, drank copious amounts of water and then I heard her chucking up. Not what I wanted being here on my own in the middle of the night, and what with her last episode when she aspirated on it She was so sorry for herself afterwards, and then she seemed scared to drink in case it happened again I got a couple of markies into her so that she didn't have an empty tummy overnight, and put down some warm water next to her bed. She's fine this morning, it's all so odd. Any dog should be able to drink as much water as they want shouldn't they without chucking it all up sometimes.

Dave home tonight, so we'll be chatting about the new purchase tomorrow. I'm getting very excited about advertising this new one and I usually get a 2nd flurry of enquiries around May, so hopefully, it'll all be up and running and the bookings will come flooding in again in May just like it did in January for my current one. I've decided to stick with the "cheap" theme along with the dog people theme, it's worked so far, so why change it, but if there are more than 2 people in future, I am going to increase the charge per person and only allow 4 maximum in it. It would easily sleep 6 having 3 bedrooms, but 6 people can make a lot of mess and I'm the one who has to clean it all up lol!

Bev I hope Lily is ok this morning on that foot? Good luck with her, and I hope everyone else is well along with their doglets.

Enjoy your Thursday
Morning Helena. I am trying to send the sun your way too.
We have lived in this house 16 years in November the longest we have lived in any house. Moving to Harlow then seemed and adventure from a town where you had grown up. Moving a couple of hundred miles away and a 2+ hour drive does seem daunting.
I am sure though when we have found the house and garden of our dreams it will all be ok.
Sorry to hear about Zena I hope she is ok today and doesn't have anymore episodes.
The idea about the van sounds good. Exciting times again.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

I have just [nearly] been arrested because I went early across to the macolet and some child had left his bike flat out on the pavement - ignored my "hello" yell so I picked up the bike and chucked it in the road. Child went home and screamed at mommy so mommy phoned the cops. And so they came to arrest me until they saw I am on Xanadu and I have every right to use a pavement and if a child dumps his bike on it and does not move it, I can, and will, and do, chuck it into the road.

I am such an evil person really, and you really do not want to know me, but kids dumping bikes and blocking the pavement is/are not acceptable to me.

Because I am an evil old woman, hehehehehehehe.
Morning Malka. Oh no thank goodness you weren't arrested. Silly child and parent. It does seem some people do not know or care what a pavement is for.
I hope they got an earful from the Policeman.
No you are not evil just know what is right and wrong and fight your corner which you should.
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21-03-2013, 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning Malka

In trouble again, some of these kids are so thoughtless.
Morning Gerri.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and all,

Lily is still having big problems with that foot/leg even on the Tramadol. One minute she seems fine and then she is holding it in the air in obvious pain. It seems if she stands for any length of time she then starts limping and holding it up, as well as various other times. I really can't work out whether it is the foot or the leg.
My vet is not in today but if no better by the morning I will phone her first thing, but I suppose its going to involve expensive x-rays of the foot leg and spine to find the problem.

I have found a house not far from my mum and sister in a small village to exchange with. Strangely enough its 4 doors up from where I lived as a small child. Its smaller than I have now but not a bad size for a 2 bedroom and it has a decent size garden that backs onto open fields.
I would love to take it and am going to take Charly to see it when she is free, but and there is always a but, it is a long way for Charly to get to uni every day and we don't know if we could afford the extra £7 a day for her to get there, also I would need to have a job to go to in the area as there is no parking where I work now so I would have to get 2 buses at a cost of £10 a day. It just seems a great chance to get me out of here, but in reality I can't compromise Charlys future either and she still has anothr year to go. So Lynn looks like the same as you I have dilemmas to move to somewhere I love. Why is nothing ever straightforward eh!

Hope Zena is ok H, it is strange what she is doing when just drinking, although with Lily's throat and stomach problem she often chokes herself on water.

Hope you all have a good day, the sun is shining but it is still very cold.
Morning Bev sorry to hear Lily's still not right what a worry for you especially so soon after Kyiro.
What a dilemma about the house. We really have no choice we will end up homeless if we don't make this move.
Yours sounds ideal but like you say of you can't afford the extra to live what do you do ?
I hope you can find the right solution and it all works out how you would like it too. I know how desperately you would like to move from where you are.
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21-03-2013, 08:12 AM
Morning Lynn Morning all
Yippee Blue Sky ,sun shining on the snow on the high tops its bonnie looking
Lynn busy day again decorating by the sound of things
Can understand your concern leaving family n friends
Hope Zenas back to normal (((hugs)) enjoy your walk
Busy day for you to
Between SW n kids I'm surprised you've not exploded with anger ,could have been a nasty accident bikes lying around
Years ago you'd of got a Clip round the Lug if you'd done that hope your day improves
Not much on the cards today ,well not yet anyway ,
Long dog walk as OH got man flu n as Crabbit as a bag of Weasels going to keep out his road as long as possible
Sorry if I've missed anyone ,hope you all have a great day plans come to fruition all poorly 2n 4 legged get better soon
Take care stay safe xxxxxx
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21-03-2013, 08:17 AM
Morning all,

Still full of the cold, so having today off too. Going to relax today, try to sleep and get rid of it.

Davie surprised me last night. He is going to be doing a project on WW2 in school after the Easter break and they sent a homework asking what he knew about WW2. Without prompting he came out with 9 or 10 facts to do with the war and who fought in it. He must have been paying more attention than I realised.

Hope you are all okay. Malka, kids are always doing stuff like that, they don't think and act all offended when you pick them up on it.
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