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19-03-2013, 07:12 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Tuesday)

Morning all.
I started to catch up where I left off yesterdays thread but gave up so much of it and I was getting very confused about who had done what and who was under the weather.
I will try to reply by memory so I don't hold out much hope all will be remembered.

Firstly I woke with a headache at 4am then got back to sleep and Dillon gave one big bark around 6am, and woke both Gorden and myself up from dreaming. Needless to say the headache is back.
He is calmer today so hopefully the hormones are settling. We can live in hope anyway.
Off to visit mum this morning then Gorden and I are popping out for some decorating bits and I can start some simple things while he is working over the next 3 days.
We have to ask Mark to come round too to look at the fascias so we know what filler we need so he can work his magic.

Now for the important bit.
Malka I hope you are feeling better today. Is the Dr visiting your area today may you be able to visit. I know you hate going but we do worry about you especially as you are so far away.
Linda I hope you had a better nights sleep.
Lorraine I hope your feeling better today. Gorden kept getting colds when he returned to the classroom kids do like to share you know but never the nice things. We took Bev's advice and got some Echinacia.(sp) Plus you are burning the candle at both ends and that doesn't help.
Bev I hope things are sorting themselves in your house and there is less turmoil.
Sally good luck at the dentist.
Helena I hope Dave is feeling better today and that you are not to stressed by all that's going on.
Pat what can I say except I hope you are not to badly affected by the negative news from where you are. Another lavender soak may be in order today.
June you will undoubtedly be getting all Ash's stuff together for Friday bitter sweet for you his parting and for us too. But it sounds like he will be very happy and well cared for. Well we all know he wouldn't be going if you felt he wouldn't.
I am sure there are some I have missed so apologies and well wishes for you and for any poorly pets too.
Crystal Girl I hope we see you today.
See I nearly forgot Gerri. Hope you have more positive news today re: work and your cousin.

Have a good and safe Tuesday all.
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19-03-2013, 07:37 AM
Morning Lynn. Now what are these 'simple things' that you intend starting on? Don't be too ambitious if you have a headache. When I am not up to par I find everything I do just goes wrong and I end up wishing I hadn't bothered. Sounds reasonably good news about Dillon.

As for my suffering - I am pragmatic and I wish more were. Not five mins ago they were all talking here about the 'poor and needy' - people who've lost their jobs as a result of the recession, can't afford to feed their kids, pay their electric bills and all that. Fundraising and collection points set up at community centres and churches for donations.

Well this measure might be unprecedented and has caused a shock but - it is after all to stop the country going right down the pan and is designed to get it out of recession - so I see that as helping the poor and needy too. Healthier economy, more jobs, all that.

I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought of what else I could have spent the money on! Hell - I want a cushiony swing for my verandah but am holding off! And I want a steam mop! I am careful with my money and don't rush out buying every single thing I decide I 'want'. And I give to the poor and needy and several good causes anyway lol!

It's only money they haven't got around to confiscating the first born child of the families yet! And they are discussing whether to lower the rate or adjust the bands or waddever.

Lovely sunny day today and we just got back from our walk. My local corner shop has ignored the extension of the bank holiday so I was able to get a few bits in. I'd run out of chicken for Bella. Just been hammering some frozen wings with a metal mallet (that will make sure EVERYONE here is awake like I am now!)

My eldest son is trying to plan a visit while he is off work. But has to bring a lot of the equipment he needs at the mo with him. I've said I can look into hiring it here instead - stuff to raise the toilet seat height, raise the bed etc.

He lectured me about painting my spare room saying I should get a decorator in and shouldn't be doing this stuff at my age and what will happen if I fall off a ladder? lol!
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madmare is offline  
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19-03-2013, 07:40 AM
Morning lynn and all,
This morning I am a nervous wreck as I will have to phone when the vets opens and get Lily an appointment. She is still limping badly when she walks on concrete without her boots and I can see a little black dot on her weight bearing toe on her back foot which could mean a corn (please no) or something in the pad. Its the same foot and toe Kyiro had problems with and Lily is even more worrying about having something done as she has violent reactions to most medication and still suffers from the lasting effects of her anesthetic when she was spayed nearly 2 years ago, so would dread her having another one which its looking very likely she will have. After what happened to kyiro its worrying me sick.

Lynn I hope you feel better soon and Dillon settles down for you and gives you a peaceful day. Good luck with the decorating. I have done 2 rooms myself on the last 2 Sundays and have had enough of it all for a while. I hate decorating. Still it looks much better now.

Hope you all have a good day, and you all and the dogs are well. Take care.
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19-03-2013, 07:42 AM
Oh I do hope it doesn't turn out to be too serious for lily madmare. What a worry. I've never heard of dogs getting 'corns'. Is this a serious problem?
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19-03-2013, 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Morning Lynn. Now what are these 'simple things' that you intend starting on? Don't be too ambitious if you have a headache. When I am not up to par I find everything I do just goes wrong and I end up wishing I hadn't bothered. Sounds reasonably good news about Dillon.

As for my suffering - I am pragmatic and I wish more were. Not five mins ago they were all talking here about the 'poor and needy' - people who've lost their jobs as a result of the recession, can't afford to feed their kids, pay their electric bills and all that. Fundraising and collection points set up at community centres and churches for donations.

Well this measure might be unprecedented and has caused a shock but - it is after all to stop the country going right down the pan and is designed to get it out of recession - so I see that as helping the poor and needy too. Healthier economy, more jobs, all that.

I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought of what else I could have spent the money on! Hell - I want a cushiony swing for my verandah but am holding off! And I want a steam mop! I am careful with my money and don't rush out buying every single thing I decide I 'want'. And I give to the poor and needy and several good causes anyway lol!

It's only money they haven't got around to confiscating the first born child of the families yet! And they are discussing whether to lower the rate or adjust the bands or waddever.

Lovely sunny day today and we just got back from our walk. My local corner shop has ignored the extension of the bank holiday so I was able to get a few bits in. I'd run out of chicken for Bella. Just been hammering some frozen wings with a metal mallet (that will make sure EVERYONE here is awake like I am now!)

My eldest son is trying to plan a visit while he is off work. But has to bring a lot of the equipment he needs at the mo with him. I've said I can look into hiring it here instead - stuff to raise the toilet seat height, raise the bed etc.

He lectured me about painting my spare room saying I should get a decorator in and shouldn't be doing this stuff at my age and what will happen if I fall off a ladder? lol!
Morning Pat good to hear you are in good spirits. I hope you have luck with the hiring of equipment for your son a visit from him would be lovely for you. Hopefully he won't want to decorate. Wouldn't think it would be a good idea after his op. No decorating for me today visiting mum and buying the bits it will be tomorrow if I do any.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning lynn and all,
This morning I am a nervous wreck as I will have to phone when the vets opens and get Lily an appointment. She is still limping badly when she walks on concrete without her boots and I can see a little black dot on her weight bearing toe on her back foot which could mean a corn (please no) or something in the pad. Its the same foot and toe Kyiro had problems with and Lily is even more worrying about having something done as she has violent reactions to most medication and still suffers from the lasting effects of her anesthetic when she was spayed nearly 2 years ago, so would dread her having another one which its looking very likely she will have. After what happened to kyiro its worrying me sick.

Lynn I hope you feel better soon and Dillon settles down for you and gives you a peaceful day. Good luck with the decorating. I have done 2 rooms myself on the last 2 Sundays and have had enough of it all for a while. I hate decorating. Still it looks much better now.

Hope you all have a good day, and you all and the dogs are well. Take care.
Morning Bev everything crossed Lily's paw will be fine and it is a simple thing and can be easily sorted. (((Hugs))).

Corns on dogs are a Greyhound thing I think Pat.
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19-03-2013, 07:54 AM
Morning Lynn, Pat and everyone

Woke up to glorious sunshine, but it's slowly disappearing and then I saw the weather forecast....more snow I can't belieeeeve this weather for mid March especially compared to just last year when the whole of March was like summer.

Lynn, that's awful isn't it, when you get woken up with a start like that in the middle of a dream, it always gives me a headache too, so hope you improve throughout the day. As Pat says, don't go getting stuck into anything, cos your heart won't be in it, it'll all go wrong and you'll end up all tetchy, and it'll take you longer to do when you feel like that.

Pat, I see where you're coming from with this money they're taking, but it's the banks that will benefit, that's what it's going to prop up, and it won't benefit the economy itself because the banks will still all be keeping a tight hold on it all. The very thought that somebody, anybody can come and stick their hands in my life's savings is quite abhorant to me, to get themselves out of a mess that they created! If this escalates, I'm off with Bitkin to that dessert island with the natives

Malka, I do hope you're feeling much better today, it must get frightening to be on your own and feeling ill, especially with the worry of Pereg too, and that's probably the only reason you are dubious about ringing the doctor, but you really should. You can always refuse to go to that hospital, just like my mum used to. Anyway, I just hope you're feeling much better today and won't need any doctor.

Lorraine, hope the cold isn't too bad this morning and hope you're not snowed in yet, but it looks like you could well be up there.

Linda, hope you managed a good sleep last night, it must be awful for it to be so ongoing like Dave's is, but thankfully, I don't suffer with it much.

Crystal, nice to see you back in here last night, we missed you.

Off down the beach with Zena, this will be the last day that the tide will be right for her. Then I'm off to carpetright to check out the carpet for this lounge cos I don't think that other shop will ever have in what I want for the right price. I'd better do a Sainsbury's shop cos it looks like we could well be snowed in again tomorrow.

At least I only have myself to worry about today, I can do what I like, when I like, without any interruptions, so I might do a big clean up and change the beds so tomorrow I have the day to myself.

Hope everyone is well today along with the doglets and I'll catch you later.
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19-03-2013, 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Oh I do hope it doesn't turn out to be too serious for lily madmare. What a worry. I've never heard of dogs getting 'corns'. Is this a serious problem?
Its only greyhounds and greyhound types that get them and yes if you have them surgically cut out they often come back and if you amputate the toe they are on they often reappear on another toe. It makes it very painful for them to walk.
I will get her eye checked while I am there as well as she keeps rubbing it. I can't see anything wrong with it, it looks normal and is not running or anything, but its bugging her and has done for about 3 weeks.

Lily has an appointment for 10 past 10 this morning with my vet Claire who was so good with kyiro.
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19-03-2013, 08:12 AM
Morning Lynn morning All
Been a light dusting of snow overnight ,and now snowing in Ernest ,so fed up with it all now
Taken me ages to catch up on the goings on yesterday
So hope all the DIY s gone well
Hope your feeling more your self today
Great news re Ash,s new home
Fingers crossed nothing to serious for Lily ,their such a worry these dogs of ours
Sorry if I've missed anyone just too many for this old brain to remember
Nothing on the cards today ,dog walks if the muppets will oblige ,
Hope all poorly 2and 4 legged get better soon
Have a great day take care stay safe
I'm sending this snow back over the Border
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19-03-2013, 08:22 AM
Morning Lynn and fellow members,

Lynn - I do hope you headache goes quickly. There is nothing like being woken up with a 'start'. Also its good news that Dillon has been a clean bill of health and it is the hormones driving him crazy.

Tang - I'd run out of chicken for Bella. Just been hammering some frozen wings with a metal mallet (that will make sure EVERYONE here is awake like I am now!) that made me roar with laughter I expect all your neighbours are delighted that you've moved in. There is one thing for sure, it any neighbour heard your hammering they may curse that some one was doing DIY but they would never in a million years guess that is was someone banging frozen chicken wings

Bev - (((hugs))) to you and Lily. Fate cannot be so cruel to do this to you again. Hopefully it will be something that can be rectified easily. Good luck.

Helena - Finally you get a little time to yourself My OH doesn't start being away until mid April, but I'm counting the days now. Good luck finding your ideal carpet. Our friends have just replaced their lounge carpet with a wonderful 'synthetic' medium pile one that is guaranteed for 25 years and impossible to stain. We've got an off cut by the back door and so far the muddy dog prints just hoover off. I do intend to pour coffee, tea, red wine etc on it to see what happens too. Supposedly you just use soap and water Enjoy your last beach walk for a while.

Yet again I had a lie in (til 7.15) and it is so wonderful for me to wake the dogs instead of the other way round. Off shortly to take them out before bundling them in the car and going to visit Mum.

See you all later and take care.
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19-03-2013, 08:22 AM
Norma, good morning to you too.
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