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Luthien is offline  
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23-03-2011, 07:30 PM


Jake is going for his annual booster next week, and I wondered what you all thought regarding the pros and cons of annual vaccination?

When I think about it, I find it hard to understand why they are needed. Don't vaccinations work on the idea that giving a tiny amount of the disease will kick start the immune system? I thought this lasted for life. I am also concerned that unnecessary vaccinations can cause problems in themselves.

On the other hand, U do not wasn't to put my dog at risk. Simon was given annual boosters until he was about five, and since then I think he has has two or three (he is nearly 12) and he has been fine, but maybe I have been lucky. Also with Jake, in an emergency there is a possibility he may have to briefly go into boarding kennels and they would require up to date shots. (Hope that never happens, but OH has a condition that has resulted in emergency hospital stays in the past, and while I have people who could look after Simon if disaster struck, I couldn't foist Jake on anyone!)
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Velvetboxers is offline  
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23-03-2011, 07:46 PM
Ours get annual boosters each year
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zoe1969 is offline  
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23-03-2011, 08:03 PM
This is something I've wondered about too. Until someone can tell me for certain that it's safe not to give yearly boosters then I will continue to give mine yearly boosters. Also I think insurance companies will not pay out on preventable diseases if your dog isn't vaccinated properly. It's not a risk I'm willing to take unless it becomes standard practice.
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TabithaJ is offline  
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23-03-2011, 08:08 PM
I am not taking Dexter for boosters.

In America, the protocol is changing in favour of vaccs less frequently than annually.

There is enough evidence of dogs responding badly to vaccs, for me to opt out. It was a really, really hard decision to make, but I did a lot of reading and also took into account how Dex reacts to medical treatment thus far - e.g. he was not himself after a steroid shot recently.
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akitagirl is offline  
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23-03-2011, 08:08 PM
Mine get titre tested now, first time earlier this year. I wouldn't vaccinate mine annually, no way. My dogs are hippies, I try to keep them chemical free as possible, only natural flea treatments, raw diet...all since Zeke got cancer aged 6.
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ClaireandDaisy is offline  
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23-03-2011, 08:12 PM
Since the manufacturers recommend dogs are revaccinated only every 3 years (except lepto and KC) I think vets are taking advantage of people`s fears.
I get my dogs vaccinated with the first lot (btw - adult dogs DON`T need two shots) and that`s it. I didn`t trot my children along to get topped up with vaccine every so often (except tetanus) so why should I take chances with my dogs` immune systems?
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wendyg1975 is offline  
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23-03-2011, 08:31 PM
l have always wondered about the vacs too.

l have always had cats and so hasmy mum. all our cats have had very long l1ves and pretty healthy to the norm. l have never done the cats and my remalnlng cat rosy ls 14 now and stll looks lke a youngster and acts lke one and has never had a slngle jab.

l made sure Archle was done as soon as go hlm and had the follow ups on the booster when was a young pup and had hlm done the year after. he would be due now but l havent taken hlm as dld read a whle ago about problems they can cause.... so am also stuck on ths. l dont feel that every year needs to be done as ch1ldren dont have boosters every year.... always thought that one lnject was meant to be enough.

anyway got me to searchlng and found thls on the web... makes me thlnk not to vaclnate every year

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boxergoggins is offline  
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23-03-2011, 08:41 PM
Mine get a full booster one year and half booster the next then back to the full booster...

Id rather be safe and vaccinate than see a pup/dog die of parvo which is back on the increase again in this country...

just my opinion though
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23-03-2011, 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by ClaireandDaisy View Post
Since the manufacturers recommend dogs are revaccinated only every 3 years (except lepto and KC) I think vets are taking advantage of people`s fears.
I get my dogs vaccinated with the first lot (btw - adult dogs DON`T need two shots) and that`s it. I didn`t trot my children along to get topped up with vaccine every so often (except tetanus) so why should I take chances with my dogs` immune systems?
Adult dogs who aren't up to date with their vaccines, do need 2 'shots' - 2 weeks apart - the first is a full DhPPiL and the second is a 'late lepto'...without this 2nd jag they aren't 'fully' vaccinated.

I personally vaccinate my dogs fully as pups, give them the full booster at 14m and thereafter only vaccinate them yearly for Lepto. I only give the KC vaccine to any of my old dogs (12y +).

At around 4 or 5y I have a titre test done to double check they are ok.
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23-03-2011, 09:34 PM
I just wanted to add something. Over the past 18y in veterinary practice I have seen dogs die from diseases that they could have been vaccinated against. This always makes me so sad as their deaths were preventable.

Whilst I do understand where people who don't/won't vaccinate are coming from, I personally wouldn't take the chance of watching one of my own die and know that I could have prevented it.

It's worth remembering also that vaccinating yearly (vaccine only last 12m) against Lepto is putting the dog at risk of leptospirosis which is more common than thought. I know my own dogs would drink from puddles in the field, or from the stream by the field - i know for a fact there are large rats (Holly catches them) and it's a risk to the dogs.

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