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Sue L
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28-04-2016, 05:53 AM

Morning Thread Thursday 28th

Good morning all

Hope you have managed to get out early for your appointment Moyra and find a nice parking space.

Haven't caught up yet so will have a read through later.

Very misty here at the moment but the sun is trying to come through.

Be back later but in the mean time have a god day and stay safe.
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28-04-2016, 06:44 AM
Good morning everyone, Thank you Sue for opening up the Thread, I have walked Amber had my shower and am ready now to leave to go to the hospital. If I can get away from here by 8.30 should be able to find a parking space at the hospital all being well. Shall be glad to get this appointment over and done with just hope it doesn't lead to more appointments. Thanks everyone for your well wishes for my hospital visit.
Have a good day all, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well, God bless.
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gordon mac
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28-04-2016, 06:56 AM
Good morning Sue, Moyra and all who follow.
Woke up this morning to a good coating of snow and the ground frozen, snow is easing off now and the sky brightening a little, however the forecast for up here for the next few days is pretty grim. Doesn't seem to have dampened the dogs' enthusiasm any - mine is another matter! lol !
Hope all goes well for you, Moyra, at the Hospital and that both parking and proceedures go well.
Sue, I do hope that this weather gives you a miss, down there in the balmy south, so your workmen can get on with it unhindered. Don't know about you but we both hate having things done at home, people traipsing about etc. Our most recent was a couple of days of electrical work and we took off to Wales out of the way.
I have been threatened with shopping later in the day, there are apparently several must haves, which must be aquired post haste! Great!!!
Have a good day all, will be back in the evening, bye fer now.
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28-04-2016, 07:15 AM
Good morning all.
Nice to see you bright and early Sue, hope you are well.
Moyra (the early bird) hope all goes well today and you are able to park ....nightmare.
Morning Gordon, hope you are well and that the waether brightens up.
We had a hard frost this morning, lets hope its the last throws of winter and that summer is well and truly on its way
Shopping day again, it comes around so quickly!
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Sue L
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28-04-2016, 07:28 AM
No snow forecast for us Gordon, it is bright and sunny now but you couldn't see the end of the road when out with Teazle as the mist was so thick.

Lucky Lauryn with her new phone

Hope you and Brian are keeping well Nippy and I expect the shopping trip could end up with a nice pub visit.

Sorry to read about Kota hope she is better soon. I think we would all have waited before rushing to the vet so don't blame yourself.
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28-04-2016, 08:01 AM
Morning all, lovely and sunny here. I love misty mornings Sue but this morning not a mist in the sky just sun. Hm ageing lothario, definition: extremely attractive etc. Well as we haven't seen a pic of the infamous LG then how are we to decide? Must away before he strikes me down and oh thanks for giving a bit of the plot away about S & B I haven't watched it yet. Have a good day everyone and hope Moyra comes back unscathed from her appointment. And hope Kota is feeling better. Summer is definitely on its way Nippy as Tyto has decided to start moulting which in a way is good because he will get that out of the way before our holiday. 4 weeks today. Yeh!! Oh yes we certainly are balmy down here LG.
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28-04-2016, 08:36 AM
Morning all
Moyra, i hope you managed to find a decent parking spot...i am a bit late to wish you luck so i hope all has gone well and you are happy with what has been said
Oooops, sorry for giving some of the plot away Brenda!
Sue, hope the fellas get your conservatory finished today
LG...poor you being dragged
Nippy, hope your shopping trip goes help from Kyla today??
Mandy, lucky Lauryn with her new phone
Well, i wrestled Kota, got the tablets into her.....out they came Lol this happened 4 times, eventually got them to stay in and gave her the medicine to wash them down. The dog next door was barking at about 3am again...i think she might be going a bit senile or something, trouble is they aren't the sort of people to move her into the bedroom and settle her back down again. I ma also off to the hospital this afternoon, going to see my lead consultant...not sure if my lovely chest consultant will be over from leicester or not, would be nice if he is as he always makes me laugh and smile...the pair of them are like a comedy double act Lol
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28-04-2016, 08:39 AM
Did we give the plot away last night, I don't think I did, must read back, all we said was that it was the last one ever, will check.
Sunny here this morning bit of a haze and the sky isn't blue, but if I can get out and back before anything dreadful falls from the sky I'll be happy. Then got to do a tip trip and get youngest sons prescription for him.
Mine finished their moult ages ago, Tyto is a bit slow on the uptake, who can blame him with snow and hail beating down upon him though.
Nippy, glad you're OK, have a nice day out, I bet once the shoppings done the car will take you for a nice lunch in a carvery
LG, oh dear, have you hidden your wallet, will you find it in time to pay for the Must Haves. Maybe you'll stop at the corn merchant for the Latest Gossip and divulge all on DAD tonight
Sue, hows the conservatory going on with 4 Yung Men all working hard for you.
You'll be home soon now Moyra and it'll all be in the past
Griff, that tablet giving is going to be a full time job for you by the sounds of it. Will your appointment still go ahead even though everyone seems to be on strike at the moment.
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gordon mac
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28-04-2016, 08:53 AM
Brenda - sorry about the plot revelations in S&B - you should really try and keep up!
Ref the definition of Lothario - it was my understanding that it meant an incurable seducer of women or one who indulges in lots of short term relationships, of course I may be wrong? The name was derived from a character in an early 1700's play. Although doubtlessly a degree of physical attraction would assist in this reprehensible habit! lol ! As regards my own appearance, well, that would be telling, although I feel that I could get away with any deficiencies of beauty with disarming charm and needless to say a very considerable bank balance (not inferring that women are mercenary - but it has got to help) LOL !!!
Griff - Good luck at the hospital - nice to know that you have a Consultant for your lovely chest! Tee-Hee!
See you've got roped into the shopping mularkey, Nippy, me too, much sympathy extended! lol !
Bye fer now.
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gordon mac
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28-04-2016, 08:59 AM
Good morning June - Twas I who revealed a little of last night's plot (I made reference to the broken bottle incident).
Sorry, but you'll have to wait for the Gossip as the Corn Merchants is pencilled in for tomorrow. Today a much more serious low blow to the wallet is anticipated, but, I know I can count on you for some much needed sympathy later!
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