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04-07-2013, 05:41 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Thursday).

Morning everyone.
Its a bit grim out there this morning. Drizzly and chilly.
Apparently we are meant to have really hot weather next week.
I am up earlier today Dillon decided he needed a wee at 6 I could of probably gone back to bed but by the time I had it would be nearly time to get up. Really feel like I could of done with an extra 1/2 hour.
Nanny nap for me later then.

Thankfully a fairly quiet day except for putting petrol in the dog mobile to get Dillon to his check up tomorrow and the possibility of picking Michael up he has his Dr.s appointment tomorrow but did seem brighter before he disappeared Monday.

Pat I hope you managed a good nights sleep.
Helena I hope the phone call with Dave wasn't a bad one. Hopefully today will be straight forward for you and Zena.
Linda I hope Loki had a good night and that the bites have calmed down.
jenny that Flash is better today.
Malka that Pereg and yourself had a calmer night too.
Bev I am hoping but not holding my breath that today might be less hectic for you.
Lorraine that if you do go back to the books after your bath you achieved what you wanted. I agree with your decision of not helping your dad find a new puppy for all the same reasons as yourself and poor Patch still missing.
Harvey still thinking of you all.

Anyone I may of forgotten who may be having a bad time or feeling unwell (((hugs))). Also if any poorly doglets out there wishing them well soon too.

Catch you all later and have a safe Thursday.
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04-07-2013, 06:09 AM
Morning Lynn and everyone

Slept like a log last night, didn't even wake up for my normal loo run at 4 am, I was sooooo tired after such a stressful day yesterday. The doors like nice though, but can't say it was worth all that stress, but at least it's done now and it's much better having 4 matching doors, instead of 2 glass, one b&q panel and one plain. Having the 5 panels all down the front, I notice they actually look the same as the front door from the outside (very Spanish) so that's a result I wasn't expecting. Now I've gotta paint them though

Dave said they are very quiet at the workshop, and it's not just his garage, so he's given himself Friday off, which means he'll be home tonight. He seems ok, and when he comes home and see's the new doors, and the threshold all done and dusted, that should cheer him up cos it's another job off his list.

Off to do a big shop this morning and get back to normal around here today with a nanny nap this afternoon. I can't believe we're getting that heatwave next week, well into the 30's they reckon, awww gaaawd I hate that hot weather when it's over 30, but then I'm always complaining

Linda, I do hope your face is a bit calmer this morning, and I've woken up with a strange red, crusty type of mark on the side of my cheekbone It doesn't itch, but it's a crusty type of blotch, maybe I've splashed something on there, I'd better get the magnifying mirror out to check it out lol! Hope Loki's still doing fine too.

Lynn, Sorry to hear none of those properties were any good, but you don't want too much work do you, you only have to look at us here to see how involved some of the cosmetics can be when you look hard enough. Good luck with the next lot then.

Bit dark and dull here, but nice and dry, and I'll be off out in a mo.

Enjoy your day everyone
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04-07-2013, 06:14 AM
Good morning everyone

Drab and chilly here and no mountains.. due to improve by tomorrow so am starting to sew up and finish various knitting in case I manage to get out trading. Be prepared!

Incredibly tired and this is probably the anti biotics which I finish today.

Cats fast asleep heavy against my legs. Dogs asleep downstairs... me nearly asleep up here!

Enjoy the day!
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madmare is offline  
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04-07-2013, 06:35 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

No I wouldn't hold your breath just yet Lynn, today and tomorrow are totally manic days here still, but dare I say it I actually have the weekend off and intend to go and get my hair cut and coloured ready for the wedding which is a week today.

It was wall to wall sunshine very early this morning so I have done 3 loads of washing including my sheets and got them out on the line, now its come over really cloudy, just hope it stays dry and I don't come home to washing wetter than when I put it out.

I went up to bed about 1am and at 3am I heard a thud. Lily had fell off the bed and landed between the bed and the radiator. I don't know how she managed that as she has 7/8ths of the bed.

Have a good day all and I hope everyone and the dogs are well today.
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04-07-2013, 06:41 AM
Morning Helena I'm not surprised you slept so well and I am glad you are pleased with the doors now there done even if they did give you a lot of grief.
I hope Dave isn't too down when he gets home and you can have a nice weekend together to celebrate your Anniversary and meal out.
That blotch on your cheek could well be stress I had one a few years back turn up when we were having a particularly stressful time with mum it was red and angry and itchy when I took myself out of the situation for a bit it went all of its own accord.
Enjoy your day especially the nanny nap.

Morning Rose good luck with all the jobs yo have to do and hopefully you will be able to get out to trade at the weekend.
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04-07-2013, 06:41 AM
Morning all. I slept from about midnight until 5am which is about what I usually get so felt full of beans this morning. We got out by 6 and went down to the waterfront to watch the sun come up and stayed out for about an hour.

Have been catching up on emails and downloads ready to work later this evening. And am now ready to hit the pool for a few hours swimming and sunbathing and reading!

I will believe it when I see it well over 30deg in the UK! Think that's only happened a few times in my lifetime! I recall the day Mart was born the temps hit 27deg and it make front page headlines in all papers - hottest day of the year - 30 July. I keep the papers for the kids' DOBs.

I think it only has to go over about 25 for the UK papers to put photos of people on beaches on the front page! I do hope you DO get a bit more summer though. From next month it's the slow slide to Autumn/Winter and the nights drawing in for the UK. (I always think the school summer hols start too late in UK) by the time they go back to school in Sept. it's getting dark earlier and decidedly more chilly. Why they don't have them June/July I can't understand.

With every weather update Rosebud posts I become more determined not to bother visiting Ireland! Mist and damp does not agree with my bones and joints. Rheumatism and Arthritis THRIVE on cold damp weather.

Catch up later - going to put up some pics of sunrise over the seafront roadworks lol!
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04-07-2013, 06:43 AM
Morning Bev good job I decided not to hold my breath then. You will be able to have a nice snooze in the hairdressers chair at the weekend.
Did the assessment go well at the house you are hoping to move too ?
Oh dear poor Lily I bet that gave her a shock.
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04-07-2013, 06:46 AM
Morning Pat glad you had a good nights sleep.
A couple of hour swimming, reading and sunbathing sounds ideal. Not jealous. La la la la la.
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madmare is offline  
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04-07-2013, 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Bev good job I decided not to hold my breath then. You will be able to have a nice snooze in the hairdressers chair at the weekend.
Did the assessment go well at the house you are hoping to move too ?
Oh dear poor Lily I bet that gave her a shock.
Yes it all went well and her housing officer should be contacting me soon and my housing officer contacting her so we can get the papers signed and sealed and then set a firm moving date.
I really need to get some time to go job hunting over there as it would cost me more to travel back here to work than I can earn and I don't want to end up unemployed. I have got that job one day a week over there but that is not anywhere near enough to live on and pay the bills.
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04-07-2013, 06:55 AM
Good news Bev that it is all gong through and good news you got the one day a week job. Are there any elderly needing carers maybe ? or little housework jobs ?
Everything crossed you can find something as the house and area are ideal.
What areas were you suggesting for Gorden and I too look as anything fairly near to London is going to be out of our price range to go mortgage free.
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