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12-06-2013, 01:51 PM
Awww look at Bella that bed looks very comfy.
Don't envy you the mozzies.

Here it is Pat.

On the way back we pass the back garden of a neighbour who backs onto the fields we walk so I called through as he was in his garden and asked how his hip op went.
His Grandson came out too he is about 2 and Dillon wanted to say hello and did his jumping about then lay down.
The little boy then proceeded to put his hands around Dillons jaw and his thumbs right against his eyes and push his lips up towards his eyes.
I am not sure if Dillon snarled or if it was the way he was having his face pushed up but needless to say he was taken away very quick and give my neighbour his due took his Grandson away to stand beside him.
Dillon wanted to go back for more but he is as tall as this little lad and laying down face height when the little boy leans over. So we kept them apart and chatted.
Dillon got a kiss blown to him when we left probably in return for the one he dished out earlier.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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12-06-2013, 02:07 PM
Was sat on my rock near the waterfall throwing squeaky toys in the river for the grilles and decided to be extremely techs and answer on this thread using my hi tech (to me at any rate) phone. Laboriously did an answer..girlies waiting around somewhat I pressed submit they gave me a massive shove and I lost the lot!
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12-06-2013, 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Was sat on my rock near the waterfall throwing squeaky toys in the river for the grilles and decided to be extremely techs and answer on this thread using my hi tech (to me at any rate) phone. Laboriously did an answer..girlies waiting around somewhat I pressed submit they gave me a massive shove and I lost the lot!
Oh nooooooooooooooo. Apart from that well done and sounds like you had a good walk.
I think the girlies thought you should be paying them more attention.
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12-06-2013, 02:45 PM
Afternoon folks,

A dry morning here in the end but it is now drizzling so my painter is now doing the woodwork on the balcony (undercover). Such a stressful morning as we had to move some of the cars onto the front lawn as they were in the way. My OH also decided to remove and clean all the guttering (good idea) but he didn't want to go up a high ladder so drove the landrover around the house and stood on the roof to do it. Such a blooming mess everywhere now.

I have read all 29 posts since I last posted this morning But there is no way I can remember them all so I apologise now for not referring to them all.

Helena - you day started off so stressful but sounds as though it has got progressively better . Thank goodness that bag has now gone ... and what a devil to jest that it had split on the driveway A few more grey hairs for you no doubt. Not that any of us ladies have grey hair, of course. I hope you get a confirmation on the rental for September. So you are called John That really made me smile. I'm rarely called Jenny but what I am called is probably unprintable

Lynn - Poor Dillon with that little boy There is a 2 year old girl down the road and apparently she adores all animals. Last time we saw her she got down on to her knees and just stared my two in the eye ............ my two immediately backed off and were scared of her I did explain to her Mum that staring a dog in the eye isn't always a good idea. Have you heard for the EA yet, if not give them a call as it would be good for you to get any feedback. Good luck and I hope they want a second viewing.

Pat - I loved that photo of Bella asleep on her HUGE day bed .... I know, I know you really bought it for her but are too embarrassed to admit it With all the loungers, beds etc around I think I'd spend all day lying down and never get anything done.

EmmiS - I hope you had a good ride and have managed some more packing.

Moyra - Get you son to ask for a recommendation for a decent physiotherapist from his doctor ..... they deal with the muscles!! Poor you still in pain too (((hugs))).

Jackbox - Enjoy your holiday in Portugal (I think it was you who mentioned you are there - apologies if I've got it wrong )

June - Perched on your rock and typing on your phone you were very lucky you didn't drop the phone and only lost the message when you got nudged

My neighbour has just dropped by to let me know that tomorrow Ken Sinclair (my dog's breeder) and Clare Balding are joining the owner of Jilly (the winner of Best in Show at Crufts0 on a lef of their 130 miles sponsored walk. Not sure if I can make it but I'd love Ken to see Flash and Rucksack again and also Flash is the splitting image of Archie (Clare's TT) who is also from Ken's Araki kennels. I've give my neighbour a couple of photos of Flash so she can see just how alike the dogs are.

Must shoot and go and make the decorator a cup of tea and cake.
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12-06-2013, 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Awww look at Bella that bed looks very comfy.
Don't envy you the mozzies.

Here it is Pat.

On the way back we pass the back garden of a neighbour who backs onto the fields we walk so I called through as he was in his garden and asked how his hip op went.
His Grandson came out too he is about 2 and Dillon wanted to say hello and did his jumping about then lay down.
The little boy then proceeded to put his hands around Dillons jaw and his thumbs right against his eyes and push his lips up towards his eyes.
I am not sure if Dillon snarled or if it was the way he was having his face pushed up but needless to say he was taken away very quick and give my neighbour his due took his Grandson away to stand beside him.
Dillon wanted to go back for more but he is as tall as this little lad and laying down face height when the little boy leans over. So we kept them apart and chatted.
Dillon got a kiss blown to him when we left probably in return for the one he dished out earlier.
Scares you doesn't it? It's why I always put my lovely ole GSD out when 'toddlers' came in. Not much you can do if you are out and they are out too! And kids are so quick and dogs even quicker. Good boy Dillon but I don't expect you want any repeat performances.

My youngest son, when about 3, was managing to get stuff out of 'my drawer' the big one in a large oak sideboard. Well he wasn't tall enough to reach it. I caught him tho - calling old Sal over to lie down at the base and then STANDING ON HER to reach 'mum's stuff'.

They'd grown up together really - but I still didn't want him doing that (even if the dog didn't mind).

Here he is - at about that age with her and his brother.
(The apprentice criminal is the one on the left - small for his age - hard to believe there's only just 2yrs between the boys)

As for the mozzie bite - well my upper arms are fat enough without growing another bicep on one!
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12-06-2013, 03:31 PM
The rain in Ireland is wetter than anywhere else in the world.. It really is. And the midges bite harder than anywhere else too... don't know where to scratch first that Coal Tar soap keeps them away but had forgotten the smell!

Up to date with shopping and banking etc and got through Killarney before the traffic was too bad. I prefer it in the quiet months of course.

One local butcher saves chicken carcases for me; when I go in the shop he vanishes into the back....two big bags today and he cuts them into neat pieces. This is pure kindness as I almost never buy meat now. Makes life easier does this.

Early night here...Cats are asleep on the bed, dogs flat out downstairs...

Helena; I have one of the Flamingos, but it was free as a reject...Pretty trees
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12-06-2013, 03:59 PM
Got the story from Davie. The kid two doors up who has tormented Davie for the last few years was winding him up about something, then accused him of being poor, which just sent Davie into the stratosphere cause the lad is worse off than us, his mum has two boys and is on her own. Davie is too reactive for his own good. He never reacts well to being wound up.

Anyway, he has had his electronics taken away and a page from a book to copy out. He hates to write. Also the good news is the opticians were able to provide a new pair of frames pretty much there and then, so his glasses have been replaced. I really have to find a way to help Davie deal with his temper. The school aren't helping so I am trying to sort it out.

Never mind, the tormentor is a year behind Davie, so when Davie goes up this year to the academy he will get away from the boy. Further the boys' brother goes to a different academy and it is likely that the tormentor will be going to the same school as brother. Davie will be away from him after the summer. I know there are other kids whom will give him a hard time but hopefully he can learn to deal with his temper by then.
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12-06-2013, 04:15 PM
Rosebud - you sound snug-as-a-bug and all sorted with food stocked, cats and dogs asleep and out of the vile weather . On the news a day or so ago it was mentioned that there is some invasion in Florida of a massive mossie and apparently when it lands on someone to bite/feed it feels like a small bird .... so count yourself lucky Enjoy your evening.

Lore - Poor you and I do feel for Davie .... kids can be vile to each other and so cruel. At least he broke his own glasses and didn't lash out at the other kid ..... although the other kid clearly deserved it. These boys can't win - you teach them to stand up for themselves but then we chastise them when they do ............... so confusing. I hope he has calmed down now and you can have a chill 1/2 hour before attempting to do more of your assignment. ((hugs)).
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12-06-2013, 04:32 PM
Oh what an adorable picture there of dear Bella asleep on her new bed there (yes, it IS her bed, don't be fooled folks!!!). Lovely pic also of your gsd and your naughty little Sam.

No news then Lynn, but as you say, you can take it or leave it now, you're not desperate like you were.

Hi again Jenny, sounds like you've had a morning like I had yesterday there shunting stuff about with your o/h, and then having to watch him make MORE mess for you to clear up Dave used to do that with the gutters, until I told him He now holds a bucket in one hand, it's only bdooly common sense isn't it!!!

June, you cracked me up there!!!!!

Hi Rosebud, yes, these are trees, but they've had all the branches taken off from lower down, so the trunk is much thicker than the big ball where all the leaves are growing now. Hopefully, they will take off big time cos I need a kind of hedge behind my little fence, it's going to look fab in pink and pale green.

OMG I just had the most weirdest dream I've ever had, and all because I woke up and went back to sleep just now We had just moved into this huuuuuuuge house abroad, and I was on my own with Zena. It was all wooden inside, really oldy worldy, and as I opened a pair of big doors into another room, this dog appeared. I tried to chase it outside, which I did, and then back it came through another door, and then there were loads of other dogs here and there, but Zena didn'tseem to mind but I did. As I tried to get them out, this weird labradoodle type dog with short stumpy legs, bit me on the arm and it was hanging on I pulled it off and had blood running down my arm. Then behind me were 2 men, one of which was Euwan McGreggor and Phil from Eastenders WTF??? They wanted to store something, I think it was a car, and proceeded to drive it through these big, wooden doors INside my house and as I sat and chatted with them, I noticed two other men sitting down who said they had been waiting at "reception" to book themselves in, and they owned all these dogs!!! WEll! I ask you!!!

We all went out for a walk together, yep, Euwan came too and all the doglets, and the roads were thick with ice, and we sat down and I showed them my view across the road, which was some big, blue lake, which had beautiful horses just wading about in the water and behind them was this magnificent, big white house THEN, something awful happened, I asked them where the dogs were cos we'd been chatting and I saw that Zena was still with us, but all of a sudden, she shot off along this busy highway, which was covered in thick ice, a huuuuge jugernault was racing down it, she missed it by the skin of her teeth, and then ran straight into a tree at the side of the road. I raced over there, she turned around but was totally out of it, I cried and cried and held her.........and then I woke up!!!!

Oh my word, I've never in my life dreamed quite like that and so vivid and so graphic and I can recall every, single detail of it, how very weird. Am I losing my mind here

No wonder I'm so wored out
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12-06-2013, 04:44 PM
I bet that was a sight Pat.
Afternoon Rose.
Have you given the decorators their tea and cake yet jenny ? It will be nice if you can get on that walk.
Its not good when kids torment other kids. They know Davie has a short fuse so target him more I expect because they get a reaction and know he gets into trouble cause I bet they don't.
Helena that dream sounds a whole mish mash of all the troubles you have had recently.

Still no phone call we are not calling them they should of been in touch if only to tell us no news yet surely.
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