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03-05-2013, 05:45 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Friday).

Morning all another bright sunny day here but we have had a frost overnight again.
Make the most of today it is meant to be raining tomorrow but picking up again Sunday and very hot Monday in the SE.

Well not much on the cards today except preparing the house ready for the second round of photos and physching myself up for the conversation with the agent about giving this next approach two weeks and if no joy we want out of this contract as we don't feel we are getting the service we should be getting.

I have had a quick browse through the last few pages of yesterdays thread and am so sorry to hear of your brothers friends death Jenny and that your poor brother was the one to find him. It must of been an awful shock for him.
Jenny in Devon I hope you are feeling better today.
Pat that sounds a very in depth operation for your son.
Bev hope the headache is staying away and that the visit from the housing officer went well.
Jackie hoping you and Millie are ok haven't seen you around for a few days.
Sorry if I have missed anyone or if others have stuff going on today I have missed.
If that's the case wishing you well and hope you are feeling better soon or that any troubles you may be having are soon on their way.

Better go and start packed lunches and breakfasts I have two off out to part time jobs today bit hectic but by the time they have left and I am back with Dillon I do get my breakfast in peace and time to recover from the hectic morning.

Have a safe and enjoyable Friday.
Catch you all later.
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Helena54 is offline  
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03-05-2013, 05:54 AM
Morning Lynn and everyone

Good luck with the agents today Lynn, threats are good, it means action on their part hopefully. Mind you, I'd be suspicous if you suddenly got a viewing tomorrow cos they might well have "organised" it, I wouldn't put it past them!

JENNY, I'm shocked for your poor, poor brother and his best mate He might need a bit of help with this especially as it's the 2nd one. It happened to me with a lady I got very friendly with over the road, although I didn't actually find her, it came as such a shock cos of her age and the fact that I had seen her walking up her path the day before and knowing she had tried to ring me for help when I was on the phone that afternoon ((((hugs)))) for your poor bother Jenny.

Got an Ikea delivery from 7 to 9 am this morning, my new desk, so I'd better get some clothes on. Not that I'm nekid, but it's not a good look with only half a set of gnashers in your gob to greet them in your jim jams lol!

Dave is walking Zena because of the delivery and because I've got to be at the docs for 9 am. I want a blood test, and MOT blood test cos something is not right, but then it's probably all that stress I know, but if the bloods are fine then so am I hopefully and I'll soldier on.

Hope everyone else is good today along with the doglets and now I've really gotta get those skates on so I'll see you all later
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03-05-2013, 06:17 AM
Morning Helena. Not sure we will get a viewing tomorrow I am beginning to feel he is too laid back for that.

Hope that delivery turns up on time and yes maybe put the rest of your gnasher's in or he may turn and run with your desk in the opposite direction.
Good luck with the blood tests and MOT and hopefully it is the stress and noting more. Stress can make you quite ill ya know.
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03-05-2013, 06:37 AM
Morning Lynn, H and all who have probably posted while I am trying to post this. My computer is running so darn slow this morning.

Another very busy busy day here. Off to do the little old lady this morning till lunch time and then back, walk Lily. I then have an appointment for an eye test as I am still getting the headaches just not so much dizziness with them, and then off to work till 7.30pm.

Ash got back late last night and has gone in for his final day at work based here today, he also has to sign his room over. He then has a week off with Charly (who is trying to revise for exams) and then he is off on his 2 year stint with the army and the day after he goes Charlys exams start. Not very good timing! It was good to hear the laughter from the 2 of them in the house again though, I really miss that when they are apart.

I hope all goes well speaking to the estate agent Lynn and I hope you get on OK at the doctors H, and there is nothing going on but the stress.
Take care all and enjoy this glorius sun.
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03-05-2013, 06:56 AM
Morning Bev another busy day for you. I hope the eye test and getting glasses sorts the headaches out for you.

Poor Charly and Ash having that hanging over their heads. Hopefully and its easy to say when you are not in that position but that the time will go quick for Charly with revising for exams and taking exams and then landing a good job and before she turns round Ash will be home again.
Wishing them both the best.
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03-05-2013, 07:31 AM
Morning Lynn, Helena, Bev and fellow members,

Another beautiful sunny start here too, which hopefully will last. Thank you for your concern/sorrow for my lovely brother - I cannot comprehend what he will be feeling like today when it will probably have started to sink in.

Lynn - I do hope that having a 'chat' with the EA will fire them up to marketing and pushing your house sale! Enjoy your day and I hope you have a fun walk with Dillon.

Helena - Did your delivery not arrive yesterday or is this another one? Good luck at the docs today and don't you go picking up anything there (other than maybe a leaflet) . Great that Dave has offered to walk Zena.

Bev - What unfortunate timing for Ash to be here for a week before leaving for his 2 year stint right when Charly has exams.

We were told there would be security on the house next door (last night and for the next 3) which is very sensible however, what I didn't account for when I went out with the dogs last night was to have a huge black come racing over to me and my two. This was at 11.45 and I knew something was behind us but thought it was a fox. I heard a whistle and turned to see this huge dog coming towards us completely ignoring the recall. I put Rucksack between my legs and just stood stock still. The dog came over with hackles up and stood about a foot away. Well Rucksack decides to give it his all vocally - I was really scared. When the man sauntered over and got his dog I didn't half give him a mouthful. No apology I was just told that he is security. Well I did explain in no uncertain terms that he is not in an inner city estate rife with crime but an exclusive private estate where crime is almost unheard of. I saw my neighbour over the fence this morning and mentioned to him that if his security men turned up with dogs they were to be controlled and on leads and not terrorising the four-legged residents.

I am so naffed off as Rucksack has been doing so well and it has taken me so long for him to allow unknown dogs to come over and say hello and now this on my doorstep

My eldest son stayed overnight and my OH is dropping him at Heathrow (he's got a 1/2 hour job in Qatar returning Sunday) and collecting our younger son at 11ish from Term 5 who is arriving back from Chicago ........ if it all works out timing wise ..... hence me persuading my OH to do the trip.

See you all later.
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03-05-2013, 07:33 AM
Good morning all, Another lovely day. Got the plumbers here at the moment fitting a new shower pump, not an easy job as it is situated under the bath. Oh well I suppose they'll manage. Have a good day all.
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Nippy is offline  
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03-05-2013, 07:48 AM
I cannot believe that the sun is still shining!
Sounds like you have all got busy days, I'm just doing boring shopping. That's if my dire rear will let me
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03-05-2013, 07:51 AM
Good morning all and a gloriously sunny one it is too.

Got back at 4.30 pm yesterday and as the weather was nice we headed to town for our walk and a Mcd's. There was a noticeable difference though in how chilly it was. It was sunbathing weather in Beverly, but decidedly chilly here in Skeg. Mind you, 'Skegness is so bracing'

I'm getting to be a real old f**t. I got terrible cramp in my calves and feet last night for a couple of hours. Always happens when I've been driving a long way. Beverly is a two hour drive from us so that was four hours in the car plus another 40 minutes for being stuck in road works (re surfacing). That 40 minutes seemed like forever in the hot sun.

Jenny, I missed yesterday's stuff, but if sounds as though your son has had a massive shock. I hope he is OK and that the family of the poor lad find some solace soon. Dreadful thing to happen.

Hope everyone has a good day. Stay safe out there xx
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03-05-2013, 08:03 AM
Morning all

A bit dull here today, but not supposed to rain, so I've got the washer on again!
Got to wait in for delivery man.......sooo can't really plan my day. More cleaning then, as I can't even go in the greenhouse cos I won't hear him!

Have a good one everybody
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