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23-02-2013, 07:18 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Saturday).

Morning everyone. you can have two smilies today.

Helena I am hoping the house does not look to bad this morning and you can have a quiet relaxing weekend and hopefully if the workman have to come back Monday it will not be as horrendous for you as yesterday.
Lorraine I hope your hip is feeling better today. Maybe a quieter day for you would help.
Sally I do hope you feeling in better spirits today over your dad and that he is also in better spirits today.
Hope I haven't missed anyone if have apologies.

Well Dillon gave me a lie-in today gone 6 till he started making polite noises that he felt we should be getting up and he waited patiently when I went back to bed for a short while after going to the bathroom it was an experiment to see how he would do and he did very well.
I didn't arrive downstairs till gone 6.30 a long time since I have managed that.

Gill sent a text just before I went to bed last night saying she had spoken to eldest brother about mum and he told her she must stop worrying the home had not consulted him about sending her to hospital he is down as next of kin as he deals with all the sheenanigans re: the home now and he said he didn't feel they were overly worried about her. Hopefully she will worry less today.
I think she has had a long life nearly 93 a hard life yes but my dad adored her and did anything and everything he could for her and she has been in ill health for so long now that maybe she has just had enough and although when the day arrives I will be sad I also will feel relief for her and myself all she wants to do is sit in her room and read depressing news stories and watch depressing television not a life really in my opinion.
I have seen both my sons lose very good friends to cancer one was 13 it devastated our youngest to lose his friend then 18 months later our eldest lost his friend he was 18 to cancer our eldest was 20 and to see him carry his friends coffin still brings tears to my eyes 11 years later thinking about it. So I don't feel the sadness and injustice about mum if she wants to go or when her time comes. Sorry if it offends anyone or sounds callous.
Moving on from this morbid conversation the weather is dry but I have no idea how cold it is yet. We are putting some petrol in my bus this morning and taking Dillon somewhere different for a walk it may need jump starting though I don't use it much as it is a bit expensive to run and the cold weather knocks the battery out.
Harvey just to let you know I have some pictures of Port Harcourt to put up not Lagos as they didn't get out of the airport and Gorden didn't think it was a good idea to photograph the airport.
He got a police escort from the airport when he arrived eventually at midnight two people to meet him then the car he was transported in had a car in front and one behind with flashing lights he asked what was happening and they said its your police escort. :shock. When he arrived at the hotel complex they put a mirror under the car and checked it out thoroughly before allowing it through.
When he left the lady who arranged the course took him to the airport and also gave him some local currency to get him through the system quicker she asked a member of the staff the way to international flights and he pointed the way she gave him some money and said towards the coffee fund and he was escorted through past the queue. He said every time you went through a different part of the process you were asked anything for the coffee fund if you had some money to give you got processed quicker.
He now feels they didn't understand the process of the hard work you have to go through here for a visa to work anywhere else as everything there is done on bribes.

Sorry for the war and peace saga this morning. I shall shut up now.
Enjoy your Saturday everyone.
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23-02-2013, 07:24 AM
Photos of where Gorden stayed not brilliant but an idea of what it is like in Port Harcourt Nigeria.

Look carefully there is a lizard on the wall.

A view of the pool.

Another view of the pool

He said there are banana trees everywhere and everyone just helps themselves. How cool is that I wouldn't mind finding a banana tree I love them.
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23-02-2013, 07:37 AM
Morning Lynn and everyone

Sounds like you've had a good old catch up there with Gorden, and I do hope he's had a good night's sleep and I'm sure he will enjoy a nice, long leisurely walk and tell you all about it Lynn. I understand your feelings about your mum, I felt the very same near the end.

Just been catching up a bit in yesterday's thread.
Jenny, I'm so sorry to hear about your old mum deteriorating so much lately, as long as she stays happy there's not much to worry about, except for your own feelings of course, cos I went through the very same with mum, and I actually felt like she had left me already with the way she was eventually. You can't really explain it to anybody, but I'm sure you know what I'm getting at, you just have to accept it and carry on holding her hand and chatting as you do and most of all making her laugh as you always have. (((((hugs))))). Same goes to you Sally, I was so sorry to read about your dear dad, but again, just like my mum, once she lost her mobility, the independence goes too, and that's the most valuable part for them, their independence, they don't like to have to rely on people for just about everything. My mum lived for getting out, she'd get on the bus every day, at 80 years old and go into Palma to look around the shops, she had to get out, so being stuck in one room with no mobility must have been crucifying, just like it is for your dad.

Pat, I did laugh at that pic you put up for me!!! Not a good start for them was it, and when they straightened it up, I bet it fell over into the sea???!!!

Chris, I do hope Rosie had a good night without any pacing after her chips.

Lorraine, hope you're feeling ok too this morning with your bad hip.

Sorry for anyone I've missed, but that's all I can remember, I had a bit of a "day" yesterday

Well, the good news is, once they left and we went to do our inspection, having swept up half a ton of dust, the floor looks brill! I'm so glad with the colour, the texture, the look, it's all fab The only problem we have, is with the thresholds, as Dave said they just didn't know how to fix them, hence the reason I watched one guy spending a whole hour on the bathroom doorway. They ended up glueing them, but Dave said they just click into place and click down tightly, which theirs haven't done, but Dave said he can fix them, thank goodness for Dave.

When they come back on Monday I will insist that they close my front door when they cut their scotias for the edges, and only open it to come into the house cos that's what caused all the problems yesterday with the smell and the dust. I told him to chuck all the rubbish in the bath, and when Dave and I looked, he couldn't believe it, the wood was all burnt down the side they had sawed He said if ONLY they had used good tools with sharp blades, the job would have been easy and mess free, it would have cut like butter with his saws, but with their blunt tools, it just burnt the wood trying to slice through it, jeeeeese! Anyway, it looks good and today I will clean up.

Going for a long, leisurely walk with Zena this morning, she soooooo deserves it after being couped up in this lounge for 12 hours yesterday, stressing out here and there when she could see them constantly through 3 panes of obscure glass into the hallway, to'ing and fro'ing, she really didn't know what she was supposed to do or what was going on, but we kept her entertained and most of the time she relaxed (especially when we ate our Kentucky, cos she shared it with us!).

Oh what a day, but that's it now with builders, Dave can do the bathroom, the electrics, the fireplace and everything else. I will let him take his time and my lips will be tightly sealed whenever I look over his shoulder from now on! This taught me to appreciate what I've got yesterday!!!

Enjoy your Saturday, it's very dry and still out there, although freezing cold.
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23-02-2013, 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Photos of where Gorden stayed not brilliant but an idea of what it is like in Port Harcourt Nigeria.

Look carefully there is a lizard on the wall.

A view of the pool.

Another view of the pool

He said there are banana trees everywhere and everyone just helps themselves. How cool is that I wouldn't mind finding a banana tree I love them.
Banana trees I wouldn't want to be anywhere near a banana tree....I know what lives in 'em!!!! Great pics there Lynn, but I wouldn't want to go there myself I'm afraid, I'm more a 5* girl looking out to a shimmering sea
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23-02-2013, 08:27 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

Yesterday I started to get a sore throat and a headache, this morning I have a high tempreture and because of my COPD every breath I take is so painful and I feel like death.
I managed to get Lily just up the road and back for a wee this morning but the sweat was pouring off me. I have just nipped to Tesco to get some paracetamol and some Echinacea as I realised yesterday when I started to feel rough I had run out.
Tesco had also run out of Echinacea and I don't have the strength to go anywhere else now, so I will just have to let it run its course instead of stopping it in its track.
So I won't be doing much today as I just can't even though I had a long list of stuff I wanted to get done before Charly and Ash get back from Devon tomorrow.

Lynn I totally understand what you are saying about your mum, in all the years I have done care work you often see people you know have had enough and you really feel for them, but all you can do is try and make each day the best you can.

Sorry all but this computer is making my head pound worse so take care and have a good day.
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23-02-2013, 08:32 AM
Banana Trees = Tarantulas? Oh yes I'd love a banana tree right outside (NOT) there are banana plantations here in Cyprus (mostly on the west side nr Paphos) I laughed when I saw what one developer had named his new complex of houses and apartments nearby - 'Bananarama' I absolutely would NOT want to give that out as my address!

Lynn - the photos could have been taken in a lot of places in Cyprus - very similar scenery. And what you say about how the wheels are oiled there sounds much the same as it is in Cairo (and to a lesser extent here in Cyprus where it is called 'the brown envelope culture') You can get anything done if there's enough cash in the envelope.

I don't think you are at all callous in the way you are speaking of your mum. My next door neighbour and pal has just returned to the UK. The trip was planned to see her father who has been ill a long time and was deteriorating. Sadly he died a few days before she left. However, especially as he was being nursed at home by her mum, she will now be able to be a comfort to her mum and there for the funeral (I understand there is a waiting list in the UK at the mo - they have to wait until Mar 5 earliest date?) If her dad was still alive they'd have been confined to the house almost 24/7 and busy tending to him - he was in and out of consciousness, mostly sleeping and not really aware of who anyone was. He was 94 and had never had any serious illness before.

Helena - I know you were keen to get the hall carpetted but - I balked at the length of time they estimated for it and that would have raised a flag for me. But - as soon as they were more than an hour or so late turning up I'm afraid I would have been CANCELLING them! I absolutely hate people who mess you about - it's as if their job is the only job that matters and you've got nothing better to do than wait around or fit round them.

Well I was emailed quite a few jobs to do last night. So I will be starting on them in a mo. It's a lovely day and I left around 8am to walk muttley - and was overdressed again and sweltering in a hooded sweat when we were only halfway round the route. I always forget it will seem a lot hotter when out in the open fields than when still where tall buildings give shade.

Bella is outside now blissfully gnawing on a raw bone that is bigger than her head (she's been there since we returned and I won't see or hear from her until she's done with it). The local butcher asked if I'd like some bones for her (of course I said yes) and asked if I wanted him to chop them up. Boy I'm glad I said yes to that too - gawd knows how big they were before he chopped them. I have sandwich bagged and frozen them all and she has a nice store of treats now.
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23-02-2013, 09:11 AM

Bananas here are grown in the north, with blue polythene bags round each hand. Dunnarf look odd.

Lizards? Have big ones outside. Up the walls. In the roof space - well I do not care as long as they stay outside but sometimes they come in...


Gekkos are different. They are indoor lizards and I pretend I do not see them.
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23-02-2013, 09:33 AM
Morning all
Aarrrggghhh I couldn't live anywhere where there was any "wildlife". Hate insects lizards and all creepy crawlies Nice to see the pictures though.

Bev sorry to hear you feel so rough. Look after yourself and I hope you feel better soon.

Well we have had snow this morning, well what we in Devon call snow! You would probably call it powder! It left the shed roof white though

Hope you all have a good Saturday, back later.
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23-02-2013, 09:56 AM
Morning Lynn, morning all,

Lynn - so glad that Gorden is now back safely. That coffee fund you mentioned just shows how corrupt they are over there. Can you imagine going through customs here at an airport and saying 'this is for you coffee fund" .... you'd be arrested Nigeria is not somewhere high on my list of holiday destinations. Sorry about your Mum ((hugs)).

Helena - what a 'marathon mess' you had to endure yesterday and what a star Zena was. Makes you appreciate your OH and how tidy he is when working. I'm sure it is all going to look fantastic when all totally finished.

Bev - I'm so sorry for you feeling so unwell. Keep warm today and hopefully a quiet weekend will see you to feeling a little more human. I can't believe this really cold weather is good for your COPD anyway. Maybe Lily will cuddle up with you and you can keep each other company. I expect your looking forward to Charly and Ash getting back from Devon tomorrow.

Hi to Malka, Tangitica and Nippy.

Feeling pretty flat today, but hopefully my dog walk with my friend Polly will cheer me up. Keith (our Aussie guest) arrives back here from Devon so loads of housework to clean the place up a bit.

I wish with all my heart that my Mum would pass away in her sleep now as I can only see an horrendous ending for her with her dementia suddenly getting so much worse.

Enjoy your Saturday everyone and keep warm - its been snowing lightly outside for the past few hours but not enough to settle.
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23-02-2013, 09:58 AM

Argh more snow! Not much though, just a light scattering but I really want some warmth now. The energy companies must be loving this!

Blimey, a police escort Lynn? He must be very important! I once had to go to Bristol in Tennessee for work and got chauffeur driven to the little airport in a looong stretched car - I was huddled in a corner at the back of this massive thing and I thought everyone we passed would be looking but of course nobody even glanced.

Hugs to Jenny and Sally for your respective parents.

Glad to hear your house is looking better H. I still think it's off though that they can't even do their job properly with the thresholds. Poor Dave but lucky he can do stuff.

I'd best take Loki out - he's glaring at me now. I have to take Carys to an art & craft afternoon that Beavers are holding later. She's been a busy girl this week.

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