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01-02-2013, 07:18 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Friday).

Its the 1st Feb today incase you hadn't realised.
So pinch and a punch for the first of the month and/or white rabbits, white rabbits, white rabbits.
I think many of us here will be glad to see the back of January for many reasons.
Feb not off to a brilliant start weather wise its pouring here.
Here's the smiley for today. Oh go on then have two

Now lets see if I can remember everyone who needs remembering today. The morning post is like one of those tests for your memory and puzzle type things which I have never been good at. Here goes.

Chris I hope Rosie had a calmer night and is well this morning.
Jenny hoping Pepsi is over her sickness.
Fingers crossed Tai is still doing well.
June I hope you are not missing Che too much it will be funny when you go to them this morning.
Awwww at Sasha maybe she felt her brother and sister needed her last night.
Sal I hope OH is behaving himself today.
Lorraine what an amazing thing you do. Your OH should be proud of you and how hard you work not go off in a
Malka if you pop your nose in today I hope electricity, water and all things generally being a pain are better for you today.
Helena I hope Dave is still on his high and not making life too miserable. I read about your bargains you did well there how come I never find bargains like that.
Linda I hope you had a better nights sleep. I fared a bit better this morning and woke at 6ish.
I think that's all if I have missed anyone sorry I will catch up with you later.
Till then all those I have missed or who just need some get well vibes for themselves, their pets or loved ones here they come.

I am off out later to meet a recently retired friend for coffee then I am popping onto Gill and we are looking at a home for mum nearer to Gill will cut a few miles off my journey too and is considerably cheaper than where she is.
I spoke to the manager on the phone and asked about their contract and told her what this home wanted in theirs she was a little shocked. I was told we can see the contact before making any decisions. So we will see what happens today if Gill and I like it today we will let Michael know and then him and mum can make the decision if she wants to view and move.
If one or both of them say no then that's it i'm done with sourcing and looking they can deal with it themselves in the future or stay put.

Have a great Friday the 1st of Feb and stay safe.
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madmare is offline  
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01-02-2013, 07:27 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

Well I feel well and truly shattered this morning. I don't go to bed till around midnight but I have been awake by 3 every morning this week just tossing and turning and unable to get back to sleep. 3 hrs sleep and busy days are taking their toll.

I have to go and do mums shopping and then her housework this morning, back walk the dogs and off to work. My work colleague is off today so I have to cover all his work too, just hope I can stay awake as I feel at the moment if I went back to bed I could finally sleep.

Lynn I hope this other home for your mum is nice and for once she and everyone is in agreement and very smoothly she will move into there.

I hope everyone else poorly, doggy or human is improved today and those with troubles find them a bit easier.

Pouring with rain here but I had better get myself into gear, have my shower and start my busy day. Take care all.
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01-02-2013, 07:44 AM
Morning Lynn, Bev and everyone

Good idea of yours Lynn to find an alternative for your mum especially if it's nearer to you, even more so if they don't have that strange clause in their contract, so good luck with that and I hope both her and Michael would be agreeable, that's the main thing isn't it.

Bev, you sound like you've had one of Dave's nights there, and I hope you don't get into the same habit as he has with it as it's a hard one to break. I sleep like a log!

Hope little Rosie had a good night and that everyone else is well along with the doglets.

We were supposed to have rain this morning, but it seems to have gone already, which is good, because I couldn't face another morning walk like the one I had yesterday down on the seafront.

I'm going to be busy hanging all my bargain curtains this morning. I was lying in bed last night thinking which ones were going where, but then I nodded off before making that final decision, so I'll have to start all over again this morning

Dave seems ok, but that could all change later I'll see if I can get him talking out on our walk and that'll tell me what kind of week-end I'm going to have if he co-operates or not lol. Hey ho, past caring now really.

February already then, that means it'll soon be March and March is Spring so we've got a lot to look forward to now that January is out of the way. Been a terrible month in a lot of respects for a lot of us.

Enjoy your day whatever you're up to
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01-02-2013, 07:47 AM
Morning all,

I have caught someone's cold so feel horrible this morning. Can foresee a morning in bed. I feel so yucky.

So today's plan of going to work for a busy day has gone out the window. Can't stop coughing. Not sure what I have planned. Perhaps some study.
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01-02-2013, 08:07 AM
Good morning Lynn, Bev, Helena, Lore and all fellow members,

Lynn - Another busy day for you I really hope you can find a home for your Mum that you are all happy with - good luck. Enjoy meeting your friend for coffee, hopefully that will give you a chance for a sit down.

Bev - You poor thing, just not enough hours in the day for you today..... actually you've just got too much to do on too little sleep. (((hugs)))) Almost the weekend so hopefully you'll get some well earned rest.

Helena - It's pouring down here, so you must be 'blessed' if it isn't with you Have fun hanging the curtains but for goodness sake be careful on the ladder. Enjoy your walk with Zena and I hope Dave is happy and positive .... if he's not give him a good shove into the sea.

Lore - Poor you feeling unwell - so many viruses and bugs going round. Have a quiet day and I hope you get over it very quickly. ((hugs)).

I'm hoping to press on emptying my older son's room today. He's coming back to sort what he wants to keep or chuck. I'll probably do my longer dog walk this afternoon as the weather looks better for later.

It looks as though Nippy is in for a nice surprise having won the steamer

I hope all the sick owners and poorly dogs are on the mend. See you all later.
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Chris is offline  
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01-02-2013, 08:27 AM
Good morning all.

Lynn, it's horrendous that you have to start considering moving mum to another home. Bless her, she made that huge decision last year only to have to make it again, in a way. That damned home she's in now want's shooting. Nobody should be put in that position. I feel for you all, I really do.

Rosie wasn't right yesterday at all, very lethargic from getting up to going to bed, but NO PACING last night and she has had a good night's sleep in her bed (and me too )

It's too early to tell how she is this morning. She's up, toileted and fed and then done her usual of zonking out at the side of me on the sofa until Dave gets up . I'm hoping though that this latest episode has passed and she's now on the up again.

Gary is going with us to town today so we would have had a short walk anyway - he doesn't do long ones . It works well for Rosie at the moment because we park at the far end of the lake and walk half of it and then up to the cafe where she sits on my knee while I have breakfast, then we walk around the other side of the lake back to the car. Two short walks within one with a rest in between. Usually we'd go three times the distance with lots of running around en-route.

Fingers crossed the results from the sample will be back today. I really could do with them being here to either rule out or treat a cause. Who decided it was a good idea to have weekends that cause everything to stop?? Oops! I used to support 'em too when I was working

Have a good 'un all

Looking forward to the up-date on the 'quiet' night had after the lovely Che's departure and to future up-dates as to how he's settling in his new home
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Sal is offline  
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01-02-2013, 09:04 AM
Morning Lynn,morning all

Raining here at the moment but it's suppose to dry up later,hoping it does as I've changed O/H's bedding this morning it's now in the washing machine
O/H is co-operating this morning,he tried to tell me again last night why he was reluctant to go to his appointment,I told him it's not open for discussion and I made my feelings clear
Also told him that should he refuse next week then I will arrange transport through our GP and he will be going on his own and will have to wait for an ambulance to bring him back,which could mean waiting all day

I know he's frustrated and bored,and it must be hard be confined when your usually active.

Lizzie told me last night her b/f had won tickets to a concert in a few weeks,but she needed two days off college as it's in the week and in London,I've agreed as it's a once in a lifetime experience and think it would be good for them They will be staying in a hotel/guest house

Nothing planned for today apart from the usual,

Have a good day all x
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Nippy is offline  
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01-02-2013, 09:21 AM
Hello everyone.
A damp and miserable start to today.... no change there then!
I'm going to spend the day baking, my Granddaughter comes home from uni tomorrow for 5 days and I expect she will spend as much time here as at her own house. She eats us out of house and home!

Excitement here last night and I missed it all. The local shop which is just to the side our back garden had a fire in one of their fridges and there were two fire engines full of firemen apparently Luckily it was dealt with and no one was hurt but it could have been nasty. I thought I smelt burning when Peps had her last wee.
Right cupcakes and Victoria sponge here I come
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Meg is offline  
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01-02-2013, 09:22 AM
Good morning fellow members cold and wet here.

Everyone seems to have their problems we all need a bit of sun I think.
My heating is still off and I am waiting for someone to ring this evening about repairs. Meanwhile I am working to keep warm
I do have an electric fire which I will use when Hannah comes for a while later.

Have a pleasant day everyone .
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Lynn is offline  
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01-02-2013, 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and all,

Well I feel well and truly shattered this morning. I don't go to bed till around midnight but I have been awake by 3 every morning this week just tossing and turning and unable to get back to sleep. 3 hrs sleep and busy days are taking their toll.

I have to go and do mums shopping and then her housework this morning, back walk the dogs and off to work. My work colleague is off today so I have to cover all his work too, just hope I can stay awake as I feel at the moment if I went back to bed I could finally sleep.

Lynn I hope this other home for your mum is nice and for once she and everyone is in agreement and very smoothly she will move into there.

I hope everyone else poorly, doggy or human is improved today and those with troubles find them a bit easier.

Pouring with rain here but I had better get myself into gear, have my shower and start my busy day. Take care all.
Morning Bev not good late to bed and waking in the early hours. Then leading such a busy life like you do.
Take care today.
QUOTE=Helena54;2657258]Morning Lynn, Bev and everyone

Good idea of yours Lynn to find an alternative for your mum especially if it's nearer to you, even more so if they don't have that strange clause in their contract, so good luck with that and I hope both her and Michael would be agreeable, that's the main thing isn't it.

Bev, you sound like you've had one of Dave's nights there, and I hope you don't get into the same habit as he has with it as it's a hard one to break. I sleep like a log!

Hope little Rosie had a good night and that everyone else is well along with the doglets.

We were supposed to have rain this morning, but it seems to have gone already, which is good, because I couldn't face another morning walk like the one I had yesterday down on the seafront.

I'm going to be busy hanging all my bargain curtains this morning. I was lying in bed last night thinking which ones were going where, but then I nodded off before making that final decision, so I'll have to start all over again this morning

Dave seems ok, but that could all change later I'll see if I can get him talking out on our walk and that'll tell me what kind of week-end I'm going to have if he co-operates or not lol. Hey ho, past caring now really.

February already then, that means it'll soon be March and March is Spring so we've got a lot to look forward to now that January is out of the way. Been a terrible month in a lot of respects for a lot of us.

Enjoy your day whatever you're up to[/QUOTE]

Morning Helena good luck with Dave this weekend and finding the right windows for the new bargain curtains.
If mum and Michael aren't agreeable or um and arr I wash my hands of the whole thing.
I know now I am capable of taking a back seat.

Originally Posted by lore View Post
Morning all,

I have caught someone's cold so feel horrible this morning. Can foresee a morning in bed. I feel so yucky.

So today's plan of going to work for a busy day has gone out the window. Can't stop coughing. Not sure what I have planned. Perhaps some study.
Morning Lorraine I hope you feel better soon.
Bed sounds the best place.

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Good morning Lynn, Bev, Helena, Lore and all fellow members,

Lynn - Another busy day for you I really hope you can find a home for your Mum that you are all happy with - good luck. Enjoy meeting your friend for coffee, hopefully that will give you a chance for a sit down.

Bev - You poor thing, just not enough hours in the day for you today..... actually you've just got too much to do on too little sleep. (((hugs)))) Almost the weekend so hopefully you'll get some well earned rest.

Helena - It's pouring down here, so you must be 'blessed' if it isn't with you Have fun hanging the curtains but for goodness sake be careful on the ladder. Enjoy your walk with Zena and I hope Dave is happy and positive .... if he's not give him a good shove into the sea.

Lore - Poor you feeling unwell - so many viruses and bugs going round. Have a quiet day and I hope you get over it very quickly. ((hugs)).

I'm hoping to press on emptying my older son's room today. He's coming back to sort what he wants to keep or chuck. I'll probably do my longer dog walk this afternoon as the weather looks better for later.

It looks as though Nippy is in for a nice surprise having won the steamer

I hope all the sick owners and poorly dogs are on the mend. See you all later.
Morning Jenny. Raining here too.
I will get a sit down yes when I meet my friend for coffee.
Good luck with your sons room and enjoy your walk later.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all.

Lynn, it's horrendous that you have to start considering moving mum to another home. Bless her, she made that huge decision last year only to have to make it again, in a way. That damned home she's in now want's shooting. Nobody should be put in that position. I feel for you all, I really do.

Rosie wasn't right yesterday at all, very lethargic from getting up to going to bed, but NO PACING last night and she has had a good night's sleep in her bed (and me too )

It's too early to tell how she is this morning. She's up, toileted and fed and then done her usual of zonking out at the side of me on the sofa until Dave gets up . I'm hoping though that this latest episode has passed and she's now on the up again.

Gary is going with us to town today so we would have had a short walk anyway - he doesn't do long ones . It works well for Rosie at the moment because we park at the far end of the lake and walk half of it and then up to the cafe where she sits on my knee while I have breakfast, then we walk around the other side of the lake back to the car. Two short walks within one with a rest in between. Usually we'd go three times the distance with lots of running around en-route.

Fingers crossed the results from the sample will be back today. I really could do with them being here to either rule out or treat a cause. Who decided it was a good idea to have weekends that cause everything to stop?? Oops! I used to support 'em too when I was working

Have a good 'un all

Looking forward to the up-date on the 'quiet' night had after the lovely Che's departure and to future up-dates as to how he's settling in his new home
Morning Chris. It is a shame about having to possibly move mum but that was the only place available at the time and we had the rehab hospital jumping up and down as she had overstayed her stay there.
Sorry to hear Rosie still isn't right fingers crossed the results come today.
Enjoy your walk.

Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning Lynn,morning all

Raining here at the moment but it's suppose to dry up later,hoping it does as I've changed O/H's bedding this morning it's now in the washing machine
O/H is co-operating this morning,he tried to tell me again last night why he was reluctant to go to his appointment,I told him it's not open for discussion and I made my feelings clear
Also told him that should he refuse next week then I will arrange transport through our GP and he will be going on his own and will have to wait for an ambulance to bring him back,which could mean waiting all day

I know he's frustrated and bored,and it must be hard be confined when your usually active.

Lizzie told me last night her b/f had won tickets to a concert in a few weeks,but she needed two days off college as it's in the week and in London,I've agreed as it's a once in a lifetime experience and think it would be good for them They will be staying in a hotel/guest house

Nothing planned for today apart from the usual,

Have a good day all x
Morning Sal glad to hear OH is cooperating today.
I hope the weather turns out dry for you at the moment here we will be lucky if it does.
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