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30-01-2013, 06:33 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Wednesday).

Morning everyone.
Up at stupid o'clock today and not Dillon's fault.

Couldn't sleep. Too much on my mind and Gorden has a stinking cold again so that was disturbing me too.
He now has a lemsip and I will pop out later and buy some more and some vitamins I think we both need a really big boost of something from somewhere.
I should of hung around last night for tomato leaves and magic mushrooms even the hot cross buns sounded like they had magic properties.

Onto the serious stuff now.
Cris and Jenny I hope Rosie and Pepsi are better today.
Lots of healing vibes for Tai and of course for any other poorly doglet or human.
Helena really pleased to hear Dave had 5 mortgage offers and the phone has been ringing at work and he is more upbeat now lets hope it stays that way.
Great news about the firm poo's June.
Malka I hope your problems are well on the way to being sorted today.

The weather is wet here again today but I shall try not to complain as it is preferable to snow although I would prefer some nice sunny days even if a bit chilly.
The usual here again today housework and washing but Mark is popping in for a cuppa. That will probably mean at least half an hour of him having to wrestle Dillon off.

Enjoy your day all and stay safe.
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moetmum is offline  
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30-01-2013, 07:24 AM
Morning Lynn and all

Poor Gordon having another wretched cold.

I hope all of the poorly doggies are feeling better or improving today as well as the peeps.

It is horrendously windy here, I hope it dies down later.

I am collecting my cousin later this morning, he is coming here for the day to watch his DVD's and have a change of scenery.

Have a good day all
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30-01-2013, 07:42 AM
Good morning all.

It's still not light enough to see too much of what the weather is like. We have sunshine and winds forecast

Rosie is good at the moment. I don't know if I'm imagining it, but I'm pretty sure that she was heck of a lot less itchy, scratchy yesterday evening and also this morning. A very good sign, but I daren't say too much in case I jinx things.

Our longer walk are back on the cards as from today so I'm looking forward to that. I don't know what Rosie's been feeling about the shorter walks, but I've felt cheated

I had to laugh last night although I really shouldn't have done. OH has been wanting a freesat box thingymajig for ages and the one he wanted was an all singing all dancing affair that you can record on that has a massive memory. This particular one also had an extra sockety (you can tell I'm technically minded can't you) thing in the back which would have allowed us to connect both freeserve, sky box and something else (although don't ask me what). Anyways, he's been keeping his eye on this thing. I've kept saying buy it, he's kept saying that the price would come down after Christmas.

Anyway, last night he was going to order one. They've changed it and now it doesn't have the extra sockety thing in the back. Guess who'll be trawling shops and internet to find one from old stock?

Men, who'd have 'em!!!!!

Have a good 'un all, whatever you're up to today.

<hugs> and cuddles for poorly doggies with oodles of positive vibes flowing their way. Big ,hugs. too for all the poorly people (but please don't pass on your germs, I've had too many ailments already this winter) xxxxxxx
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30-01-2013, 07:45 AM
Morning Lynn, Gerry and everyone

What a wild night it was apparently we had winds gusting to 90mph in places, no wonder it was so scarey I was getting really worried about my big, arched bedroom window cos it creaks and whistles in high winds like that, and that's not right. I rang the guy who fitted these windows, but funnilly enough he hasn't got back to me when I mentioned about that particular window to his wife Hmmmm, I'll chase him up today and if no result, I will mention Fensa to him and see if that gets him round here Dave reckons it's only the mastic holding it in

Anyhoo, I hope little Pepsi hasn't been sick overnight Jen, and Chris, finger's and paws still crossed here for dear Rosie and her problems. I haven't checked on Tai's progress yet, but hopefully, he's out of the woods too Nikki.

Lynn, no wonder you couldn't sleep with all that going on in your head. I wonder if somebody rings the Carer's liaison officer, she could put your mind at rest as to whether this is a normal contract for all care homes nowadays and it doesn't mean much, or the fact that it's normal for people to scrub through it before signing?? She might be able to throw a bit more light on it for you all? Good luck anyway, you don't need all this additional c*ap do you.

Looking outside, the wind has dropped and we are left with quite a beautiful morning sky, few grey clouds in the distance heading my way, but I suspect that's a shower and will be gone by the time I get down the beach. Tide will be off the sand today so we can get a better walk.

Enjoy your day whatever you're up to *picks off green bits of leaf from bare feet and scrutinises* hmmmmmm

ETA: Morning Chris, so pleased to hear about Rosie, but I'm not saying anything either!
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madmare is offline  
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30-01-2013, 07:51 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

Lovely blue clear sky here this morning after a wet night, and the 60mph winds they forecast have not materielised, in fact there is not a breath of wind out there at all. Lets hope it stays that way.

Dogs are walked and later I need to take a trip to The Range and Home Bargains, so might pop to Asda too for a change while I am there as its next door. Then work this afternoon.

Charly enjoyed her day in Westminster yesterday and today is going with her cousin to London to see The Phantom of the Opera.

Hope Gordon feels better soon lynn. I swear by Echinacea. If its taken at the first sign of a sniffle it usually stops the cold in its tracks, or for Gordon now it would shorten the duration of it. Its a natural remedy that has been proven to work and it boosts the immune system.

I hope all the poorly doggies are now on the mend and any poorly people are feeling better too.

Take care all and have a good day.
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30-01-2013, 07:58 AM

Morning Lynn, morning all who follow

Sorry to hear you had a bad night Lynn and that Gorden has another bad cold [passes over a fresh box of tissues].

I echo your hopes for Rosie and Pepsi and all other poorly doglets, with more {{{vibes}}} for Tai

Great news about Dave and the mortgage offers - now fingers crossed that he finds the perfect flat!

Still no news about when or if we will get any mail or what is happening to it - bit of a booger especially with the orders that I have that should have been here last week. Oh well, nowt I can do about it is there, and I am not the only one who is worried about missing deliveries.

I am still hoping that my new computer will be sorted and back before the end of the week - but if Effie has not had the time then I will just have to wait and at least I have his loan one, s-l-o-w as it is!

Anyhow, I have just realised that the navy long-sleeved thermal vest that I am wearing [under a fluffy polo-neck sweater which in turn is under a mahoosive mans cosy sweater] was one that I bought for 50P in BHS in Watford about 30 years ago! I bought two long-sleeved [the other one is maroon] and three sleeveless, and wish I had bought some of the long janes as well.

Can you imagine anything like that bought today lasting that long?!

Have a good day everyone, keep warm and keep safe.
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Jenny is offline  
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30-01-2013, 08:48 AM
Morning Lynn and fellow members,

Lynn - Sorry you were up so early (me too ) and I can't believe poor Gorden has yet another cold. Lets hope he keeps this one to himself.

Moet - How lovely for your cousin to have a change of scenery. Very sweet of you.

Chris - Enjoy your long walk with Rosie. My OH is not a spontaneous buyer either and it nearly always back fires on him.

Helena - great news about the mortgage offers.

Malka - Core, little did you know 30 years ago that those thermals would still be going strong - amazing value for money

Well I too was up at silly o'clock and put the dogs in the garden but I shouldn't have bothered as neither were in a rush to do anything. More interested in sniffing round the fence line (fox!!). Fortunately I did go back to sleep for an hour. I've been out for a shortish walk (1/2) with the dogs and will take them out again late morning after I've been to do my food shopping.

Take care all, have a good day and I hope all poorly dogs are doing better.
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Lynn is offline  
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30-01-2013, 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning Lynn and all

Poor Gordon having another wretched cold.

I hope all of the poorly doggies are feeling better or improving today as well as the peeps.

It is horrendously windy here, I hope it dies down later.

I am collecting my cousin later this morning, he is coming here for the day to watch his DVD's and have a change of scenery.

Have a good day all
Morning Gerri. I hope wind dies down soon for you.
Have a nice day with your cousin.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all.

It's still not light enough to see too much of what the weather is like. We have sunshine and winds forecast

Rosie is good at the moment. I don't know if I'm imagining it, but I'm pretty sure that she was heck of a lot less itchy, scratchy yesterday evening and also this morning. A very good sign, but I daren't say too much in case I jinx things.

Our longer walk are back on the cards as from today so I'm looking forward to that. I don't know what Rosie's been feeling about the shorter walks, but I've felt cheated

I had to laugh last night although I really shouldn't have done. OH has been wanting a freesat box thingymajig for ages and the one he wanted was an all singing all dancing affair that you can record on that has a massive memory. This particular one also had an extra sockety (you can tell I'm technically minded can't you) thing in the back which would have allowed us to connect both freeserve, sky box and something else (although don't ask me what). Anyways, he's been keeping his eye on this thing. I've kept saying buy it, he's kept saying that the price would come down after Christmas.

Anyway, last night he was going to order one. They've changed it and now it doesn't have the extra sockety thing in the back. Guess who'll be trawling shops and internet to find one from old stock?

Men, who'd have 'em!!!!!

Have a good 'un all, whatever you're up to today.

<hugs> and cuddles for poorly doggies with oodles of positive vibes flowing their way. Big ,hugs. too for all the poorly people (but please don't pass on your germs, I've had too many ailments already this winter) xxxxxxx
Morning Chris glad to be reading Rosie seems to be improving. Enjoy your longer walk today I am sure Rosie feels the same as you about the shorter ones.
at your OH I hope he finds just what he is looking for.

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn, Gerry and everyone

What a wild night it was apparently we had winds gusting to 90mph in places, no wonder it was so scarey I was getting really worried about my big, arched bedroom window cos it creaks and whistles in high winds like that, and that's not right. I rang the guy who fitted these windows, but funnilly enough he hasn't got back to me when I mentioned about that particular window to his wife Hmmmm, I'll chase him up today and if no result, I will mention Fensa to him and see if that gets him round here Dave reckons it's only the mastic holding it in

Anyhoo, I hope little Pepsi hasn't been sick overnight Jen, and Chris, finger's and paws still crossed here for dear Rosie and her problems. I haven't checked on Tai's progress yet, but hopefully, he's out of the woods too Nikki.

Lynn, no wonder you couldn't sleep with all that going on in your head. I wonder if somebody rings the Carer's liaison officer, she could put your mind at rest as to whether this is a normal contract for all care homes nowadays and it doesn't mean much, or the fact that it's normal for people to scrub through it before signing?? She might be able to throw a bit more light on it for you all? Good luck anyway, you don't need all this additional c*ap do you.

Looking outside, the wind has dropped and we are left with quite a beautiful morning sky, few grey clouds in the distance heading my way, but I suspect that's a shower and will be gone by the time I get down the beach. Tide will be off the sand today so we can get a better walk.

Enjoy your day whatever you're up to *picks off green bits of leaf from bare feet and scrutinises* hmmmmmm

ETA: Morning Chris, so pleased to hear about Rosie, but I'm not saying anything either!
Morning Helena that window sounds scary I hope .
he comes round and sorts it soon.
Wasn't mum's problems keeping me wake but our own problems.
Enjoy that walk down the beach and I hope it isn't too windy there.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and all,

Lovely blue clear sky here this morning after a wet night, and the 60mph winds they forecast have not materielised, in fact there is not a breath of wind out there at all. Lets hope it stays that way.

Dogs are walked and later I need to take a trip to The Range and Home Bargains, so might pop to Asda too for a change while I am there as its next door. Then work this afternoon.

Charly enjoyed her day in Westminster yesterday and today is going with her cousin to London to see The Phantom of the Opera.

Hope Gordon feels better soon lynn. I swear by Echinacea. If its taken at the first sign of a sniffle it usually stops the cold in its tracks, or for Gordon now it would shorten the duration of it. Its a natural remedy that has been proven to work and it boosts the immune system.

I hope all the poorly doggies are now on the mend and any poorly people are feeling better too.

Take care all and have a good day.
Morning Bev enjoy your shopping trip.
Thanks for the tip I had in mind to buy some and try it, now it comes recommended that's what I'll do.
Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Morning Lynn, morning all who follow

Sorry to hear you had a bad night Lynn and that Gorden has another bad cold [passes over a fresh box of tissues].

I echo your hopes for Rosie and Pepsi and all other poorly doglets, with more {{{vibes}}} for Tai

Great news about Dave and the mortgage offers - now fingers crossed that he finds the perfect flat!

Still no news about when or if we will get any mail or what is happening to it - bit of a booger especially with the orders that I have that should have been here last week. Oh well, nowt I can do about it is there, and I am not the only one who is worried about missing deliveries.

I am still hoping that my new computer will be sorted and back before the end of the week - but if Effie has not had the time then I will just have to wait and at least I have his loan one, s-l-o-w as it is!

Anyhow, I have just realised that the navy long-sleeved thermal vest that I am wearing [under a fluffy polo-neck sweater which in turn is under a mahoosive mans cosy sweater] was one that I bought for 50P in BHS in Watford about 30 years ago! I bought two long-sleeved [the other one is maroon] and three sleeveless, and wish I had bought some of the long janes as well.

Can you imagine anything like that bought today lasting that long?!

Have a good day everyone, keep warm and keep safe.
Morning Malka. You couldn't buy anything these days for extortionate prices and it last that long.
I hope your day isn't to stressful.
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Nippy is offline  
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30-01-2013, 09:00 AM
Gerry and Helena sounds like you have our wind because it has dropped a bit here and the sun is shining
I hope all poorly doggies are well and that Gorden and all other 'umans get well soon.

I'm going to touch wood but there is no one sat on the loo here nor outside eating grass so lets hope all that has passed

Back soon!
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30-01-2013, 09:12 AM
Good morning fellow members the sun is shining at the moment after a wet and windy night.
While the rain has stopped I am going to do lots of washing in hope of getting it dry outside.

Poor Chloe, the muddy water was up to her tummy in the first part of the lane when we went for our early walk .
I feel really tired today and could easily have stayed in bed but have lots to do.

Enjoy your day everyone
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