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04-01-2013, 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and all,

Your right H, it is. I have been keeping a rough record of daylight hours over the past 7 years and each year it appears the shortest day is much later and not on Dec 21st as it originally used to be. Last year it continued getting darker in the mornings until early February, when the morning finally started to pull out.
The days are darker for longer overall anyway as 6 years ago at 7am even in the darkest months it was getting light enough to see down the field. Now its 7.30am before the same hint of light appears.

Anyway this morning I am off to do mums shopping and then take it to her and do her housework, before returning to walk Lily and then get off to work.

I took kyiro for a little walk again this morning for about 5 mins. He is so happy to get out, but although his foot looks better he is still unfortunatly very sore on it and it hurts him when I put his sock or boot on and off. If its still painful for him at the end of this course of antibiotics then the amputation will have to go ahead unfortunatly.

Hope you all have a good day whatever you are doing.
Not so re daylight; it is lighter much later in the afternoons now, It was half past five last night when we were working on the fence etc and stll light, a whole hour later already.
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04-01-2013, 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Rosebud77 View Post
Not so re daylight; it is lighter much later in the afternoons now, It was half past five last night when we were working on the fence etc and stll light, a whole hour later already.
It wasn't light at that time here, it was almost dark when I arrived at work at 4.15pm
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04-01-2013, 12:59 PM
'afternoon Lynn and everyone

Dillon is a good boy, he can't help the odd bit of barking, he will calm down in time.

We did the weekly food shop this morning and for the first time ever Baruska wouldn't move from her favorite spot so we left her there and when we came back she didn't run down to the gate either. It's obvious she is getting old now and it's hard to see her like that especially as Rianna (who is almost the same age) is still very active. That's life I suppose.

Best wishes to all of you out there
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04-01-2013, 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Getting lighter here but very overcast.
MM I think you should write to the hospital, these places are often very lax and need a kick up the bum.
Poor Rucksack, hope he is better soon and all the other doggies too.

Todays the day my Grand-daughters are taking us out to lunch as our Christmas present Except the younger one can't come, her friend is being induced this morning and Elisha is her birthing partner so she will be there all day.
I have just painted my nails in readiness, then started on Dogsey and smudged it all, so I will have to start again
Going for a look around the forum, speak later.
Afternoon Jenny. You may of left for your lunch already but I hope you have/had a lovely time.

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members a grey grim morning here not helped by the fact I couldn't sleep then managed to go to sleep at last at 6am and woke up in a hurry...

I am worried about next week when I have an appointment at the hospital, it has already been cancelled/rescheduled 4 times and now they have an outbreak of Norovirus and have closed some wards I really don't want a dose of that thank you with the three babies around.

Jenny I hope Rucksack will be better soon, that will teach us to discuss things in beards

Jenny 2 enjoy your lunch with the family
Afternoon Mini maybe you can catch a nap later.
That is very worrying about the bugs that are around the last thing you need is to catch something nasty.

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Oh dear Lynn - naughty Dillon, giving you something else to worry about. Dogs do like to make sure we don't relax, don't they? Fingers crossed he will be okay.

I know how you feel Mini, I really didn't want to go to A&E the other day and wouldn't sit down near anyone. I made sure we all used the hand gels frequently and washed our hands too. I know it's not as easy to do that though when you have an appointment. I hope you manage to avoid it.

Have fun with your family Nippy.
Afternoon Linda Dillon seems fine after his chicken carcass incident. I don't think I can manage all this again its a bit like having children you have to realise when you are too old to cope. I just need a worry free quiet life now.
I hope Loki is well today.
Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning Lynn,morning all

Dry but a tad damp this morning but it looks like the sun is coming out
Still have plenty of laundry to do, and it doesn't seem to be going down
Had a busy few days,here,there and everywhere,nothing planned for today,hope it's going to quiet today.

Have a good day all x
Afternoon Sal I hope the washing pile has reduced in size and that you enjoy your quiet day.
Originally Posted by lore View Post
Morning all,

Hope everyone is well, if not I hope you small get better soon.

Well after getting the programme ready for cadets I've discovered I need to make a change. Grrr. Oh well, won't take long to change it. Still got to spend some time sorting out who has passed what. Also got to go down to the detachment and clean up, then get some stock for the tuck shop thing we have going.

Other than that, more study, hopefully I hear from the tutor I emailed yesterday, oh and Dougal's walk.
Afternoon Lorraine seems like another busy day for you ahead do you ever sit down ?
Hope all you have to do goes to plan.

Originally Posted by Losos View Post
'afternoon Lynn and everyone

Dillon is a good boy, he can't help the odd bit of barking, he will calm down in time.

We did the weekly food shop this morning and for the first time ever Baruska wouldn't move from her favorite spot so we left her there and when we came back she didn't run down to the gate either. It's obvious she is getting old now and it's hard to see her like that especially as Rianna (who is almost the same age) is still very active. That's life I suppose.

Best wishes to all of you out there
Afternoon Harvey. On the whole Dillon is good and he is now calm and quiet.
Sorry to hear about Baruska it does get worrying when they stop being their normal bouncy selves. Hopefully she will perk up later or tomorrow.
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04-01-2013, 01:56 PM
Afternoon everyone

Sorry to hear about poor Rucksack, I hope he's better now or you've managed to get him down to the vet Jenny. Good luck for next week's appointment there Mini, but maybe if you're an outpatient you won't be going near any of those nasties, but you still got to be careful I know, wash those hands with that gel everywhere you enter. Sorry to hear about Bara there Harvey, it's the little things like that, you notice when they're getting older isn't it, maybe she's just having one of her off days, I hope so bless her.

Had another very loooooong beach walk, Zena was soooo in her element, she laid down in all the big, deep pools with her ball, she ran in and out of the sea, she had a lovely game with a young red setter who came charging over to us to nick her ball, he grabbed the rope,. but she wasn't gonna let him have it and run off with it We got down there at 8.30 and got back up the beach at 10 so a really good walk again, and being on the flat, it's so easy to do that distance and my hips don't hurt.

Then I went to Mr S for a couple of bits, and then off to the van to strip the beds for next week-end and see the manager about something. Had roast chicken for lunch cos I chucked it in before I went off to Mr S and when I got back I threw in the roasties, and it was lufferley, now I'm stuffed, and need a nanny nap.

I wish we didn't have visitors tonight coz it means I can't get in me jim jams when I get up and have a shower later Hey ho, Dave needs to see this bloke though coz he's taking over his books and will take a load off his mind hopefully, plus save him lots of cash in the process, but I can't wish for too much can I.

Anyway, enjoy the rest of the day, it'll soon be over and the week-end will be here before you know it.
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04-01-2013, 02:06 PM
Very dark day here, with a fine rain, but warm. All girlies been out for a walk and are settled with bones and an interested audience of babies, I am sure it won't be long before the babies have the bones away from them They were late risers this morning, they are becoming less and less dependent on mummy, I am making sure they have more than enough to eat so they are full and contented, they still have a drink from her when I pop them in the puppy palace in the morning when I have cleaned but they are nowhere near as frantic to get to her as they were this time last week. Had a little cry before because I realised that Sasha goes to her new family a week today, Che goes on the 17th, thank goodness it is not the same day, it takes me a day or so to get myself back together when they go, then fingers crossed they will all keep in touch this time (they say they will) and I will know how things are going.
I think there is some sort of doggy bug going round you know because Taran's mummy emailed to say he was poorly, then Lona wasn't too clever the other day, nothing specific, but she wasn't herself and she didn't want to eat for a day, totally not her, and the babies were poorly as well but only for a day thank goodness, not sure if it was worming them I have never had that reaction before, but maybe they had got a mild dose of whatever it is that is going round. Last day for worming them today, and Che had cottoned onto what was going to happen and wouldn't let me open his mouth to pop the syringe in, he has very sharp teeth as I found out, ouch!!!! He was wormed though
Just finished cleaning up and having a cup of tea and some toast, then I will take the tree down and the decs, didn't put much up really so won't take long. Got some friends of mine coming over to microchip the babies in the morning tomorrow, so will get it all looking less like a doss house today I think!!!!
Here is today's Puppy Fix-and it is Keshi
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04-01-2013, 02:16 PM
Awwww Keshi thanks June, enjoy your sit down with your cuppa..........and maybe a nanny nap!!!!
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04-01-2013, 02:44 PM
Oh Keshi - I am madly in lurve with you! xxx
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04-01-2013, 03:05 PM
I'm up and at em again now Tree is down and in the garden, next job is to get it into the back of Hannah Honda and take it to the tip, took me long enough to get the b....r out, so will leave that for another day, all decs put away. Checked lights and they are all working, so they are away. Now got to take up old sheets off the floor, shake the pine needles off them and put them in the washer, then hoover up, then a shower and hair wash I think, then babies will need to come in. Very mild out there, left top door of puppy palace open to try and dry the roof out a bit, it is very damp, however I only got a carrier bag full of shavings from both kennels and the yard this morning, so things are looking up and drying up. Smaller kennel had another lot of dry in this morning, puppy palace dry as a bone, the only wet bits being where they come in and out through the hatchway. I am having a sort of early Nanny Nap when I feed the babies in the morning, they are not as early as they were, but still taking brekkie back to bed and having a read, listen to the radio and a doze, I think if I have another sleep in the day as well I will be sleeping 18 out of the 24
I do wish I had your beach walk Helena, however the schools are back next week so am going to take Lona and Mabs up to the bridle paths and into our Secret Garden for a charge round offlead for Lona as she has been on onlead walks since the schools broke up. Probably being over-cautious but had several incidents with offlead dogs running up, Mabs will get out of the way, but Lona will stick up for herself, if she is onlead then no one can really put the blame on her.
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04-01-2013, 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
It wasn't light at that time here, it was almost dark when I arrived at work at 4.15pm
Depends on cloud cover which can make a huge difference. It was lifting here late afternoon yesterday but heavy this morning as it is now.
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