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04-01-2013, 08:45 AM
Good morning all.

It has rained in the night, but it's not now. Still only half light so the weather could go either way. Mind you, we had a beautiful red sky last night as the sun set so if the saying is right, maybe we're in for a nice day.

Gary's new text 'phone still hasn't arrived, but should do today so Dave will be busy this afternoon sorting that and putting up the radiator shelf. While he's doing that, I'll pop Gary round to the post office. His new card works fine, but he's still worried about it. Apparently, there's a couple of letters to sort out as well. Won't know what they are until I get there as he hasn't a clue - all he knows is that one is from the post office and one from the doctors.

Before all that, we're off to town and I think that a breakfast is on the cards this morning. I'm sure the cafe staff think we're mad eating breakfast outside throughout the winter, but, hey ho, we enjoy it. Mind you, they do look after the nutters. Just before Christmas, Rosie got a sausage (on mum's plate) as a Christmas present and we were treated to milky coffees instead of the normal

January is always the worst month of the year for me. It's one of those long months where the weather is still dark and threatening, the high of Christmas is past and spring still seems a long way off. I'm always glad when January is finished.

I'm still trying to make my mind up when to go over to visit my mam. One of the roads between here and there is still closed as it's flooded, but they say it might reopen at the weekend. If it does, then I'll probably make the trip next week.

Have a good 'un all and stay safe.
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04-01-2013, 09:09 AM
Morning all, another dark dismal day here , at least it is not raining ......... not much to report today, have not decided what to do yet, probably meet a friend for coffee later today.

Hope all those sick doglets get better soon, and you all get done what is needed to be done.

Have a good one and stay safe xx
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04-01-2013, 09:18 AM
Getting lighter here but very overcast.
MM I think you should write to the hospital, these places are often very lax and need a kick up the bum.
Poor Rucksack, hope he is better soon and all the other doggies too.

Todays the day my Grand-daughters are taking us out to lunch as our Christmas present Except the younger one can't come, her friend is being induced this morning and Elisha is her birthing partner so she will be there all day.
I have just painted my nails in readiness, then started on Dogsey and smudged it all, so I will have to start again
Going for a look around the forum, speak later.
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04-01-2013, 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn, Debbie, Gerry, Rosebud and everyone

I swear it's getting darker instead of lighter in the mornings and I don't like it. Only got up cos Zena was kissing me to death to let her out and Dave had shut his door.

Glad Dillon was a good boy this morning for you Lynn, enjoy the ski-ing tonight Debbie and I'm sure the furkids are going to enjoy their daycare. Good luck with your cousin Gerry, I saw what a nightmare it was for you and him yesterday, so let's hope he's in the care home this morning. Glad to hear the dogs get a new field up there Rosebud, they will love that!

When it gets light, we'll be off down the beach again, the tide is out as far as it will go and I might remember to take the camera and make you all jealous

I can't quite believe how happy and healthy Zena is atm, she's bouncing around like a 2 year old again, never slopes off into her bed looking miserable, she's eating breakfast every time, and instead of ringing my vet like I'm supposed to to update him, I think I'm going to put it all down in writing so that he could read it at his leisure as I want to add a few bits of history to it and mention that hiatas hernia I've been Googling about, just to see what he thinks.

We've got a visitor tonight from 7pm, I hope Zena will let him in with copious amounts of cheese and her squeaky ball, cos I don't think we've ever had a visitor arrive in the dark, but I shall be on top of her, otherwise she'll get shut in the bedroom until she calms down.

Anyway, that's it for me today, hope everyone is ok today along with the doglets, we certainly are, I can even walk this morning, haven't injured myself for ages now have I!!! Enjoy your Friday.
Morning Helena take care out there now you have siad you have no injuries for while you have possibly put the mockers on it . I hope you haven't though.
I hope all goes well with your visitor tonight and Zena. Really pleased to hear at last a vet has sorted her tummy troubles for her.
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and all,

Your right H, it is. I have been keeping a rough record of daylight hours over the past 7 years and each year it appears the shortest day is much later and not on Dec 21st as it originally used to be. Last year it continued getting darker in the mornings until early February, when the morning finally started to pull out.
The days are darker for longer overall anyway as 6 years ago at 7am even in the darkest months it was getting light enough to see down the field. Now its 7.30am before the same hint of light appears.

Anyway this morning I am off to do mums shopping and then take it to her and do her housework, before returning to walk Lily and then get off to work.

I took kyiro for a little walk again this morning for about 5 mins. He is so happy to get out, but although his foot looks better he is still unfortunatly very sore on it and it hurts him when I put his sock or boot on and off. If its still painful for him at the end of this course of antibiotics then the amputation will have to go ahead unfortunatly.

Hope you all have a good day whatever you are doing.
Morning Bev its nice to hear Kyiro is managing a short walk now. Shame though his still not entirely comfortable on the paw lets hope he will be very soon.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Morning Lynn, morning all

Just spoken to Effie about when I will get my computer back, only of course it will not be my computer will it, but a new one that he is building for me but which he will download and install all my own programs and "stuff" in. He has apparently got all the whatevers he had to order and will be working on it today. Once done he will bring it round and transfer everything from my external hard drive onto it.

I managed to find, download and install all important stuff onto this loan computer but there is still a lot missing and I will be so happy to get it all back again!

Pereg got me up once in the night but she was out and back in very quickly so I was still mostly asleep, and we both zonked off again until her meds time. It is lovely and sunny outside so she is currently basking in the sunshine.

I just have the usual few things to get done for Shabbat but as it now gets darker later Shabbat is not in until 4.28pm today so more than enough time.

Hope all is well with all two and four-legged ones. xx
Morning Malka fingers crossed Effie manages to get your old/new computer to you soon. The thought of that sunshine is making me envious.
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Morning everyone

You're right Helen - it is still darkish now. Horrible, isn't it? I think there is a lot of dark clouds, which isn't helping. I hope you remember your camera.

I'm off with Loki in a few minutes. I don't think he had any fits last night so hopefully that's it this time.

Take care everyone.
Morning Linda ((hugs))) to Loki I hope he continues to remain fit free now. Enjoy your walk.

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Good Morning Lynn and all who follow her,

I hope you all fit and well and for those who aren't, get better soon.

This is going to have to be a quick post as Rucksack has an upset tummy. I went out in the garden with them both and all their business was done as normal. Back in to give them their breakfast and Rucksack cries to go out again Poor lad! Had I known what was in store he wouldn't have had any breakfast

He is a dreadful scavenger so no doubt it is something he ate while out yesterday. Too many people leave food out for the **** foxes which isn't needed as they seem to munch their way through local wildlife and recently a number of small pets.

I'll drop in later but I hope you all have a good day.
Morning Jenny. Poor Rucksack and you I hope his tummy recovers soon for his sake and yours.
Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all.

It has rained in the night, but it's not now. Still only half light so the weather could go either way. Mind you, we had a beautiful red sky last night as the sun set so if the saying is right, maybe we're in for a nice day.

Gary's new text 'phone still hasn't arrived, but should do today so Dave will be busy this afternoon sorting that and putting up the radiator shelf. While he's doing that, I'll pop Gary round to the post office. His new card works fine, but he's still worried about it. Apparently, there's a couple of letters to sort out as well. Won't know what they are until I get there as he hasn't a clue - all he knows is that one is from the post office and one from the doctors.

Before all that, we're off to town and I think that a breakfast is on the cards this morning. I'm sure the cafe staff think we're mad eating breakfast outside throughout the winter, but, hey ho, we enjoy it. Mind you, they do look after the nutters. Just before Christmas, Rosie got a sausage (on mum's plate) as a Christmas present and we were treated to milky coffees instead of the normal

January is always the worst month of the year for me. It's one of those long months where the weather is still dark and threatening, the high of Christmas is past and spring still seems a long way off. I'm always glad when January is finished.

I'm still trying to make my mind up when to go over to visit my mam. One of the roads between here and there is still closed as it's flooded, but they say it might reopen at the weekend. If it does, then I'll probably make the trip next week.

Have a good 'un all and stay safe.
Morning Chris. Enjoy your walk and breakfast and I hope Gary's phone turns up today and those letters are easily dealt with.
Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, another dark dismal day here , at least it is not raining ......... not much to report today, have not decided what to do yet, probably meet a friend for coffee later today.

Hope all those sick doglets get better soon, and you all get done what is needed to be done.

Have a good one and stay safe xx
Morning Jackie enjoy that coffee out if you go.

We are now back from an hour long walk and Dillon is nice and calm for now anyway. We met his friend and Ollie's the westie Poppy and she told him off a couple of times for getting a little close.
He also managed to find a chicken carcass someone had left it in the food recycling bin and before we could get it away it had gone. I hope there are no repercussions from it.
I am now off to have a cuppa and a bit christmas cake for breakfast.
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04-01-2013, 09:36 AM
Good morning fellow members a grey grim morning here not helped by the fact I couldn't sleep then managed to go to sleep at last at 6am and woke up in a hurry...

I am worried about next week when I have an appointment at the hospital, it has already been cancelled/rescheduled 4 times and now they have an outbreak of Norovirus and have closed some wards I really don't want a dose of that thank you with the three babies around.

Jenny I hope Rucksack will be better soon, that will teach us to discuss things in beards

Jenny 2 enjoy your lunch with the family
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04-01-2013, 09:56 AM
Oh dear Lynn - naughty Dillon, giving you something else to worry about. Dogs do like to make sure we don't relax, don't they? Fingers crossed he will be okay.

I know how you feel Mini, I really didn't want to go to A&E the other day and wouldn't sit down near anyone. I made sure we all used the hand gels frequently and washed our hands too. I know it's not as easy to do that though when you have an appointment. I hope you manage to avoid it.

Have fun with your family Nippy.
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04-01-2013, 10:04 AM
Morning Lynn,morning all

Dry but a tad damp this morning but it looks like the sun is coming out
Still have plenty of laundry to do, and it doesn't seem to be going down
Had a busy few days,here,there and everywhere,nothing planned for today,hope it's going to quiet today.

Have a good day all x
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04-01-2013, 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Oh dear Lynn - naughty Dillon, giving you something else to worry about. Dogs do like to make sure we don't relax, don't they? Fingers crossed he will be okay.

I know how you feel Mini, I really didn't want to go to A&E the other day and wouldn't sit down near anyone. I made sure we all used the hand gels frequently and washed our hands too. I know it's not as easy to do that though when you have an appointment. I hope you manage to avoid it.

Have fun with your family Nippy.
Linda it must have been awful having to take Michael

I may be there for half a day they say and I will go armed with gel and antiseptic wipes and remove all my clothing when I get home but I will still be near a lot of germs which makes me panic at the best of times Maybe an all in one biological suit is the answer
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04-01-2013, 11:09 AM
Morning all,

Hope everyone is well, if not I hope you small get better soon.

Well after getting the programme ready for cadets I've discovered I need to make a change. Grrr. Oh well, won't take long to change it. Still got to spend some time sorting out who has passed what. Also got to go down to the detachment and clean up, then get some stock for the tuck shop thing we have going.

Other than that, more study, hopefully I hear from the tutor I emailed yesterday, oh and Dougal's walk.
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04-01-2013, 11:23 AM
Lynn said...

Morning Rose. It sounds like you have a caring landlord.
It also sounds like you are still recovering from the other day and your trip out. Hopefully today you can rest.

Seems so re the landlord which after the others I have had is restful.. and I am able to help him with some things too which is great. His wee ones are lovely; 6,5, 4, and 2...

And he respects my privacy.

It was not the trip out, but the trip while out!

Longing to start the new garden. Dogs did not get much walking as the fields are sodden but they did plenty of digging.... grass and earth flying...and collie had a good roll and wriggle on the grass which is how she keeps clean.
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