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Azz is offline  
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16-05-2010, 06:36 PM

How selfish are you?

I know this might sound like an odd topic, it is sortof

I often take a step back and re-evaluate my thoughts on things, things I do, things I see others do, things I'd do differently, things others would do differently. And then I look at what I think is right, just and noble.

Before anyone thinks I think I am a saint - I don't, and I'm not! In fact I recognise only too well how selfish I, 'we' as humans are.

But anyway, if I could ask you to take a moment to do that - reflect, and say how selfish you would say you are? (We all are to some degree or another - so don't be shy!)

I don't know where the thread will go - but maybe we can have an interesting discussion about it
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esmed is offline  
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16-05-2010, 06:49 PM
I can quite easily say that I can be pretty selfish at times depending on the situation really. I don't think this makes me a bad person as I think we're all selfish to a certain degree.
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honeysmummy is offline  
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16-05-2010, 06:51 PM
I am more selfish with family and close friends than i am with strangers or clients. I go to the other extreme with them and go over the top to please sometimes. My hubby I can be selfish with lol!!
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Jackie is offline  
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16-05-2010, 06:54 PM
As the parent of two children now grown up, selfishness has had to take aback seat, ans always will where my children are concerned.

But I do have some moments...days out shopping and spending all the money on me especially where shoes and handbags are concerned::and I dont feel guilty one little bit roll:

But generally with a family and husband, it takes a back seat!!
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ClaireandDaisy is offline  
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16-05-2010, 07:14 PM
Define selfish.
Do you mean acting in your own best interest? If so, we all do, all the time. If you mean ignoring the consequences of our actions (going ahead even though we know it will harm someone or something else), then I doubt many people deliberately do.
I think most of us do what seems right at the time.
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Lou is offline  
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16-05-2010, 07:17 PM
I would have to say, I don't think I'm all

I don't buy anything for myself, I have it bought as a present if I ned something. My Hubby is forever telling me to go and treat myself, but I can't........I just feel so guilty, even if I spend a £1 on something for me, it still makes me feel bad.......

If I need clothes, shoes or whatever, I ask for it as a present for my birthday. Christmas, easter, etc........

I always put my Hubby, and kids first.......

I've always been the same x
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Helena54 is offline  
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16-05-2010, 08:16 PM
For once in my life, I can honestly say, I now put others before myself, honest! I never used to, maybe it's old age or something, maybe it's all those years of looking after my old mum, maybe it's because I'm a Virgo and we're known to be one of life's "servers to others", to we always come last ourselves. It comes quite naturally to me, to put myself out to help anybody in need, like I'd go so far as to say, I'd cancel a long awaited hair appointment or something to take a friend somewhere she needed to get to urgently, that kind of thing, so I think that makes me selfless and not selfish!

It gives you a really good feeling too by taking that step back, taking the time to "think" about others and how you would act if the boot was on the other foot, and if it meant putting yourself out to do something for somebody else or put somebody else first, then do it! I wouldn't put somebody else before me in the queue at Sainsbury's though, so maybe I am selfish, but only in the supermarket lol!
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youngstevie is offline  
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16-05-2010, 09:03 PM
Well I think I am at times, ie I like my own space/time and can be very miffed if someone encroaches on it, and I don't often treat thats me being selfish with money I often am heard to say '''I wouldn't pay that''

But as regards our kids and my hubby I am not, I will give them my last penny.
Our home is always open to others regardless to thier age, and I will bend over backwards to help them and we foster children, rescue animals etc.,

I think though if someone doesn't show appreciation (just a thank you will do) I would be selfish the next time they came my friendship would be gone
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Kazz is offline  
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16-05-2010, 09:22 PM
I am extremely selfish
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Trouble is offline  
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16-05-2010, 09:31 PM
Hmm it's a tricky one because I would say I'm very focused on what I want and I can be quite driven but I quite cheerfully put others first frequently giving up my time and money etc for family members. That said, I pretty much please myself most of the time and do what I want and buy what I want but my kids are grown so why not. I do what I can for others when I can but I'm not going to let it take over my life so yes in some respects I can be very selfish, I've only got one life and I intend to get the best out of it.
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