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scorpio is offline  
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21-02-2009, 08:41 AM

The Final Chapter - (very long, you'll need a cuppa and a sandwich!)

Well, as from yesterday, I am officially a one dog owner, and it would appear thats how its going to stay! I don't really mind as I have my darling big teddy bear Leon and I have four of my other babies within a few minutes drive of home or the unit, so can see them all whenever I want to.

Some of you may recall that I had been having problems with my so called friend Jill, she was fostering Fabian for me but was trying to find him a home behind my back and phoning various big-wigs within the setter societies to bad mouth me and to get them to ring me to persuade me to part with him.

A very lovely person on here said they would take Fabian for me until I could get him back, but then we had that shocking weather and I couldn't get over to pick him up, there were quite a few obstacles that kept coming up and I was getting so frustrated about it.

In the meantime I had been contacted by a lady from Bucks who lives a few miles away from Clives unit, and in an area close to where we would be looking to move. They had owned English Setters for many years and lost their oldie, aged 14, last summer and were now looking to rehome one, they didn't really want a puppy and ideally a bitch. They had 5 at once before so I had an inkling they were my kind of people. I wrote back and said that I didn't have anything, only Fabey and that I really wanted to keep him, unless a brilliant home arised and I would consider letting him go. (I have to admit that all the time I was wanting him back my head was saying that I had to do what was right for him).

Joan wrote back with her phone number and saying that they would love to take Fabey if I considered they would be good enough and they understood totally the distress that rehoming my darlings had caused, (bless her, she knew all the right things to say). I couldn't phone her as I still get blubbery talking about them...I'm even crying again now, but we arranged that Leon and I would visit last Wednesday for a cuppa and a chat.

At the same time as I was chatting to her, another friend rang me and asked if I had seen Tawny recently...she was with Jill also. I said that I saw her just before Christmas and what was the matter, she told me that Tawny was like a walking skeleton, despite having been speyed in November, so one would think she would have put on weight, she always was athletic but never skinny...apparently you could see her ribs, her backbone and her hip bones!

Our visit went very well, Leon took to them immediately, their garden is really safe, with two entrance gates with digilocks so that no-one can easily get in, and if one gate accidently gets left open there is another one to keep the dogs in. They do have a small garden pond which I mentioned could be a problem but it isn't deep and they said theirs were very often paddling in it in the summer. The house isn't huge but downstairs consists of a lounge and kitchen and the dogs have the run of it, a huge sofa that they can sit on with their owners whilst watching tv or just chilling out. Leon had no hesitation in testing it out, he was upside down on his back making big grrry noises and snorting lol.

As they had seen my website they were asking about the other dogs, they were showing me their photo albums, full to the brim of their dogs, and telling me which ones of mine reminded them of theirs. We started talking about Fabey and I said that I was happy for him to have a forever home with them, how could I deprive him of such a lovely home when it could be a very long time before I could have him back. I told them about the problems I had with Jill and that I was seriously thinking of getting Tawny back when I collected him, and also Gracie. Bailey is also with Jill but will be 12 in April and I didn't think it would be right to take him away from her, or unsettle him for his twilight years. Joan said that they would love to give a home to Gracie also if I managed to get her back, and I was delighted as that would mean Fabey and Gracie would be together forever.

I couldn't phone Jill to make the arrangments, I was so cross with her about the phone calls that I asked Clive to do it. The moment he got on the phone and introduced himself she went on the defensive and said that she hadn't made any calls or tried to get Fabey rehomed??? That was before Clive had said anything other than who he was...if that wasn't a guilty conscience I don't know! Anyway, we didn't tell her about the other two, just that I would be collecting Fabey at 10 o'clock yesterday morning.

I got there and she was awful to me...pointing in my face saying that she hadn't given my phone number out..which is very strange as these people were phoning on Clives home phone...I haven't given that to anyone other than friends or advertised it anywhere so how would people know what number to reach me on unless she had told them. She was vile and sneering at me..I've never seen her like that and was so pleased I was going to be able to break all contact with her after yesterday.

She asked me where Fabey was going and I said it was none of her business, just rest assured that he will be well cared for and loved. She said "oh I expect he's going somewhere where they'll be out at work all day and left on his own" to which I retorted that he wouldn't because he will have Gracie for company! She was gobsmacked, she said that I couldn't take her away from her as she had been there for over a year and I said that I was taking her, if she felt so strongly that Fabey needed a fireside home so desperately then I felt it necessary to offer her the same opportunity. Well she was spitting at this point about how much she had done for me and how the worm had turned. She forgets that I have paid her for looking after my dogs, she was llike a vulture when I moved out of my house and took as much furniture, tvs etc as I could take over to her, (yes, I delivered it all to her home).

I then delivered the next bombshell that I was also remiving Tawny from her care..."no, you're not having her", she said. I informed her that I had brought along all their KC papers clearly showing me as their owner and if she wished me to call the police to allow me to remove Tawny then I would do. I never wanted to go down this route, I wanted it all as amicable as it could be, but she has killed me stone dead, I know that part of my heart is dead..I can tell, and I feel that she has made things a lot harder for me by promising to foster Fabey for me, offereing me false hope that I would be able to have him back one day. In fact, she was the one that put English Setter rescue onto me, even after I had told her that I didn't want them involved, I wanted to rehome my babies myself with people that I had met and felt I trusted with them. I had so many phone calls from people involved inrescue trying to tell me what was best for my dogs and how I should hand them over to the society to find homes for. She just has this inability to not interfere and push her opinions onto people and is quite nasty when things don't go according to how she wants them to go.

Anyway, I managed to come away with the three dogs, I asked he if I could please say goodbye to Bailey and she sneered and said no...that I could never see him again and that she isn't even going to tell me when he dies so I can worry about him for the next few years!

I got the dogs in the car, drove up the road, pulled over, sobbed my heart out and was sick...I couldn't believe that it had come to that, or that she would be so cruel over Bailey...I suppose, with hindsight it was her kneejerk reaction to me taking the girls, something she just didn't expect.

I have already heard on the grapevine that my name is mud, that I have taken those dogs just to be difficult and that I won't have homes for them, I shall probably sell them to the highest bidder etc. Fortunately, those who do know me know that I didn't sell any of my dogs, their homes were far more important than anything and I couldn't live with the thought of selling my babies off like commodities, and those people are the only ones I'm interested in.

Back to the main story...I phoned Joan to let her know we were enroute and that I had got both Fabey and Gracie for her, she was so excited she was screaming at her hubby that they were both coming home...and we continued our journey. When we got there we took all three dogs to the park just over the road to where they are living, we met up with her daughter and her Jack Russell and they all made friends, then it was back home for a well deserved cuppa.

Joan kept asking about Tawny, I told here that I had put the feelers out on here and that Clive, (bless him as he really isn't a doggy person), has said she could stay at ours overnight in need. Her daughter kept saying "you want her too don't you?" and she admitted that she was very taken with her and it would be a shame to split the three of them up as they had always been together. I told her that I would love them to take her, it would be a huge weight off my mind but that I didn't want to burden them with my troubles and that they shouldn't feel sorry for Tawny or me as we would get things sorted out. Joan said that she didn't feel like that at all, that she thought Tawny was adorable and so like the setters in temperament. I said that she could chat with Steve about it as I wouldn't be taking her anywhere immediately and that they could have first refusal. At that point Steve arrived home and made a huge fuss of all the dogs..he went and sat down and Joan took him a cuppa, no-one mentioned anything about Tawny staying but as he sat down she climbed on his lap...well deal done, as they say, how could he not be smitten? lol. He then asked about her and we told him the story, Joan asked him if he liked her and he said definately and that if she had lived with the others all her life then he felt it would be the right thing to do to keep them all together. He said that they had lived with 5 setters all at once before so 3 dogs would be a doddle. He also said that they would make sure she got plenty of good food over a sensible period to get her back to her old state.

I then started crying again, but tears of relief really, they are so nice and want me to play a part in the dogs lives. I'm so fortunate in that all the new homes are like that with me, its just so handy that these people are only up the road too. I haven't spoken to them yet today to see what kind of night they had, but when I left them yesterday the dogs were pottering around in the garden, they let me kiss them goodbye but they weren't worried about me leaving...not even Fabey who had always thrown himself at me and cried when he was at Jills.

I now feel at ease about where all my babies are but there is a twist to the tale. I suppose its because I'm a Scorpio that I felt the need to take revenge on tell the KC that one of her show dogs had an operation to implant a false testicle, just so she could show him, to let the council know that she has in excess of 20 dogs so she goes through the hell of having them on her back wondering if she is going to be able to keep them all. Telling one of her friends that the puppy pom she gave her only lasted a couple of days before one of her terriers pulled it through the fence and savaged it to death, there are so many things she has done that I could cause a lot of trouble over. However, last night I said to Clive that I couldn't do any of it really, I was upset and angry when I said that I would, and now that I feel my work is done on finally getting my babies all settling in the right homes that I should just relax and forget about her. He suprised me when he said that he had seen the damage she had done to me and that I should pursue it...maybe I'm just too much of a soft touch but I really don't know whether to cause her so much grief..she is in her 80's and it could cause her a lot of worry..I just don't know.

Well thanks for reading, sorry its so long but just wanted to put you all in the picture, you've all been so supportive of me and I've been offered so much help, I just can't thank you all enough and hope that from now on I shall just be boring you with photos and stories of my big boy Leon
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21-02-2009, 09:56 AM
Aw Sheree I have tears in my eyes here. What a sad story but also happy too. I do hope when you and Clive are settled in a new home you can maybe have more than The 1 but I admire your courage at finding a forever home that sounds gret for 3 very lucky doggies. Hope you get progress reports though I am sure you will. If it was me I'd bide my time then when the waters calm and Jill least expects it I'd take my revenge in which ever way i could. but then I am Taurus!! Stubborn to the end!!
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MissE is offline  
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21-02-2009, 10:02 AM
I'm delighted to hear Fabey and Gracie and Tawny now have a wonderful new home - where they'll be allowed on the sofa and no doubt spoiled to within an inch of their lives.
That's the important thing, honey - don't make yourself ill looking for vengeance. Let it go. Remember the best vengeance is a life well lived. Which is exactly what Fabey and Gracie and Tawny will do now. *cheers*
I am delighted for them xx
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21-02-2009, 10:15 AM
I am so pleased for you that things have turned out so well for Fabey, Gracie and Tawny. I can imagine how much you wanted revenge but I think like you say now you know they are settled you can maybe let it go. I am sure most of the people she is telling tales too will not believe her she sounds spiteful and I wouldn't worry too much now about her.
You never know she may when she has got over her tantrum get in touch about Bailey and if she doesn't I am sure others will.
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21-02-2009, 10:16 AM
Sheree so pleased that something good has come out of this. I am trying to type through my tears. and you are one brave lady. Hope the 3 of them have a lovely life in their new home. It is great that you can still be part of their lives. Knew what a heartach this has been for you, so BIG Hugs Love E x
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21-02-2009, 10:16 AM
Its a sad but happy story.

I am glad it has finally been resolved fro you and that you can know that all your guys are safe and loved.

With regards to Jill - I really don't think she is worth your time and worry. You are better than her.

Take care
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21-02-2009, 10:38 AM
Thank you so much everyone...gosh you lot always set me off crying again because you are all so lovely.

I have gained a lot of strength from you all and it has enabled me to do things that I never dreamed I would have to, and no-one has ever been nasty to me or told me that I've been wrong in taking the routes I did, you have all understood my need to do the re-homing in my way.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart xxx
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CheekyChihuahua is offline  
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21-02-2009, 10:38 AM
Arrrrh, what a lovely story. I love a tale with a happy ending.

With regards Jill, she will get what is coming to her. I think life has a way of doing that without human intervention, if you know what I mean. What goes around comes around and all that......

I'm so pleased that all has worked out well. The people that have taken your babies sound like angels.

You can relax now, knowing that your babes are all loved and cared for by special people x
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21-02-2009, 11:27 AM
You've got me in tears hun but I am so pleased that your 3 babies are in a wonderful place where they will be loved.
As for Gill, hatred eats you up and the only person suffering is yourself. Let it go (not easy, I know) and rest assured, someone filled with so much poison as her is not a happy person. It will catch up with her eventually and you can stand back knowing you were the better person, Karma xxx
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chelsea is offline  
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21-02-2009, 11:47 AM
I have,nt been reading all your post but i knew a little and i know you had a lot of upset with a lot of things i am just so pleased for you everything has turned out really well for you and it is so lovely that you will be able to share in your babys lives good on you you have done well im really happy for you xxx
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