Location: South East UK
Joined: Mar 2005
Posts: 27,437
I know you're in bits Sal, but you caught it early enough, and she'll be just fine I'm sure of it, so try not to worry too much. Hopefully you might even have heard something by now?
I had two dogs with this one after the other, one was 13 and the other was only 2. The first dog was misdiagnosed initially at 13 and the vet wanted to put her down there and then, but I was having none of that and went straight off to another vet who said it was possibly pyo and he would operate there and then at 11pm at night that was too! He told me that her uterus was the size of a torch instead of the size of a biro with all the puss and infection, so we were very, very lucky she survived, but she did and she was 13! Luckily with the 2nd one I knew straight away and told the vet what it was and wasn't taking any chances. Turns out it was exactly that too. Don't worry, I'm sure you caught it in time, unlike my first dog when they didn't!
You must be worried sick though.xxx