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05-01-2008, 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Mahooli View Post
I have always thought that many 'behavioural' problems are firstly down to inadequate exercise then poor diet, topped up with inappropriate training!
like he always says Excersise first then dicipline then affection
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05-01-2008, 12:43 PM
my family groans when the dog whisperer comes on but i have to say its very quiet when its on

as with most things in life there are positives and negatives with Milans methods, i have to agree with other posters as most of what i agree with is common sence, but the truth is most dogs dont get enough if any exercise and in this i think he is doing his bit in trying to educate people, also i have used the whole positive energy thing with my two and problems with food and cant believe the difference - i am in charge - and that is, i believe, the way it should be. for the time being i will continue to watch and try to learn positive ways to help me and my dogs - i do find myself distracted with his eerily white teeth though
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05-01-2008, 02:52 PM
thanks the move Mods ............i wasn;t sure as its a TV programme x
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05-01-2008, 03:08 PM
I personally have no time for him.

If you watch the programs without the sound on & concentrate on the dogs body language, it soon becomes apparent that the dogs are being bullied, they have their tails down often between their legs, their heads are down, they do a lots of licking lips or nose, yawning, shifty eyes, whale eye, white showing, blinking, avoids eye contact (turns head away), looks to handler frequently for directions, mouth corners back, (mistakenly sometimes referred to as a smile), ears back or uneven, veins prominent under eyes etc. This he calls the dogs accepting the human as pack leader when in fact he is subjecting the dogs to undue stress-tantamount to cruelty in my eyes.

After studying hours & hours of research videos on real wild packs of wolves & wild dogs plus reading up on lots of studies in book form by David Mech & like minded experts plus my own observations of my own"pack"of domestic dogs, I have come to the conclusion that true Alpha leaders for canine packs is rarely if ever the obvious one, they do not use biting(CM's stiff finger pokes)to stop unwanted behaviour & to subdue lower ranked members, they do not stand in the way forcing the lower dogs to wait behind them by physically being between the pack member & an opening, they do not Alpha roll lower ranked members, but may pin down a member that offers the submissive behaviour of belly up, the Alphas once they have control of a pack really do little physically, it is looks & growls often very very low growls & sometimes silent baring of teeth. Certainly in wild packs with cubs/pups the Alphas do not actually eat first after hunting, they return to the den & regurgitate food for both lower ranked members who have stayed behind to act as nannies & cubs/pups. It is only when the pack consists solely of hunting age members that the Alphas might force the others to wait to eat & a pregnant Alpha is always allowed to eat first.

The problem is as I have written so many times is that the "Dominance""Human Packer"believers base their theories on studies of captive artificially bred packs, that are not all genetically related, but consist of animals originally from many sources reared as youngsters together, in the real world packs are formed when young adult males & females are driven from the parental pack & mate up as a breeding pair. From these come the pack, the Alpha female secretes a hormone in her urine that prevents the lower ranked females from ovulating(although it doesn't prevent seasons)& thus results in only single litters each year, the lower ranked females often have what dog owners call phantom pregnancies with lactation. The lactation means that the Alpha female can return to hunting earlier that a bitch that has to rear her litter on her own. Multiple litters are often seen in captive packs. Wild packs are often formed totally of two Alphas & their offspring

Dogs are 1,000s of years away from wolves & have had most of their behaviour developed by humans, so trying to compare wolves & domestic dogs directly is misguided & misleading.

Humans are NOT dog pack Alphas or leader, they are providers of food & comfort & play.

Cats are much closer to their wild cousins & usually(with the exceptions of some breeds)able to live wild, I know most "moggies"could sustain themselves without the help of humans. My kittens showed a "pack"reaction the other day, they hunted & killed a mouse & presented it to my puppy to eat (didn't let him of course :smt002 ), they have also been grooming him !! & spending time playing with him, far more so than my dogs !!

I do not need to prove I am an Alpha/Pack Leader to get the behaviour I require, I don't need slip leads tightly held at the top of the dogs neck, nor a pinch or electric collar, nor an "Illusion"CM collar to have control of my"Pack". My dogs wear normal collars or figure of eight head collars(they use T Touch calming methods). I teach everything at home hands off for titbits or toys, this means my dogs do as I ask because they want to including walking to heel & recall

Sorry but CM has little real understanding of dog pyschology, if he did have he would use stress &/or pain to "retrain"the dogs in his programs
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05-01-2008, 03:27 PM
I agree totally with Joedee.
I don't like Caesar Milan's methods at all. Whilst some of his advice may bear some merit (such as taking dogs for daily walks), his methods leave a terrible lot to be desired.
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05-01-2008, 03:37 PM
I like him as a person and I respect his training methods (the vast majority of them anyway). He seems to have a natural authority with dogs which I greatly wish I had (i'm a very impatient and stressed person, not great for dealing with mutts!)

I do think at times he can be slightly egotistical and condescending towards the owners though.

What I would like to see are him cure some different problems, possibly with dogs off leads. I've never seen him sort out a recall problem for example. I often wonder how his methods would work and how much control he would have out on the park with the dog running free.

If it came to a toss up between Mic Martin/Robert Alleyne and Cesar Milan though, i'd opt for the former 2 as i've seen them tackle far more issues with the same effect.
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05-01-2008, 06:54 PM
Im pro CM.
And have been involved in a few threads about him, what is difficult in these threads is that the anti CM posts seem to be lead by negative comments about CM as a person and then by observation of his actions. I dont agree with 100% of his methods but on the whole I have no problems with his methods.

It should be remembered he IS NOT a trainer.

The collar issue is as said above he 'could' change it but the owners will more than likely go back to it afterwards. He ONLY uses what they have already. Personally I do not agree with prong collars. His own branded "Illusion collar" imo isnt painful or cruel in application.

The dogs body language is something that is stated as being "shut down" or there are "calming signals" well simply I dis agree. He has an excellent ability to read the dogs body language and I think a lot of viewers dont see this.

The "flooding" argument again I dis agree it isnt flooding in that dogs dont think that way as to feel flooded, imo.
Its more desensitisation just not so softly softly. Dogs are fight not flight animals.

The treadmill I dont agree with either BUT to be fair it is not suggested as a 1st choice. He is very strong on outdoor stimulated exercise and the treadmill as a top up if needed.

CM being sued, sure he was by someone who was allowed to use his center to exercise their dog and the dog was hurt on a treadmill, the bit thats normally forgotten is that he gave them use as a favour, was not present when the accident happened but the trainer of the dog was. The trainer was hired by the dog owner NOTHING to do with CM.

Alpha rolls, are a useful tool for some dogs. Not ALL dogs but I guess this is why he doesnt do it to all dogs.

One size fits all, well I read this alot and dont agree, Its such a simplified approach that he uses it may appear this way if your not able to see the subtle changes. It isnt a mould that all dogs must fit to be cured, the changes are there if you look.

Interruption: "tsst" bloody brilliant or any other common sound/word we might use. prodding (his hand biting) no harm is done no pain inflicted.

Dominance, dogs are dogs humans arent dogs. therefor they cant be the pack leader, hmmm. Well I think a penguin could be the pack leader. Does anyone think it matters to the dogs? They just want to know there place and whats expected of them.

His teeth are white and he is a celeb, so he's doing sommit right,
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05-01-2008, 09:00 PM
I don't like his methods at all.
When you consider that other people would solve the problems but in a different way, there is no need for him to do what he does.

I hated the episode that showed the vizsla being forced to swim in the family pool, just because the children in the family wanted it.
Regardless, dogs have emotions such as fear, anxiety, etc and if it can be done in another way, then IMO it should be. As for dogs in pools - well, why force them? I would never force my dog into a pool. To do so negates something between dog and owner - trust.

On another slant, according to studies done on dogs, it would appear that a dog who behaved as Milan does, would probably be ousted by the rest of the pack ... food for thought.

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05-01-2008, 09:30 PM
YAY for a person that sees Dogs as Dogs!! Doesnt molly coddle, doeant pussy foot, doesnt spend weeks "clicking" GOOD for him!
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05-01-2008, 09:38 PM
I really dont like his methods, i think he does have some "knowledge" but this is abused for results, & he either cant read the dogs aswell as he says or he dosent care .

Id NEVER train a dog like that. Dogs are my friends & we work in a partnership. i like my dogs to be expressive & themselves,

Also i disagree with exercising dogs to the state of exhaustation as a training method.

& i wont even go into that "illusion collar" which imo i is the illusion of having a trained dog when having a instrument of torture on it!

Just my op though, if people want to like him thats up to them!!!!!!
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