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23-10-2010, 01:51 PM

I'm Gutted

For Luke.
He has been told today that he has no more work
Such a shame because he was really enjoying his job,so as from next week he will be signing back on again

I feel slightly miffed as they said his job was permanent but because it's a holiday park and the work is dropping off they are letting staff go and he was not told this when he went for the interview,I sort of feel that they have used him for the two months.
They let another member of staff go last wednesday who had been there longer than Luke.

I feel so sorry for him because he has really tried hard and his time keeping has been excellent.

So for him it's back to job hunting again and that isn't going to be easy
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23-10-2010, 02:01 PM
it's something else to put on his cv and maybe they will give him a good reference when applying for more jobs and it's 2 months more experience so all is not lost.
It's so hard when your children are in the job market I think I felt it more than my kids , chocolate and endless cuppa's got me through it.
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23-10-2010, 02:59 PM
That sucks, sorry to hear this.

It is so difficult finding work these days, I know how few ads there are for vacancies in our local paper.

I am sure Luke will find another job soon. Half the battle is getting someone who is willing to learn and actually wants to work, so many don't these days. I'm sure an employer will snap him up soon.
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23-10-2010, 03:00 PM
It's awful to have happened but not Luke's fault. His employers should give a good reference from what you've said, that along with the experience will help a lot with him finding work, even if agency. I'm so sorry and know isn't going to be easy with all that's going on. Hope he stands tall and wish him the best of luck with finding a new job soon, you must be very proud of him x
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23-10-2010, 03:39 PM
Good luck to Luke in finding another job. As the others have said it shows he is willing to work when applying for other jobs and will have a reference too.
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24-10-2010, 09:08 AM
Thanks all,
Luke was told to ring this morning at 10 am for his hours for next week,he was promised 10 hours,and that would be it.

I had a strange feeling that when he rung his manger would not answer the phone,which is exactly what has happened,he rang at 10,like he was asked to and his call was divirted straight to answer phone

He has left a message for them to ring him back regarding his 10 hours....
If he doesn't hear anything then we will go over to his work place tomorrow because it's totally unfair to leave him hanging on a piece of string,plus he needs to restart his claim for JSA.

He seems really fed up poor kid!
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25-10-2010, 06:29 PM
Luke went to see his manger today, and that's it,they don't have anymore hours for him,infact they have let two other members of staff go to
He said he wants a full time job, and isn't interested in working for this company again,can't say I blame him really.

He rang the DWP this morning and they are doing what they call a rapid reclaim,because his details haven't changed.He has an appointment on wednesday with an advisor at the jobcentre.

Hopefully he will get something before christmas fingers crossed.
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spockky boy
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25-10-2010, 08:41 PM
Sorry to hear. I hope he can find something asap!
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26-10-2010, 10:40 AM
That does suck. Poor Luke, but like others have said, he now has some experience under his belt. That will help in the hunt for a job, as well as a good reference from his previous employer.

I bet he finds something soon, am I right in saying it's cooking he's into? If so, then there's always hotels and restaurants looking for Soux chefs at this time of year I'd imagine. Xmas is coming after all...I know my daughter (who's a waitress) has been offered quite a lot of hours just now.

Tell him hold his head up, he worked hard for that place and that will show!
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