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Helena54 is offline  
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31-03-2009, 11:22 AM

Training was a nightmare with Zena last night

I knew it had to happen. This perfect little angel who does everything right showed me up a real treat last night at training class (our 4th one!). The worst part was the fact that the actual trainer had 3 senior inspection trainers who were checking out her class, which she warned me about, but she said Zena wouldn't be a problem Wrong!

I've got a theory on this though. There are 9 young puppies/dogs in my class, we all sit on chairs in a circle, one little border terrier is constantly lungeing at Zena and of course, she is all paws and wants to play too which is hardly surprising So I move right over the other side, and then there's this other border terrier but 7 months old, who is screaming and yapping and trying to get at her to play, so even though I've sat her, I've done the down and then the settle, up she gets, paws in the air, leaping up in the air, yanking on the lead to play with it! When we tried to do the heelwork, she was totally disinterested, sniffing here, there and everywhere, yanking me here there and everywhere to get to the others, total nightmare! She wouldn't jump up at the trainer when I was trying to get her to see what she does when at home with Dave when he walks in the door though, no, she sits beautifully when asked, and the trainer must have approached her 20 times to get her to jump, but no, every time I said "sit" down she sat, good as gold

So, how come I had the devil dog at training last night and yet yesterday morning, I took the bull by the horns, didn't put her on her lead when we had the 12 gundogs (black labs) approaching us on a narrow path all offlead, I thought no, I'm going to test out my control here and see if she stays with me when I ask or if she goes with any of them (I knew they were all NICE friendly doglets!!!) They came past, I said, "no", got her focused, she had no hesitation in staying by my side with the ball in my hand and we walked past them ALL, all 12 of them!!! Then this morning, she was running off playing with a friend's dog, she got quite a distance away, and I said to my friend, watch this, and I called her, she stopped DEAD on a sixpence, turned around and came racing back to me leaving the other dog!!! Now that is what I call recall! She also walked right by my side offlead the whole of the way down our big hill we climb once a week, Georgie one side, her the other, she never poked her nose in front of my left leg and she was OFFlead, so why is that then???!!!

Thank goodness these training sessions end next week (I missed one last week and there were 6), because quite honestly, I'm doing much better training her up on my own when we're out, without 8 other dogs yapping and winding her up, when she's restricted on a lead in a confined space. I can take her into the vets, she's quiet, she lays down when I ask, she doesn't make a sound, she doesn't try to get to the other dogs, so why does this all happen in a training class then? I strongly suspect she's fed up with it and so am I now! Lol!

Also, she has a poo around 6.30 every night (you can set your clock by it) and yet I'm in the car travelling to the class at that time, then when I let her out, it's all new, she won't go, and then of course she's only ever done 3 poo's whilst OUT so she's not going to anyway is she, so there's that as well, which could have been stressing her out. My frame of mind with personal problems didn't help either, so put all that together and you have one devil dog you're trying to control! Didn't work I'm afraid!

Are your classes the same then with your puppies??? Started off fine!
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31-03-2009, 12:04 PM
Awww Zena doesn't sound that bad I think like you say its because the other dogs are not under control and she wants to join in with their antics quite acceptable I suppose. I agree your frame of mind at the moment probably isn't helping, but when you are out on your own you are in the open and big wide spaces your mood is probably different and if you are fed up with the training it is probably rubbing off on her, where as when you are out you are probably more relaxed.
Ollie always gets naughty if he needs a poo and something is stopping him and he is nearly 3 they get their routine don't they ?
Maybe you are both ready for the next step and class up.
she sounds like a dream when out so you are definately doing something right.
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31-03-2009, 12:07 PM
LOLOL that is sooooooo typical H plus all the stress you are under at the moment. Don't worry you are not on your own. The fact that when you are together away from training club & she behaves shows that your training is working.

TBH I use the Pet training club I go to simply to socialize & then do the rest at home or at our Competitive group
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31-03-2009, 12:09 PM
I wouldn't worry about Zena playing up at class last night H. It sounds to me as though you are doing a great job of socialising and training her on your own, and if you are both bored of the training sessions, then that is why she could be messing around and wanting to play with the other pups etc.

If I were you, I would go to the last session and then do the rest of her training on your own. Once she is old enough, you might like to try something different like agility, which tends to be more interesting and fun for the dogs (and owners!) alike
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melsgems is offline  
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31-03-2009, 12:21 PM
lol lol you could have been writing about Zeita then she is the same. We are back tonight after 2 weeks off due to the spay so fingers crossed. We are always saying "well she does it at home lol " she is naughty in class
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jesterjenn is offline  
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31-03-2009, 12:24 PM
This is the reason why I quit our dog training classes (pretty much anyway).

I have found socialising her when out at parks and walking places works far better than training classes to be honest.

Try and keep your calm head on and keep your training up when out with Georgie and she will be fine.
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mishflynn is offline  
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31-03-2009, 12:26 PM
obedience IS fun!!!!!
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Penry is offline  
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31-03-2009, 12:28 PM
She's still just a pup babe . . . . . .!!! x x x x x x x x x
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Helena54 is offline  
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31-03-2009, 12:30 PM
Well thanks for all that everyone I was so very disheartened when I got home and the first thing Dave said to me was "I think we've been spoiled with her" and I thought he said "I think we've been spoiling her" Lol, so I went off on one! He then said because she has been so VERY, very good in all other aspects of what I want from her either out or here at home (he's been out with me now a few times and he's MORE than impressed with how responsive to me she is )the housetraining went like a dream, she never gets us up in the night even though she has freedom overnight no crate now, the whole run of the house at that, nothing chewed, no mess, that this has just stuck out to me how badly she CAN behave! Is she at the teenage stage now then at 21 weeks please???

I honestly cannot fault her when out and about, she plays with dogs I allow her to play with or say hello to and walk on, and to leave another dog whilst running behind at full pelt when she hears my voice is quite incredible tbh, I've never seen anything quite like it with any of my other pups! If she barks at a stranger coming to the house, i.e, 2 men out in the front garden (HER garden!!!) last Friday when she stood with her front legs on the stool wondering who they were, she barked yes, she barked a lot, until I told her it was ok, I knew they were there, she gave me a funny look and stopped barking, so you see, she does everything I ask of her, and that's why I felt so depressed last night about the way she was when she has been so well behaved up until now.

Does it really matter that she did that? No, of course not, when she does all that I ask when we're here at home or out and about, although have to say, I do sense that teenage stage kicking in a tad, she seems to trot on ahead a bit further, even running, but then again, as soon as I say her name and ask for a "wait" I get it instantly, she turns, looks and stays, who could ask for more really?

I sooooooo wanted to do well in "class" though (I always came top of the class at school yer see! Lol!) which would then have given me the enthusiasm to take things one stage further with a dog with the ability she has, but it would seem, she's just going to be wasted, enjoying a thoroughly spoiled rotten life, charging around the countryside with her old mum in days to come! From a dog's point of view, that aint so bad though is it!!!

Another thing she does is, she can be lying on the floor of an evening, then all of a sudden, she either careers around the house like a thing possessed when I have to trap her in one room to get hold of her to calm her down gently, OR, she just launches herself right onto Dave's head who is sitting peacefully on his recliner watching the telly!!! It's making me wonder if she has a brain problem going on in there, I can never remember any of our other pups behaving quite like this, and the breeder recently told me that Zena's sister who she has, threw an absolute wobbly at her training class one evening, so bad was she that she had to put her back in the car, she had turned herself inside out!!! Do you see what I'm getting at here, there are nightmares and there are other "nightmares"!!!

Maybe she's not getting enough exercise although she gets a good 30 mins. of FREE RUNNING, amberley walking and a couple of mins onlead twice a day. She plays with Georgie a couple of times a day, and she plays out in the garden with me and her ball, or indoors with her toys on and off as she feels like it. Maybe she needs a bit more, coz this morning, I did a longer walk, she ran around with another dog, and she was tired, she actually SLEPT when we got home instead of trotting around behind me when I was trying to get stuff done! Please don't tell me I have to go out 3 times a day then, this little girl is gonna walk my socks off!!!! I know we can do a couple of hours twice a day in months to come, but 3 times a day to get out is asking too much for me, I like an afternoon nap, and THEN we go out, she's not gonna have me walking when I could be sleeping! Lol!

Going back to last night, I asked if I could make an exit to see if she'd do a poo, and when we got out there, she does all of that zooming and I'm hanging onto the lead!!!! She was like a mad thing out there, her eyes go funny too when she's doing all that, it's all unspent energy but Why? Then she goes all "dead" and flakes out! Lol! but the class had finished by the time I managed to get dragged back in there!!!
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inkliveeva is offline  
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31-03-2009, 12:31 PM
Lollllll !, My 2 started out brilliant at training it was when they were getting to about 5 months they were playing up lolllll, memories...
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