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01-12-2006, 07:53 AM

One of those nights

So here I was, looking in at silly o`clock last night berfore being about to switch off the pc and head to the land of nod, when my Silk went to the back door looking like she was going to be sick
So I take her to the garden and she starting shaking all over, and slightly hunching.
First thing that sprang to mind was bloat, even though she is not a high risk breed, but not being one to take risks I rang the emergency vet and described what she was like. I told him I was`nt convinced it was bloat but was treating it as though it were in terms of potential emergency so off I toddled with her.

While there, she gradually starting looking better and to my relief, did throw up a little which at least is a good sign bloat wise as the usual symptom is retching but not able to produce anything.

After prodding her about, the vet decided it definately was`nt bloat but thought it was neurological
I was`nt convinced of that either, just a feeling really, especially when he said he could give her Diazepam at which point it definately did`nt feel right to me so I said no to that at that time ut that I would rather give her Valerian as a soother if she needed it as he was so undecided about a diagnosis.
Then he suggested x-rays of her abdomen to rule out bloat for definate then changed his mind and decided, [ again ], that it definately was`nt bloat anyway...
Then he said it might be a liver problem, so he ran blood tests.

They showed results indicating a bit of an infection but also a high globulen count, plus she had a slight temperature. He said if the machine was accurate then she has a severe immunity problem, but that he would put money on it being a faulty reading as it was so inconsistant with the other readings...

So he finally decided it was most likely a stomach bug and gave her an antibiotic jab and a few days tablets as well, so fingers crossed that he is right and its nothing to worry about after all.

Right now she is pretty much her normal self again but very sleepy as its way past her bed time but she did insist on a welcome home rough and tumble with Fluke as soon as we walked in so that made me feel a bit more at ease.

So long as she seems ok over the weekend, I`ll take her to my regular vet on Monday for him to check her over, [ as he isn`t in on Fridays ]. All the notes will be faxed ready for him to look at and to put on her regular records.
[ Of course if she dips again in the slightest I`ll take her to my vets practice to see one of the other vets ].

Worried me summat rotten she did, the little terror :smt049

And now it really is bed time !
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spot is offline  
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01-12-2006, 08:25 AM
Oh Patch what a worry! Hopefully she'll keep improving and be back to her old self today. Bloat is a constant worry but sounds like it wasnt that. Fingers crossed and I hope you got some sleep.
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01-12-2006, 08:30 AM
Glad she is ok and hope she contimues to improve,I am always watching Ollie for signs of bloat as he is a high risk breed.
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Fudgeley is offline  
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01-12-2006, 10:07 AM
For those of us new to this can someone give details of bloat and symptoms to watch out for? Also which breeds are "high risk".

Thanks in advance Rach
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Deccy is offline  
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01-12-2006, 10:14 AM
Sounds like the emergency vet was clueless, that would worry me a bit, good idea to check out your regular vet to be sure.
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thandi is offline  
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01-12-2006, 10:17 AM
thank goodness it wasnt bloat.

I hope she is soon back to normal...
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01-12-2006, 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Fudgeley View Post
For those of us new to this can someone give details of bloat and symptoms to watch out for? Also which breeds are "high risk".

Thanks in advance Rach

I don't have the website address but if you go into the NewFoundland Club 2001 There is a very good article on Bloat there.
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madmare is offline  
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01-12-2006, 03:08 PM
Patch sorry to hear poor Silk wasn't well last night I hope she is feeling back to her normal happy self now.
Give her a hug from her Aunty Bev
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scorpio is offline  
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01-12-2006, 03:19 PM
Hi Patch, I do hope that Silk is feeling a lot better today.

I just wanted to tell you that when Alfie had his bloat last year he was actually sick, well it was more like a frothy slime that he brought up. He did it before I got him in the car and then again at the surgery. The vet was not too sure if it was bloat because then his swelling went down afterwards. Within moments though he swelled again and they operated on him immediately. Fortunately his stomach hadn't yet twisted so his organs had not been damaged, during the operation he had the walls of his stomach stitched to try to prevent it twisting if he ever bloated again. The vet said that him being sick may have delayed the torsion slightly but it did make them think, momentarily, that it wasn't actually bloat.

I'm not trying to scare you but I always think forwarned is forearmed.

Fingers crossed Silk makes a full recovery.
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BrandieSnap is offline  
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01-12-2006, 03:53 PM
Aww what a horrible night for you I hope Silk recovers quickly now and doesn't worry you again!
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