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Helena54 is offline  
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28-11-2012, 07:12 AM

Morning. Dogsey Daily Thread- Wednesday

Good morning to all you Dogsey people

Well, got up in the dark don't ask me why, but I was awake and wanted to get up even though I don't have to today, but that's typical isn't it.

First thought of today is you Lynn having Gorden back home, I bet the reunion at the airport when you spotted him walking through those doors was like something out of a movie Same with you DD To all of you with problems, let them be smaller ones today, especially yours Chris. I hope you're ok too Malka, didn't see you dropping in last night, so finger's crossed everything is alright with you too.

Having a day indoors today, must get this ironing done, and trying to find spaces everywhere for all this van bedding. I've got too much of it really, but I have to keep enough for change overs and that includes bed covers which are quite bulky, not to mention 4 quilts and all the pillows. Poor Dave, I've *utilised* his top cupboards by squashing some of his things into one, and there he was thinking he had all that space to spread himself out in there! He's got more wardrobes in his little single room than I have in my big double bedroom, and he'll not even notice, he only uses one wardrobe and he's got 3 doubles in there!

I must sort out my e-mail because my sil sent me one yesterday which never arrived into my AOL, and yet all the junk did I even sent one to myself from another e-mail and it got there, but she assures me it went to the right address. This could mean that I have booking enquiries somewhere floating around in cyberspace, so I'd better change my address on my websites I think just to be safe.

Anyhoo, that's me for today, not doing a lot which means I can spend time on here (and get nothing done!)

Hope you're all ok today along with the doglets, enjoy a nice, dry day for a change maybe, I know we are down south, but it's turning very cold.
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28-11-2012, 07:42 AM
Morning H and all

Don't mention the word beginning with Ir this early, I am not strong enough!

Welcome home to Gorden and DD's OH, happy happy people.

Stay safe Malka and Pereg.

I am taking my cousin out today, picking up OH christmas present and doing some gardening (cousins garden) so will be busy.

My sisters operation is today, fingers crossed it goes well for her.

We had a couple of celebrities at work yesterday, Miranda Hart bought half the shop up! I hardly recognised her as she has lost so much weight, also Dickie Davies was there, they were filming in the park, poor thing it must have been freezing.

I hope you all have a lovely day
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Fondly Remembered
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28-11-2012, 07:48 AM
'morning Helena, Gerry, and all who follow

Was woken by Rianna snorring by my bedside I am also thinking of Chris and her son, was amazed that they had some virus in that hospital. Likewise I also have 88 messages in my 'inbox' some I've not opened, and it's time I sorted them out and as you say it maybe time to get a new Yahoo account for the 'important' people (So look out for another mail from from me )

To Lynn and DD - I expect you'll be too busy to come on here but enjoy having your hubbies (Sp?) back home.

Hope that all the doggies are well, yours especially Bev, and best wishes to you all.
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Lucky Star
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28-11-2012, 07:55 AM
Happy Wednesday everyone

I hope it stays dry today, my poor feet can't take many more soakings in leaking boots!

I hope everyone has a lovely day today.
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madmare is offline  
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28-11-2012, 07:57 AM
Morning H, and all,
Welcome home to Gordon and DD's OH. Bet Lynn and DD are two of the happiest people today, lovely to think of them reunited again. Would love to have seen Dillon yesterday when Gordon walked in. I wonder if he got flattened.
As you all probably saw in my post on Kyiros foot, it really is going to be a long haul after what the vet said yesterday. Here's hoping the poor boy can be back on his feet for christmas and at least by then enjoy a short christmas walk.
Taking Charly to the doctors this morning for a blood test to see if she has just had a miscarraige. She has the coil fitted but has had problems with it. She saw the doctor yesterday and she wanted her back first thing this morning for bloods.
Must do some ironing today and some more washing before work this afternioon as I start a very busy run of days from tomorrow.
Take care all and have a good day.
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Sal is offline  
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28-11-2012, 07:59 AM
Morning Helena,Morning all

I hope Gordon arrived back safe & sound, and your O/H DD

Chris I hope your son is still improving,

It's colder here this morning but dry,so hopefully I might be able to get some washing on the line,I have a couple of loads to do,I'm sure it grows overnight

Tom's just gone off to school,and been told to stay away from those so called friends who enjoy pushing his buttons,we regularly have these conversations I am hoping he comes back with dry shoes and clean trousers today and in a better mood than yesterday.

Lizzie is still in bed,don't blame her,she has Meg in with her so I reckon another 30 mins and she will be up as Meg will start jumping on her because she needs the toilet

Nothing much planned for today,

Have a good day all x
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28-11-2012, 08:46 AM
Morning Nechda, morning all

Just sticking my head in to say I am OK and sorry I was not back yesterday evening but I was feeling rather grotty and could not concentrate.

I have just had a telephone call to say that the new couch - the second new couch will not be arriving because they do not have it in brown so I am going to get onto my lawyer and see what he has to say.

The first couch, ordered on 31 July was in 9 monthly payments, and I had paid three or four, plus the delivery charge, by the time I was told by the suppliers on 28 October that they did not have it in brown. Yes I had my money refunded after about 10 days - I forget which now, but they still had it for three months.

This one was ordered and paid for in full on 28 October when the first order was cancelled.

Now they tell me that the supplier does not have it in brown and they will refund my money.

But it still shows on their website as being available in brown.
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Fondly Remembered
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28-11-2012, 08:58 AM
Good Morning Helena and All Frosty outside and icy pavements but not complaining!

Taking Loki for her health check in the afternoon. Loki likes the vets and it is Gillian - Loki's favourite who will see her!

Hope you all enjoy a good day today and weather is good for you all.

Take care.
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Helena54 is offline  
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28-11-2012, 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning H and all

Don't mention the word beginning with Ir this early, I am not strong enough!

Welcome home to Gorden and DD's OH, happy happy people.

Stay safe Malka and Pereg.

I am taking my cousin out today, picking up OH christmas present and doing some gardening (cousins garden) so will be busy.

My sisters operation is today, fingers crossed it goes well for her.

We had a couple of celebrities at work yesterday, Miranda Hart bought half the shop up! I hardly recognised her as she has lost so much weight, also Dickie Davies was there, they were filming in the park, poor thing it must have been freezing.

I hope you all have a lovely day
Morning Gerry All the very best for your sister's op today, been wondering about how she was getting on, and I'm glad they are sorting her quickly, and hoping everything goes to plan. Must be such a worry for all of

Originally Posted by Losos View Post
'morning Helena, Gerry, and who follow

Was woken by Rianna snorring by my bedside I am also thinking of Chris and her son, was amazed that they had some virus in that hospital. Likewise I also have 88 messages in my 'inbox' some I've not opened, and it's time I sorted them out and as you say it maybe time to get a new Yahoo account for the 'important' people (So look out for another mail from from me )

To Lynn and DD - I expect you'll be too busy to come on here but enjoy having your hubbies (Sp?) back home.

Hope that all the doggies are well, yours especially Bev, and best wishes to you all.
Morning Harvey You're an early bird this morning, thanks to Rianna there, you can't beat it I can't believe just how sweet my Zena was in the middle of the night. She sloped off into the kitchen at one point which she never does when I'm home alone she only does that when Dave is here, so she must have realised a few minutes later, cos she came back in, came round to my side of the bed, gave me a sniff and one little kiss and plonked herself back into her bed! She was just checking that I had surived all of 10 mins without her in there bless her heart hey

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Happy Wednesday everyone

I hope it stays dry today, my poor feet can't take many more soakings in leaking boots!

I hope everyone has a lovely day today.
Morning Linda Sounds like you could do with some new ones then?? I remember as a kid, I bought some lovely long boots from a jumble sale, I must have been all of 10, and when I got them home I noticed one side of the shoe part was all open, so I did no more than put plastic bags on my feet so that I could wear them, that's initiative for ya!!!!

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H, and all,
Welcome home to Gordon and DD's OH. Bet Lynn and DD are two of the happiest people today, lovely to think of them reunited again. Would love to have seen Dillon yesterday when Gordon walked in. I wonder if he got flattened.
As you all probably saw in my post on Kyiros foot, it really is going to be a long haul after what the vet said yesterday. Here's hoping the poor boy can be back on his feet for christmas and at least by then enjoy a short christmas walk.
Taking Charly to the doctors this morning for a blood test to see if she has just had a miscarraige. She has the coil fitted but has had problems with it. She saw the doctor yesterday and she wanted her back first thing this morning for bloods.
Must do some ironing today and some more washing before work this afternioon as I start a very busy run of days from tomorrow.
Take care all and have a good day.
Morning Bev Good luck for Charly today with that blood test, and also for Kyiro and his ongoing foot problems. Let's hope everyone is back to full health by Christmas and that includes you Bev, cos you seem to keep forgetting about *you*!!!

Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning Helena,Morning all

I hope Gordon arrived back safe & sound, and your O/H DD

Chris I hope your son is still improving,

It's colder here this morning but dry,so hopefully I might be able to get some washing on the line,I have a couple of loads to do,I'm sure it grows overnight

Tom's just gone off to school,and been told to stay away from those so called friends who enjoy pushing his buttons,we regularly have these conversations I am hoping he comes back with dry shoes and clean trousers today and in a better mood than yesterday.

Lizzie is still in bed,don't blame her,she has Meg in with her so I reckon another 30 mins and she will be up as Meg will start jumping on her because she needs the toilet

Nothing much planned for today,

Have a good day all x
Morning Sal I don't hold out much hope of those clean trousers and shoes tonight, but you might be lucky!

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Morning Nechda, morning all

Just sticking my head in to say I am OK and sorry I was not back yesterday evening but I was feeling rather grotty and could not concentrate.

I have just had a telephone call to say that the new couch - the second new couch will not be arriving because they do not have it in brown so I am going to get onto my lawyer and see what he has to say.

The first couch, ordered on 31 July was in 9 monthly payments, and I had paid three or four, plus the delivery charge, by the time I was told by the suppliers on 28 October that they did not have it in brown. Yes I had my money refunded after about 10 days - I forget which now, but they still had it for three months.

This one was ordered and paid for in full on 28 October when the first order was cancelled.

Now they tell me that the supplier does not have it in brown and they will refund my money.

But it still shows on their website as being available in brown.
Morning grandma Oh for Chriiiiiiiiiist's Sake!!! What are they playing at??? This is going round in bdooly circles with this company isn't it If you don't have any joy with either them or your lawyer, maybe try another company who can give you what you want and on time!!!!Grrrrr, you must be sooooo mad

Originally Posted by Brandykins View Post
Good Morning Helena and All Frosty outside and icy pavements but not complaining!

Taking Loki for her health check in the afternoon. Loki likes the vets and it is Gillian - Loki's favourite who will see her!

Hope you all enjoy a good day today and weather is good for you all.

Take care.
Morning sweet Rose Not forgetting Loki and norty Soochie, I do hope he's behaving himself now. Good luck with Loki's health check which I'm sure she will pass with flying colours going on the look of her in the pics the other day, she looked a picture of health to me
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28-11-2012, 09:45 AM
:39: Helloooooooooooo here I am!

Wow it's chilly out there brrrrrr

Harvey, hospitals are the most unhealthy places there are. If there is a virus, you will catch it in hospital

It sounds like a day of ironing because thats what I've got planned. So much excitement, not sure I can take it all.

I hope you are all well and that that couch arrives safely Malka.
See ya all later x
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