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24-02-2014, 06:22 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Monday).

Morning all. Up at just gone 5 this morning as Gorden was leaving at 6 he is doing lecturing all this week and of course the first session starts at 9.30 this morning.
Had a nice weekend until 9pm last night Gorden had a bath started to let the water out and thought that's a funny noise like when you put your finger over the hosepipe. To cut a long story short while the bath was emptying it was leaking down the hall wall and making a big puddle on the hall floor. so he then had to get the front of the bath off well a small bit that comes off and there is limited space to get under the bath and see what was going on.
It was the jubilee clip it was loose for whatever reason so he has tightened it and hopefully it won't leak after my bath today.
Just as there was a a small glimmer of my warming to the place yesterday too. Now I am fed up with the damn place again and can't wait to shift it.
Dry here again but there is the most glorious red sky this morning so I suppose that means bad weather at some point. I do hope not everywhere is drying out lovely.

Helena I hope Zena's ear is better today. You are on your own now too like me but Dave will be back Wednesday night won't he ? It will be Friday night for Gorden.
Jenny Nippy I wonder if you will get any news of that old chap today. Sounds like he needs some help not a good way to get it though.
Jenny I hope you manage to find more space for the drying off of your possessions. Good to read flash is not suffering from anything nasty after all.
Linda I hope you hear about the guitar today and that Loki stops chewing his paws. My youngest baby is 29 this year I really am wondering where the years have gone .
Lorraine good luck with your Doc if you decide to investigate further.
Sally lovely to hear about Jimmi's paws being better and him feeling happier.
Gill I hope you are feeling better today.
June I hope the rib isn't so sore today.

I hope that's everyone who needed a mention mentioned. If not apologies and wishing anyone who needs a get well wish or (((hug))) better soon.
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24-02-2014, 07:19 AM

I really really really did not want to get up this morning but having a water delivery due and on a new day with new drivers [well four weeks ago was the new day/drivers so this is the second time] I knew they would ignore what it says on the delivery sheet, and deliver very early. I also know from last time that they are both terrified of Da Booga and to stop them swinging the empty containers at her to "shoo" her away when they go I put them outside last night, so they could bring the full containers in and then rush out quickly.

So got up, got washed and was halfway through getting dressed when sure enough they arrived. The delivery sheet states not to deliver before 8.30am and it was only just gone half seven.

Yanked Da Booga in [she was out on her tether as she always is as soon as we get up] and clipped her onto the short lead . So what do these two twerps do? Stand outside, holding the full containers, looking like they were going to do a whoopsie in their kecks. Managed to block Da Booga well away from them and we then had the performance of two twerps being frightened to get past to go out of the door.

And Da Booga, Bless her, did her "I am gonna getcha" act, trying to leap at their heels! I wonder what breed she was in a previous life? Heel nipping indeed!

So it still feels like the crack of dawn although it has well cone 9am but I am now too awake to go back to bed but feel too tired to tackle the washing that needs to be done. Bit of an oxymoron that - too awake to go back to bed but too tired to do anything? And it is misty so I can hardly see the trees behind the macolet so it is cold and looks miserable out.

Hope all poorly two- and four-legged ones are doing well today, ears, feet, ribs, wottevers, and that everyone has a good week.
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24-02-2014, 07:44 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

Another week starts and off to work I go again soon. I still havn't recovered from the party Friday night and feel really tired still despite not really doing a lot all weekend.

Charly rang me worried yesterday afternoon as Harley was limping on a front foot. He doesn't like his front feet touched so it was hard to examine him and they couldn't see anything. Hopefully he will be better this morning or it will be a vets trip she doesn't want as his insurance will not pay for anything in the first 14 days and she doesn't want them excluding his front legs before it gets started. Also Ash has gone away with the army this week and she doesn't drive.

Lynn I am sorry to hear the leak has set you back in settling in the house. I know how you feel because I spent so long in my other house unhappy (for different reasons). You make the best of it but it never feels like home, just a house you live in. Wheras now I really feel I am at home and I no longer get those horrible down days.

Malka that wore me out just reading that, you have had a days excitement already.

Hope everyone and dogs are all feeling good today if not healing (((vibes))) heading your way. Have a good day all.
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24-02-2014, 07:53 AM
Morning Lynn, Malka and everyone

Awake at 5 when I heard Dave about, went back to sleep, then woke at 6 when he left, went back to sleep, and here I am gone 7.30 only just got up and feel rubbish now

Good job Gorden heard that noise there Lynn when emptying that bath Sounds like you feel the same way about that house as Dave did when we first moved here, one problem after another, but over time, it's all getting sorted, and I'm sure Gorden will do the same until you can move on. Are you on any emergency add on's for call outs with any of your insurances? It might be wise being on your own all week? Remember my flooded bootroom with that washing machine when I got back from my morning walk when we'd only been here a short while? That's what made me include it. It can be comforting, knowing you can just pick up the phone and ring somebody in an emergency at home with anything. This is the last week Dave is only doing 3 days, cos he's back in his caravan on the 1st March, so will be doing 4 days from then on. He's gone on a downer again what with that guy pulling out of the sale, but who can blame him really.

I've now got to hang around at home till gone 9 cos of the school run starting again today, it was lovely last week, like a Sunday trying to get out from the junction up on the top. I think they should make all mothers walk to school with their kids or get on their bikes lol! At least the shops will be empty again this morning, so that's a bonus.

Zena's ear looks nice and calm, and Sally, I'm so glad to hear about Jimmi's paws, woop woop for you there! Remember I had Georgie almost permanently on ab's, then we reduced them to one week off in 3, and we went on like that for over a year, so it might be an idea for you and Jimmi? Well, you don't have to take them, just give them to him

Everything Lynn said above to everyone else, I think I've typed a bit too much here this morning.

Enjoy your day everyone even though it is Monday, it'll soon be over.

ETA Morning Bev, you snuck in there whilst I was typing. Hope that paw is something and nothing. Could he had trodden on something sharp in that water yesterday I wonder? If there was a frying pan in there, there could have been lots of rubbish? Hope it doesn't need a vet trip.
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24-02-2014, 08:18 AM
Morning Malka know the feeling well there not wanting to get up early then can't be bothered to go back to bed.
Morning Bev I hope Harley's paw will be ok. Maybe he has a little cut that will heal quickly or he twisted it a bit on his walk.
Morning Helena poor Dave he was so close yet so far no wonder he is feeling down.
I will get Gorden to check the insurance he said if it does leak which it shouldn't after my bath he will come home.
You say too much never.
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24-02-2014, 08:40 AM
Lynn - at least I was up and [mostly] dressed. Last time I was still fast azonk so had to open the trissim and yell out for them to wait - grabbed a dressing gown and no doubt had them thinking all sorts of things [like lazy old woman still in bed at this time] so that I could come through to open the door.

Whenever there are new delivery men, if they look at all hesitant I always tell them to ignore Da Booga - do not stand outside looking as if you are scared - do not look down at her - do not acknowledge her - just walk straight in. And if they do that there is never any problems.

But two large strong young men standing and doing the complete opposite of what I tell them, is naturally going to cause her to bark even more - and means that somehow I have to stand propped up, hanging onto her tether to keep her away from the door. And the more that happens the more these two idjits just stood there, both before coming in and then when trying to get past me to go out. If it was not for the fact that I pay for the service of having the containers delivered, I would tell them to leave the full ones outside and I will get someone to bring them in for me. I really do not need this aggravation even if it is only once every four weeks.

Anyhow, I had just decided to take her out for a bit of a gallop when the bdooly sirens started [it has been rather hairy lately] so I decided that being indoors was preferable to being out in the open. I was in the kitchen in the back when I heard the town sirens going, then ours started howling.

Bev - I do hope that Harley's paw is OK. (((hugs)))
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24-02-2014, 08:43 AM
Good morning Lynn and fellow members,

A beautiful bright sunny morning here so I intend to make the most of it before the showers this afternoon.

I too was up early at 5.20 with the dogs on flexi leads walking round our roadside garden .... it was pitch black and quite spooky. They both did what they needed to and then, fortunately we all went back to our relevant beds until just after 7.30

My nephew and family are over from Hong Kong at the moment and we are all meant to be meeting at my Mum's nursing home either today, Tuesday or Wednesday .... I haven't heard a word so not sure when this is due to happen and I can't contact him.

A busy day here again clearing/cleaning up from the floods.

Lynn Thank goodness Gorden is so practical and was there. Hopefully that jubilee clip will remain tight now. Could you google walks around your area and then bundle Dillon in the car and go exploring with him. Half term is over now so it should be lovely and quiet again.
Heleana Enjoy your walk and what a relief that her ear is now fine.
Bev I hope work goes quickly for you today .... I remember Mondays were always the worse I do hope that Harley is OK this morning and Charly can enjoy her time with him while Ash is away.
Malka Enjoy your day and I'm pleased that your delivery arrived with no real drama other than being an hour early.... just as well you were awake

Off to buy a paper and walk the dogs. Enjoy your day and see you later.
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24-02-2014, 08:48 AM
Morning Jenny that's a rather large window isn't it ? Today, tomorrow or Wednesday, I hope they contact you so you can make plans for the rest of the week.
Best stay indoors Malka if the sirens are going off. Stay safe.
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gordon mac
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24-02-2014, 08:51 AM
Well done Pereg - a good nip is obviously what those fools on the water delivery need. People of that ilk really do aggrivate me. Good dog!!! Hope all are well (4 legs and 2) and that the vagaries of the weather are not treating you all too unkindly. Here although it was dry earlier the rain has now arrived and is currently driving in parallel to the ground, so glad I got my morning walkies out of the way before it started. Seems from the dogs reactions this morning that there has been considerable fox action overnight - must keep an eye on my elderly hens dont want one of the old girls ending up as a fox's Kiev. I make a point of not letting them out into the orchard until 10am to minimise the risk of "red attack", by that time I always hope that most of them will have gone home to bed. 'Cos it seems that at this time of year most of our foxes are on Nights! See you later, and be careful out there! Bye fer now.
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24-02-2014, 08:53 AM
Good morning from Kerry.. Been up hours after being frustrated after trying to call family in Canada. They have snow and the power was failing.. Went totally then so we could not even chat on messenger.

Cold here and a Status Orange gale warning out, yet again, Staying home all week now as spent this weeks petrol money taking wee dog to the vet this weekend. Costs here does petrol.

Planning an excursion to the Dingle next Sunday as I am exploring more before trading starts next month.

So a quiet week hopefully. Cats and dogs are fast asleep so all is peaceful. Sheep is still where he put her and I think he is hoping for a miracle that is not going to happen and hoping I am wrong. Loves his sheep does my landlord

I see I have daffs out in the garden so that is a splash of colour.
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