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View Poll Results: Did your non-rescue have issues?
No - this was a perfect pup! 8 36.36%
yes but they were probably due to me! 3 13.64%
yes but they were easily addressed 5 22.73%
yes, we had a lot of problems. 7 31.82%
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ClaireandDaisy is offline  
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06-10-2011, 08:36 AM

Anyone else had a Non-Rescue Dog with Issues?

Inspired by the Rescue Dog thread.....

I alway wince slightly when people tell me they wouldn`t get a Rescue because of possible problems because the only dog I got as a pup from a breeder was actually the most difficult one I`ve ever had (no kidding).
This little sweetie

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caused me more grief than you could ever imagine. She was the most arrogant, bullish, in yer face bitch ever Not nasty (unless you were a small furry or a dog who was not prepared to accept her supremacy) but just convinced she was right and everyone else was wrong.
She challenged me every day of her life till she was 8 - when an injury caused her to hand over control of the world to a lesser mortal (me) .

I think she had too much testosterone (apparently this can happen with bitches lying between dogs in the womb). She would certainly scent mark above other dogs like a male. And her behaviour because much worse after her spay.

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Murf is offline  
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06-10-2011, 08:37 AM
You and rune posted the same question with in 10 mins of each other
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ClaireandDaisy is offline  
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06-10-2011, 08:39 AM
lol - great minds - can the mods combine them?
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SLB is offline  
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06-10-2011, 08:41 AM
I wouldn't say Louie or Sadie had issues. Sadie is developing some issues in her old-er age though, she now howls if she is shut in the kitchen at night which she never used to do and she's slept there for 10 years. So now she sleeps in the living room and has no problem..

Louie and Sadie had training issues. Easily fixed (well I say easily.. we got there!)

I voted yes - due to me and easily addressed
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06-10-2011, 08:42 AM
Yes, the only dog I had from a pup (from a breeder) was a horrible vicious dog that bit my son. Even now 42 years later he still bears the scars.
This may have been down to me, who knows but I certainly haven't had the trouble from my 5 rescues (2 from pups) that I had from him.
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06-10-2011, 08:55 AM
I've had dogs from pups that have turned out to have issues, my cocker spaniel Shannon was a lovely dog but suffered from bouts of 'Rage' we dealt with it and did our best to minimise the impact of his episodes. My Boxer Dudley broke his neck as a pup and as a consequence missed out on months of socialisation, I just adapted my life to suit his needs and although I guess it would have been an issue for others for me it just meant I became incredibly fit.
Although two of my rehomes came with issues, that was what attracted me to them to be fair.

I didn't vote as none of the options seem applicable, Shannons issues were incurable but it was just the one issue, it was a genetic issue and wasn't down to me but wasn't easily addressed either. It was accommodated and worked around if that makes sense.
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magpye is offline  
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06-10-2011, 08:58 AM
Jacjack was my rescue and he had SERIOUS issues. Selkie was a bought pup and she had one or two issues, mainly refusing to housebreak for a while and eating things she shouldn't all her life. Pharaoh is a rescue from a tiny pup and he has never had any issues at all... Kismet on the other hand...

Kismet is an issue
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krlyr is offline  
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06-10-2011, 09:22 AM
My last dog was from a Loot breeder - we didn't buy her but got her at a pretty young age from a distant relative. Have to say she was the worst dog I've ever owned (but also the best because she was the first dog that was properly 'mine' though my mum shared the responsibility too)
I think bad breeding played a huge part in her issues - she had terrible hips, causing problems by the time she was 2, and she was rehomed far too young and I think missed the vital socialisation window in her first home (she didn't get along with the resident dog so was kept seperate). Despite being socialised lots by us as a puppy, we had issues with reactivity to dogs, and she'd play up a lot behaviourally when in pain. Had a bit of a neurotic tendancy and hated being left, despite us having tried to get her into a routine as a pup, and drove us mad constantly. At one point we'd even contemplated rehoming her as we thought we were the problem - how else could we have done everything by-the-book yet still end up with such a problem dog?! Luckily we'd met someone from the local GSD rescue at our training classes who offered us support and we got through that wibble, but the story had a sad ending with her being near crippled by 4 and we made the decision to put her out of her pain - she just didn't have the temperament to cope with hip replacement.

If I had her again nowadays there are so many things I'd do differently but I still think she'd be a dog full of issues, despite my extra knowledge in terms of behaviour and resources (we didn't really know about behaviourists - thought trainers were the people to go to). In a way it's scared me off getting a puppy, but also made me want the challenge of doing a better job. But I think I'd probably always rescue in the future anyway.
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06-10-2011, 11:02 AM
I've had two dogs from puppies, three second hand and two rescues. All had their challenges in different ways, but on the whole I don't think there is any great difference between getting a dog from a pup or getting an older dog with a past - other than if they have issues you have nobody else to blame if you've had them from a pup.

I think the only difference is in my two that I had as babies vs my older rescues is I was able to address and for the most part correct any issues that reared their heads as my dogs grew. With my rescues and second hand dogs, who have ranged from 5 months to 5 years old, most issues that arose or arrived with the dog have to be managed more than corrected. To the outsider it's not noticable what the difference is between the two, but from my perspective it's quite different.
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lisa01uk87 is offline  
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06-10-2011, 11:09 AM
well you all know that xeva has "issue's" i dont like that word, but i suppose its the best way to describe it.

she was well socialised but still gets over excited when she see's another dog, and she is a bit nervy (she growls/grumbles when she hears another dog/animal that she cant see, gets a bit nervy when things move that shouldn't like the washing basket being blown over in mum's garden, but we are working on it and she is sooo much better than she used to be)
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