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DobieGirl is offline  
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01-06-2006, 11:12 AM

New people in the village

Following on from the discussions of lack of respect people have for their community:

We had some new arrivals two weeks ago, a lady with her two daughters. They own a Jack Russel who some of you may remember me saying i would like to 'save' the youngest child is also really addicted to Roxy. which has lead to me avoiding walking past their house.

2 days ago a friend down the road walked past with her doggy and picked up some poo. She looked over and said to me 'I'm picking this up but its not mine, its too big for my doggy.' I didn't think that much of it and then our neighbour mentioned his nephew was rolling around out the front and rolled in dog poo. It then hit me, they thought it was Roxy.

So i told the lady and neighbour that we ALWAYS have pockets full of nappy bags and there is no way we would do that. It then hit us all that it was the new people. I had seen her leave it once and assumed that she went in to get a bag. Not only that she keeps leaving mc Donalds Wrappers and bottles everywhere which me or my OH ends up picking up. Seems such a shame that she feels she can come into our village and start trashing it. Even more worryingly its always around our part of the village, not on her own. Next time i see her leave a poo there i think i will bag it up and leave it on her doorstep!
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01-06-2006, 11:22 AM
Sounds fair enough to me,years ago a Neighbour of ours got fed up watched who it was and posted it through their letter box.Another Neighbour where we live now has knocked on the persons door and given it back to them in a Tesco carrier bag,as they kept letting their dog poo on her front garden.
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PurpleJackdaw is offline  
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01-06-2006, 11:30 AM
why are some people so inconsiderate
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duboing is offline  
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01-06-2006, 11:59 AM

Who can you report this kind of thing to? In Northern Ireland they have a different (better!) system than over here, and this stuff gets sorted out by local dog wardens who are paid for by dog licence (sp?) revenue. People really do get prosecuted for not cleaning up their dog poo, and the hefty fines also get cycled back into the system.

Bring back dog licensing!!!
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Jackie is offline  
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01-06-2006, 12:19 PM
I think firstly , before you fall out with these people, is next time you see her, mention that you or someone has seen her FORGET!! to pick her dogs poo up! say you all live in a very conscientious dog friendly village, and people are neurotic about cleaning up after their dogs and keepng the village clean and tidy....lay it on a bit stong, she should get the message, better that teling her face off, it it does not work you can then go to plan B
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tawneywolf is offline  
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01-06-2006, 12:27 PM
they are very aware of this in the village I live in, there is even a no poo-ing sign stencilled on the pavement near the shop. Also signs stating there is a #400 (sorry no pound sign computer thinks it is american and resists all attempts to default it back!!!)fine - on one occasion when I stopped to let a horse by my dog must have pooed and I didn't see her, on the way back someone pointed it out to me!!!!
So point it out to her first, if all else fails, take it round like everyone has said.
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DobieGirl is offline  
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01-06-2006, 12:34 PM
Preferably i'd like to not get involved at all. Now my neighbours know about it im pretty sure they will pipe up. as it was their nephew who had to have his t-shirt thrown away. If i ever moved to a new place, i would make certain i cleaned up after myself, even if no one else in that area did.

But when you see nice clean grass in an area with about 10 dogs living near it, she must realise we all clean up
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trikeschick is offline  
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01-06-2006, 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by DobieGirl

But when you see nice clean grass in an area with about 10 dogs living near it, she must realise we all clean up
No I wouldn't assume that - there are some pig ignorant people out there. My friend who visited a few weeks back with two of Suki's siblings let them poo all over my garden. He made no attempt to clear it up - said he'd do it in the next day. I made it clear that wasn't going to happen and cleaned up the first couple - told him to get on with it. I went off to work and did he clean up - no.

Needless to say I wasn't very happy about it.
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