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09-02-2014, 07:14 AM

Morning Dogsey Daily Thread (Sunday)

Good Morning all,

I've been up for some time so thought I'd start the Daily today. It is still raining here having had heavy rain over night. The levels have now gone above the 2003 levels .... the only flood prior to that which did was in 1947. Our house is still absolutely fine but I will move out if our electrics go. We had several phone calls from neighbours panicking last night and wanting to evacuate. My OH calmed them down and just told them to move to their upstairs and wait for daylight as nobody would get down to them in the dark. Our advice is for them to phone the emergency services this morning if they still want to go as the water to their houses is too deep for the land rover. My dogs flatly refused to use the balcony this morning so I carried them (one at a time) down in to our roadside garden where there is one patch of about 6x6 that you can still see the top of the blades of grass and daffodils. Each one immediately did their business ( ) in spite of standing in water and I carried them back. I then had to shower them off.

Not sure what I'll do later as the levels are clearly still rising .... turf part of the balcony I really would if I could get hold of turf at this time of year. So if any of you in the SE notice half your lawn is missing you'll know it had gone to a good cause.

Joanie (Madmare's friends mare) had her foal last night. Great big mainly black beautiful foal

I hope this morning finds you and you dogs well. Have a great Sunday.
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09-02-2014, 07:38 AM
Morning Jenny and all,

Jenny I can't begin to imagine how awful it must be for you all there. I am glad your house itself is ok but it must be making a lot of work for you with trying to get the dogs too the loo etc. It would help if you could see an end in sight but this morning they are saying it will all continue for at least the next 2 weeks and maybe longer.
Everything crossed you don't lose your electric.

We have had very strong winds overnight but no rain that i can see.

Charly came back with ash yesterday. She looks so ill and had been in hospital as things seem to have gone wrong from her laparoscopy. She has been in awful pain and bleeding constantly and heavily. She said the hospital and doctors in Surrey are so much better than in Colchester (that wouldn't be hard as I am sure you have all heard the scandal surrounding Colchester hospital) so she is going back with Ash today as they have got her an emergency appointment next week with a gynecologist. They have put her on 2 different antibiotics till then, but none of us have slept overnight as she is up and down every few minutes with the pain. Got to admit I am very worried. When will she get a break from all her problems she has been in constant pain for at least a year now.

I missed Joanie foaling, saw this morning she has also had a filly. Oh well hopefully the next one will come while I am watching

Hope everyone else is ok . Have a good day all.
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09-02-2014, 07:39 AM
Morning Jenny, morning all.

I do not know how you are not climbing the walls with all this flooding Jenny - I think I would be as the thought of being totally cut off is the stuff nightmares are made from. Having to carry the boys to the one little patch where they will "go" - how much longer can you carry on doing that? Thinking about turf - would they use that artificial lawn stuff? If they would then you could maybe put some down on the balcony... or is that a stupid idea?

Joanie must have delivered her foal very late as I was up until gone 1am - do you know if it is a colt or a filly?

Having gone to bed so late I would notmally still be in bed now but I had another bout of the gotta-go's and it was not worth trying for a bit more sleep after the to-ing and fro-ing from bed to throne. So it is back on Loperamide and yet another missed vet visit for Da Booga's blood test.

Hope everyone is well and I am praying that the water does not rise any more.

**cross posting with you Bev - I am sorry to hear that Charly is still in so much pain and do hope that the gynaecologist can sort her out. (((hugs)))
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09-02-2014, 07:39 AM
Morning Jenny so sorry to hear things have got worse for you and your neighbours.
I hope everyone else is ok we have had and still have wild winds whipping round, fences still where they should be thank goodness.

Sally I hope you didn't have money on it being Helena up first. Hope your day with Grandsproglet goes well.
Lorraine George will be very happy in his new home when he is use to it. Hope the cold doesn't come to anything.
June so nice to hear of the good feed back about Horatio and the thoughtfulness of Fenn's new mummy and daddy.
Glad that rib is beginning to feel better too.
Mandy good news about the handbag I hope it had everything in it.

Stay safe out there today peeps sounds like it is going to be a wild one.
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09-02-2014, 07:42 AM
Morning Bev so sorry to hear about Charly I can imagine how worried Ash and you must be feeling. (((Hugs))) for Char;y and I hope they can sort this for her.
Morning Malka sorry you have the gotta go's again.
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09-02-2014, 07:56 AM
Morning Jenny ,morning all
Just don't know what to say other than do take extra care ,stay safe ,massive ((((hugs))))
Surprised you've. not grown gill's overnight
Our snow disappeared as quick as it came yesterday ,rained then for most of the day ,nothing like your getting down south damp and drearie this morning
Nothing on the cards today just the usual hopefully the get the muppets out for a decent walk ,unlike yesterday when it was a battle to even get them to set a paw outside the door
Do take care everyone stay safe
(((Huge hugs)) to all that need them hope all poorly humans and doglets feel better soon
Away to stick some Pork in the oven xxxxxx
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09-02-2014, 07:57 AM
Future dates for those watching the foaling cams. Obviously the mare can foal before or after these dates but they are rough guides.

Pollyanne 23rd Feb

Windsong 25th Feb

Rosa 15th March

Tara 25th March

Jordan 27th March

Midnite 6th April

Karma 14th April

Scarlet 4th May
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09-02-2014, 08:07 AM
Thanks girls for the concern. I put my wellies on to walk down the drive which I could do last night but had to turn back as it is too deep which has now got me really worried 'cos I really don't know if OH will be OK about attempting to get the Land Rover over that little single bridge

Bev I am so sorry to hear about Charly you must be worried sick. Hopefully the gynaecologist will be able to sort her.
Malka Not a daft idea about fake grass but I'm still not sure they'd use it. Although if I can get one of them to pee on some maybe Rucksack would follow ..... he's my problem You are right I cannot continue to carry them but at least during daylight hours my OH or son can. Sorry about your dodgy tum again ..... you must be sick of that too.
Lynn Enjoy your Sunday and I hope you manage to get Dillon out while its dry ..... not to mention the mud
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09-02-2014, 08:09 AM
Morning Jenny, Bev, Lynn and everyone

I thought of you in the night Jenny, because we had the wildest night down here I've ever seen in my life (apart from the 1987 storm) The rain was quite incredible as it lashed down in phases, thunder, lightening, hail we had the lot here, and at 5 am when I looked out of the window, when I could actually see the road it looked like a river torrent going down there with water I am so grateful for this great big hill I live on here, but that water has got to go somewhere, probably in the park down at the bottom of this hill. 90mph gusts of wind we had along with this rain on the south coast!

I think you're going to need to get some turf and you will get it if you go on your local yell or similar, but then again, will anyone be cutting turf with water sitting on top of it just about everywhere Is your house on stilts like some of the others around you, cos I read yesterday you said you heard the water running underneath it? What about your barn is that flooding now It's a real disaster and I feel for you Jenny. Good luck with those boys and keeping them sane along with yourselves.

Bev, sorry to hear about Charly, I thought that hospital had sorted her out with her problems Obviously not, poor girl. Let's hope they can get her back in there and do the job properly.

Lynn, glad to see you had such a lovely day yesterday, and enjoy a nice day with Gorden and Dillon today.

Jen, how's it been overnight for you? Hope you're having a lovely family lunch at yours which I'm sure you will be.

Sally, sorry old bean, but you lost lol!

I'm dreading my morning walk, it's really beginning to become a chore rather than a pleasure now.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone.

ETA: Morning Norma, glad the snow's gone, but I'm beginning to think I'd prefer a bit of snow now.
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09-02-2014, 08:12 AM
This looks too cheerful for todays bad news
Jenny my first thoughts this morning were for you and the surrounding waters. I prayed that they hadn't risen but it seems they have Stay safe and I really hope things improve.
Bev, so sorry to hear about Charly, I hope, she can be helped this week.
The foal waited for me to go to bed Never mind I know she is safe now though.
Take care all, see you later.
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