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24-01-2013, 07:21 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Thursday).

Morning Everyone.
We still have snow on the ground it feels cold and the snow sounds very crunchy underfoot.

I hope anyone else with snow starts to see it disappear now and we revert back to some nice frosty sunny weather that would do me just nicely to see us into Spring.

I hope all the poorly doggies and people are feeling better today.

I see we are all to off to Jenny's on Sunday for treacle pud, haggis and whiskey. I bet get packing then.
Usual today walking Dillon, housework and I am going to phone a friend ours who has just retired to see if she can meet up for a coffee tomorrow.

Harvey in response to your question last night re: Gorden and Kazakhstan. He will be asking lots of questions he does know already though it is the law out there you have to be paid every month if they don't they get into big trouble. When the consultants asked that question on the skype interview before leaving last time the Directors of Eduction found it a very strange question.
He is not even sure he is going yet he has at least one job to apply for and will hopefully get an interview and we live in the hope the job he is also keeping his eye out for the job to show up he has been advised to apply for.
He has to see if the Head teacher here would keep his 3 day a week post open if he went in March and if she won't if it would be worth it financially to go to Kazakhstan on and off till June when their school year ends.
So lots of questions for them lots of weighing up the pros and cons for us and he will possibly not go anyway but he was chuffed to be asked and to be in the top 17.
He has no qualms about not going through Capita they lost him a part time job which paid well and he would still be doing along side this part time job and we would be ok financially if they hadn't given all the false starts. Plus all the other money we lost from work he stopped.
He also still has had no response or apology about the taxi they were supposed to of arranged for him to the airport when he was returning home. So last minute in the hotel reception on booking out he had to sort that as well. So he feels if there was a problem they would be as much use as a chocolate fireguard.

Off to feed Dillon put the kettle on and do Gorden's packed lunch and breakfast.
Stay safe and warm out there today if going out.
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Rosebud77 is offline  
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24-01-2013, 07:39 AM
Good morning.
Life does seem complicated but you know your way round it..
Calm and wet here; most of the snow around the house is gone, and not light enough to see the mountains yet, but it was thinning there and the ribs showing y'day

Just above freesing and set to be a little milder but heavy rain and flood warnings out now. I am sitting tight up here until I know all is safe, and still have abundant supplies. Having lived on a small island ten years where you could be cut off in winter it becomes second nature and also being so far from the shops makes you careful. No nipping out for coffee or bread etc!

About the ME and my posts last night. So many still think ( especially doctors!) that it is about being tired etc but in fact it is a multi faceted illness that leaves no system untouched. As i said way back, I was misdiagnosed for many years as being mentally ill; the one time even the drs took heed was re the raynauds as they could not deny the absence of much circulation. Lupus was mooted but no... I organise my life around the illness and refuse to retreat as many do into permanent invalidism and thus encounter more pain etc,, just occasionally as now with the raynauds it gets too much and I vent; sorry !!! No matter how warm a room is still icy hands and feet.. just almost crippled myself cutting up a chicken for the critters, but that is done now and all are fed... I have one hand warm the other still icy!!!

And if we think we have it bad! Called family in Canada just now and the ones in Newfoundland and the West Coast have -42... not a typo.. minus forty two there and they are fighting to get the homeless inside and clothed and fed. Does not make it any easier here but.....can you imagine.

Stay safe over there
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Sal is offline  
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24-01-2013, 07:40 AM
Morning Lynn,Morning all

Lynn Gordon must be pleased,I hope it all works out for him and you of course.

Very cold here this morning and icy and hoping the rest of this snow will melt today.
All schools and colleges open here today
Lizzie isn't going today,she was poorly last night and sick a few times.O/H didn't sleep very well either.

Nothing planned for today,just the usual, and have some laundry to do,but always have that to do

Have a good day all x
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Helena54 is offline  
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24-01-2013, 07:42 AM
Morning Lynn and everyone

Good news on the job front there for Gorden then Lynn, a few irons in the fire, the best scenario being that job comes up that the other people told him would be available soon and he'd stand a good chance, so finger's crossed for that cos I don't suppose he really wants to go back to K does he, and nor would you really.

Linda, hope you're feeling better today. Chris, hope Rosie had a good night. Bev hope Kyiro's poor foot is better today. Jen hope hubby's gout isn't giving him too much gip. June hoping all is well at the nortie's household this morning, and I guess they let you nod off in front of the tv last night cos I didn't notice you around when I just checked back. Grandma I do hope that finger of yours is ok, along with the puter and keyboard, not forgetting dear Pereg of course.

Well, out of 6 flats I arranged for Dave to view over the past 3 days, he didn't see any of them for some reason or another. They were either taken, had shared bathrooms, and one of them, the tenant had gone away with the chubb key so they couldn't get in cos they only had the yale - what a waste of time!!! I can't quite believe that there are only a very small handful of rentals available in such a wide area either. It can't be the DSS thing, because none of them would take them, it's stipulated on the advert, so why there's such a shortage who knows. I'm a great believer in fate, however, and seeing as he would have had to sign a 6 months contract for any of them, it could be that he will get his mortgage offer today from the broker, meaning we don't have to look for rentals anymore, we can look to buy. I will know more tonight when he gets home.

He got his wheel welded back, and it now turns out he needs a new tyre at nearly £300 BUT, he said it wasn't damaged, and he's arguing with them that they damaged it when they took it off to do the wheel!!! Knowing Dave's luck though, he'll have to cough up the money.

I'm going to be busy doing a new information pack for my caravan guests after taking Zena down the beach. There's hardly any snow left lying around, so I'm sure it'll be ok to walk along the top without falling over. At least she'll stay clean, and considering she likes my shower so much now, I might actually give her a shampoo'ing in there to get rid of all the clagged on mud in her elbows and groin, and that'll be her first ever bath in 4 years

Dave home tonight, thankfully no more snow until tomorrow when we're going to get heaps of it apparently, and then it'll all be washed away on Sunday with heavy rain and gales (just for a change!).

Hope you're all ok along with the doglets and enjoy the day
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24-01-2013, 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by Rosebud77 View Post
Good morning.
Life does seem complicated but you know your way round it..
Calm and wet here; most of the snow around the house is gone, and not light enough to see the mountains yet, but it was thinning there and the ribs showing y'day

Just above freesing and set to be a little milder but heavy rain and flood warnings out now. I am sitting tight up here until I know all is safe, and still have abundant supplies. Having lived on a small island ten years where you could be cut off in winter it becomes second nature and also being so far from the shops makes you careful. No nipping out for coffee or bread etc!

About the ME and my posts last night. So many still think ( especially doctors!) that it is about being tired etc but in fact it is a multi faceted illness that leaves no system untouched. As i said way back, I was misdiagnosed for many years as being mentally ill; the one time even the drs took heed was re the raynauds as they could not deny the absence of much circulation. Lupus was mooted but no... I organise my life around the illness and refuse to retreat as many do into permanent invalidism and thus encounter more pain etc,, just occasionally as now with the raynauds it gets too much and I vent; sorry !!! No matter how warm a room is still icy hands and feet.. just almost crippled myself cutting up a chicken for the critters, but that is done now and all are fed... I have one hand warm the other still icy!!!

And if we think we have it bad! Called family in Canada just now and the ones in Newfoundland and the West Coast have -42... not a typo.. minus forty two there and they are fighting to get the homeless inside and clothed and fed. Does not make it any easier here but.....can you imagine.

Stay safe over there
Morning Rosebud , hoping you're feeling a lot better today, it does sound awful what you have. As for the minus 42 blooming 'eck that's cold I have Lupus, but I'm borderline, and I don't really want to know what's in store for me if that changes, as I'm sure it's not too good.

Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning Lynn,Morning all

Lynn Gordon must be pleased,I hope it all works out for him and you of course.

Very cold here this morning and icy and hoping the rest of this snow will melt today.
All schools and colleges open here today
Lizzie isn't going today,she was poorly last night and sick a few times.O/H didn't sleep very well either.

Nothing planned for today,just the usual, and have some laundry to do,but always have that to do

Have a good day all x
Morning Sal Sorry to hear about Lizzie, so now there'll be 2 of them to look after today then, there's no end for you Sal, they like to keep you busy.
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madmare is offline  
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24-01-2013, 07:47 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

We still have snow too Lynn, but it is now all frozen and sharp like glass so poor Kyiro is struggling to walk on it at all out in the garden to do his toilet. I will be glad to see the back of it, I hate the stuff.

I am going to try and phone and speak to Claire my vet today as even on the painkillers Kyiro is screaming still when I try to change that sock or put his waterproof boot on it. I have a funny feeling Thursday is her day off though and I don't really want to speak to another vet as they don't know whats been going on. If she is not there we will have to battle on till tomorrow.

Charly got a big surprise last night. Her boyfriend was away for 2 weeks at a training camp on the scottish borders, they had been living in tents in the snow and wasn't due back till the weekend. Last night the door bell rang and when i answered it there he was standing with a huge bunch of flowers for her. They had travelled home that day and he had decided not to tell her he was on his way back but to surprise her. It was lucky that she had got away from London early yesterday or she would not have been here.
I bet he was glad to be back in the warm as they had no acess to inside, warm water and lived on rations. This was their living conditions. Rather them than me.

Take care all and have a good day.
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24-01-2013, 07:49 AM
Morning all,

Busy timetable for me today. Aside from the first period which I have free for the moment.

I've got cadets tonight, physical achievement for the kids and weapon handling tests. So fingers crossed the weapons arrive early. Looking forward to the weekend so I don't have to get up!
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Rosebud77 is offline  
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24-01-2013, 07:57 AM
"Morning Rosebud , hoping you're feeling a lot better today, it does sound awful what you have. As for the minus 42 blooming 'eck that's cold I have Lupus, but I'm borderline, and I don't really want to know what's in store for me if that changes, as I'm sure it's not too good."

Don't worry; usually changes are slow and at least you have a diagnosis which many have to fight for even with lupus. I always get on to an internet forum when these things crop up as those who have it know more than the drs! Then get off it before I scare myself silly!

You take good care of yourself clothing wise and that is half the battle with these things.

For some reason this month the M.E is bad. No rhyme or reason to it... It will hopefully ease in time.

Meanwhile I have dogsey!
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24-01-2013, 08:00 AM
Morning Everyone xx

we had more snow yesterday practically all day. The builders however did their job outside and I provided hot cuppa's to keep them warmed up. Thankfully the job is now done and they have done a great job.
Next job is having a new bathroom suite fitted (Im working down the list)

Today we have the Big Freeze, just been out and the ground is slippery in a big way but the dogs seem unfazed by it. I'm of the opinion BC's and snow/freezing weather goes hand in hand

Day of housework and potting about stay safe everyone and wrap up warm xxxx
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Nippy is offline  
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24-01-2013, 08:01 AM
Hellooo all
Wet, wet, wet again.
When we went to the hospital yesterday I saw some snow! Unbelievable that a distance of 8 miles could make such a difference. About 2 inches over there, nothing here.
Well my sticky pads stayed on over night. I didn't sleep well though, I kept waking up and feeling to make sure they were still there
Pepsi had us up at 6-30 to be sick We are used to this now though it happens periodically for no reason. It's when she won't settle or she goes on vomiting that I worry.

Shopping today, now what have I got to get Flour, butter, sugar, eggs.........ah yes golden syrup. Oooh and some more whiskey glasses I haven't got enough to go round!!!!
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