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06-01-2013, 07:19 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Sunday).

I had to think about that as I couldn't remember if it was Saturday or Sunday today.

I see it was all quiet on here last night did the pole dancing the night before do everyone in ?

Another lie-in this morning and so far fairly peaceful from Dillon again he is at this moment eating breakfast from.
his kong.

Gorden is off to Nuneaton later today to do some part time consultancy work and Michael is away in London so Dillon and I will be having a quiet evening and morning tomorrow hopefully.

Malka I hope you are feeling more settled today.
Helena I do hope you were able to sort things out things yesterday and things are not looking as bad as you feared.
Sally I do hope things went ok yesterday when you visited your dad and it wasn't too much of a shock for you.
Linda I hope Loki is still doing well and that Michael is feeling better today. Our Michael suffered with croup dreadfully when he was young. The first time we heard it we thought he was choking on something. Our Dr use to prescribe Amoxycillin in a powder form so we could mix with water just to get an AB into him till we could get the stronger stuff on prescription it saved the distress to us all.
He did outgrow it but does get nasty chesty coughs but much to our dismay both our boys smoke.
Bev I hope Kyiro is much improved this morning and you can get the dilemma about the car and his vet appointment sorted . It never rains but it pours as they say and when you can really do without it.

To everyone else poorly or with poorly pets or just feeling a bit low here's hoping you pick up soon.

Have a lovely Sunday and stay safe.
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06-01-2013, 07:25 AM
Morning Lynn, morning all

I will probably be going offline some time this morning as Effie is bringing my new all singing all dancing new computer and he will have to transfer stuff from my external hard drive onto it, plus set up a couple of things. So no doubt it will all entail yet another set of password changes.


Also Nir is coming with a new cistern to replace the dodgy one in my ensuite because I am fed up with keeping the top off and having to lift up the plunger [or whatever it is called] although he will not need me to oversee him with that! But if both he and Effie turn up at the same time...

And my cold is now in full bloom so keep well away from my sneezles!
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06-01-2013, 07:35 AM
Morning Malka. Oooohhh I bet you are excited about the new computer and the new cistern.

Sorry to hear about your cold I hope it goes away soon.
I am not getting to close after just getting over mine.
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06-01-2013, 07:55 AM
Morning Lynn, grandma and everyone

Oh so foggy out there this morning if it's not one thing it's another. Yes, I wanted dry, but I wanted that nice sunny dry not this cloud and thick fog Soon be spring then

I'm thinking of driving over to Camber Sands this morning, it's a glorious, dog friendly beach with sand dunes and as long as the eye can see and about a mile wide out to see, never been there yet, and it's only a 15 min drive. Might have to stop off quickly at another beach on the way there cos of Zena's whineging when she smells that sea though lol! I will definitely be taking the camera this morning though, even if we go to our normal beach.

Poor Dave, he's really got a nightmare with his annual books and the amount of tax that is due, when he's made such a good profit....but where is it??? Anyway, we'll get around it somehow if we play our cards right, rather than him having to send me out to work. The first job will be to cut back on staff, so 2 of them will be getting their notice this week He says he's never known it so bad out there, people are so short of money, they're getting the neighbour to fix their cars, servicing has gone out the window, and he's only getting work that are mess ups (for want of a better word lol) from people trying to fix them themselves. It's all pretty doom and gloom, but then there are others who are worse off, and we'll just have to make serious cut backs here.

Oh well, at least it's Sunday, there'll be a sunday roast, a nice long dog walk and a day of relaxing, hope you're doing the same

Glad Dillon is still being a good boy for you Lynn, good luck with the returned puter grandma.
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06-01-2013, 07:59 AM
Good morning..

Rain pounding down as it did all yesterday.

Fraught start as my emil box was full of panic from the friends in the US as the B and B I had advised is booked up. SEVEN emails...
Took a while to sort what was going on..

So OK: there are others so when I am out on Tuesday....You cannot trust the web sites or the photos, you see as I learned last week when I knocked at one door and the smell hit me as the man opened it... Looks gorgeous too online.

Still drained and sick, so an easy day here, PLEASE!

Big cat has decided to hide under the bedclothes,so clearly he is feeling the same way. Move over cat!

Blessings and peace to all there and all healing prayers
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madmare is offline  
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06-01-2013, 08:17 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

I have just put Kyiro's breakfast on to soak and just praying he will eat it so he gets his medication. I was having a good look at his foot and leg this morning and I am really concerned that his leg is very red and warm,his whole foot is looking swollen (not just that toe and pad) because if it starts to affect his leg as well then that will be very bad and sad news, so basically I am worried sick. The medication he has now till I see my vet is only Tramadol for pain relief and his antibiotics which I am convinced are not working as he had already been on them 10 days when it all flared up and he got so ill yesterday. The injection to keep his tempreture down will be out of his system about mid morning.

I also have to go and tackle a problem family up our road today, when they finally get out of their beds as I got a phonecall very late last night from a friend to say this family have been looking for me last night, (I was out having a meal) as they got hold of a petition that has my name on to try and get them out of the area. Well I never even knew there was a petition let alone signed it. So I am furious that my name is being put on things and want to know where the source of it come from. Never a dull moment in this house.

Malka hope you feel better soon.
Lynn enjoy your peaceful (hopefully ) you and Dillon time
Hope dave gets his books sorted to your advantage H.
Rosebud I hope you feel better soon.

Take care all and enjoy your Sunday.
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06-01-2013, 08:58 AM
Good morning Lynn and fellow members,

I'm sorry a number of you are feeling unwell and hope you feel better after a relaxing day.

Lynn, I'm glad Dillon is calm at the moment ... long may it last

I'm off out with dogs soon but it won't be anywhere like as nice as where Helena has plans to walk today It's very overcast and drizzly here ... what's new

Sorry to hear about Kyiro's paw, you must be so worried ((hugs)).

Malka, good luck with the new computer which I hope you do get today

See you all later.
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06-01-2013, 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn, grandma and everyone

Oh so foggy out there this morning if it's not one thing it's another. Yes, I wanted dry, but I wanted that nice sunny dry not this cloud and thick fog Soon be spring then

I'm thinking of driving over to Camber Sands this morning, it's a glorious, dog friendly beach with sand dunes and as long as the eye can see and about a mile wide out to see, never been there yet, and it's only a 15 min drive. Might have to stop off quickly at another beach on the way there cos of Zena's whineging when she smells that sea though lol! I will definitely be taking the camera this morning though, even if we go to our normal beach.

Poor Dave, he's really got a nightmare with his annual books and the amount of tax that is due, when he's made such a good profit....but where is it??? Anyway, we'll get around it somehow if we play our cards right, rather than him having to send me out to work. The first job will be to cut back on staff, so 2 of them will be getting their notice this week He says he's never known it so bad out there, people are so short of money, they're getting the neighbour to fix their cars, servicing has gone out the window, and he's only getting work that are mess ups (for want of a better word lol) from people trying to fix them themselves. It's all pretty doom and gloom, but then there are others who are worse off, and we'll just have to make serious cut backs here.

Oh well, at least it's Sunday, there'll be a sunday roast, a nice long dog walk and a day of relaxing, hope you're doing the same

Glad Dillon is still being a good boy for you Lynn, good luck with the returned puter grandma.
Morning Helena. Enjoy the new walk.
Gosh it does sound worrying for you and Dave I hope it all comes right in the end.
Its a bit worrying in here most times but we are managing at the moment for me not to have go back out to work and anyway even if I did need to its so competitive out there and not many little cleaning jobs out there at the moment which is all I am about qualified to do now.
Still every cloud as they say. Speaking of clouds we have heavy mist here too.

Originally Posted by Rosebud77 View Post
Good morning..

Rain pounding down as it did all yesterday.

Fraught start as my emil box was full of panic from the friends in the US as the B and B I had advised is booked up. SEVEN emails...
Took a while to sort what was going on..

So OK: there are others so when I am out on Tuesday....You cannot trust the web sites or the photos, you see as I learned last week when I knocked at one door and the smell hit me as the man opened it... Looks gorgeous too online.

Still drained and sick, so an easy day here, PLEASE!

Big cat has decided to hide under the bedclothes,so clearly he is feeling the same way. Move over cat!

Blessings and peace to all there and all healing prayers
Morning Rose I hope you manage to get the B&B problem sorted. Hoping you get the rest you sound like you need too today.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and all,

I have just put Kyiro's breakfast on to soak and just praying he will eat it so he gets his medication. I was having a good look at his foot and leg this morning and I am really concerned that his leg is very red and warm,his whole foot is looking swollen (not just that toe and pad) because if it starts to affect his leg as well then that will be very bad and sad news, so basically I am worried sick. The medication he has now till I see my vet is only Tramadol for pain relief and his antibiotics which I am convinced are not working as he had already been on them 10 days when it all flared up and he got so ill yesterday. The injection to keep his tempreture down will be out of his system about mid morning.

I also have to go and tackle a problem family up our road today, when they finally get out of their beds as I got a phonecall very late last night from a friend to say this family have been looking for me last night, (I was out having a meal) as they got hold of a petition that has my name on to try and get them out of the area. Well I never even knew there was a petition let alone signed it. So I am furious that my name is being put on things and want to know where the source of it come from. Never a dull moment in this house.

Malka hope you feel better soon.
Lynn enjoy your peaceful (hopefully ) you and Dillon time
Hope dave gets his books sorted to your advantage H.
Rosebud I hope you feel better soon.

Take care all and enjoy your Sunday.
Morning Bev. I hope Kyiro picks up as the day goes on sounds like you have more problems you could well do without re: neighbours. I hope you manage to sort it out and can finally relax today at some point. (((Hugs))).
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Tang is offline  
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06-01-2013, 09:04 AM
Morning all. Malka I hope you won't need a password to use the new cistern?

I am really wallowing in the weather and the walks round the Salt Lake at the mo as we have record numbers of flamingos on it this year.

We've just returned from a long morning walking and sightseeing.
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Nippy is offline  
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06-01-2013, 09:11 AM
Hiya all,
Another one of those days today, first we have to take eldest Grand-daughter to the station for her train back to Uni. I had hoped that she would be able to have lunch before she left but it costs her an extra £15 for an afternoon train I did offer her the extra but she says she just doesn't see why she should give the train companies all that extra money. I agree too.
So then we have 7 for lunch, 8 if you include my yummy Great Grand-daughter Pepsi loves Sundays because she has learned already that sitting under the baby's chair gets her rewarded with whatever Kyla throws down for her
Then later in the afternoon I shall probably fall asleep in the chair until bedtime
So I had better get cracking, have a good day everyone.
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