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Sue L
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17-12-2016, 08:08 AM

Daily Thread Saturday 17th December

Good morning everyone

Hope you are having a good-lie in Moyra

Pleased hospital appointment went well Gordon and the visit to Wales

Misty this morning but the sun looks as though it is trying to break through. Today I think I am off to Brighton to look at sockets for son's kitchen, thats if he can't find the spare ones he thinks he has in the bedroom

Hope everyone is feeling well

Have a good day and stay safe.
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17-12-2016, 08:13 AM
Good morning everyone, late this morning. I thought someone else might start the thread again so I had a lie in, which was much appreciated. Now I must get my skates on and get Amber out but it is very foggy out there.

LG pleased you got back from welsh wales and all was fine at the hospital too until February.

Lynn, I take it no more footsteps in the ceiling? Hopefully they have gone. Glad you had a good day out yesterday.

Brenda I meant to say yesterday perhaps that next door neighbour of yours shouldn't have a dog.

Jenny and Brian hope all is well.

Mandy, Sue, Barry, Norma, Harvey, Kazza and Gnasher hope all is well with you. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone.

Have a good day all, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well, God Bless.
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17-12-2016, 09:45 AM
Good morning Moyra, I think everyone must be out doing their Christmas shopping!
It is so warm, I have just been to the paper shop in my tee shirt. Can't believe it, I hope we don't pay for it later
All my family were out to Christmas "do's" last night so I expect it will be a while before I see any of them!
A quiet day at home for us, in fact a quiet weekend, so I shall make the most of it.
Take care everyone x
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17-12-2016, 10:07 AM
Yes Nippy Jen, Last night and next Friday night are the two nights they were warning everybody about not overdoing the drinking. Still I hope they all enjoyed themselves.
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17-12-2016, 10:13 AM
Well something I tried and seems to work

i taped a compact camera to a gutter cleaning pole and set it to record. Edited out the first bit lifting the rig up to get this
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gordon mac
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17-12-2016, 11:46 AM
Good morning folks.
Hope all are well and in good Xmas spirits with only 7 days left to the "Big Day".
It seems that the Gremlin which had taken to attacking my 'puter last night has now boogered off to torment some one else, well at least I hope so! I can't do with the darn thing when it won't behave.
Hope that things have sorted themselves out for you now Lynn, you know me I'm not given to voicing an opinion on family matters but do hope that it all unravels nicely for you and that you have a good christmas and the forthcoming new year is free from juvenile traumas.
Griff - Love the phone call from your demented opposition, shows what a basket case they really are. I'd ignore it if I were you! Stick to enjoying yourself with your family and animals and sod the rest of 'em!
My old girl Gypsy has broken a toe on her front near (three days ago) now the swelling has gone down from the original injury (which initially we thought to be a sprained wrist). She is yelping sometimes when she gets up or treads on it funny. It is the third bone back from the toenail, there is little can be done for toe injuries in running dogs because of the speed and stress placed on the feet during exercise. It will come right with regular bathing in comfrey and ground dried comfrey leaves added to her feed. In the meantime I'll just have to make sure she doesn't over exert herself when we are out, she'll have to spend a fair amount of time on the lead, which won't please her much as the old girl doesn't like missing out on anything. She'll be sulking - something she does amazingly well for a dog with little theatrical training! LOL !
I feel quite tired today as we seem to have crammed a lot into the last couple of weeks, in consequence I'm going to have a lazy day. Not for me the joys of filming gutterings on the south coast, I admire the skill and resourcefulness of this venture (although in truth doubt whether it has an Oscar Category). N'ere the less - it's that different strokes/folks saying I suppose.
For those interested in matters of people getting what's coming to them - whilst I was in Wales (stunning alibi!) the pigeon shooting problem has been resolved. The person concerned won't be doing it again - of that I'm very sure. So the scores on the board now stand at:
Pigeons 1 : Blerdy Idiots Nil. Enough said on this matter but a very, very satisfactory conclusion!
Have a good day all with whatever you are doing or takes your fancy, I'll be back later, bye fer now. G.
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17-12-2016, 02:59 PM
Afternoon peeps. Moyra I have decided that a lot of people shouldn't have dogs. Present company excepted. Just been over our green for a mooch with Tyto and this nasty dog, won't name the breed, decided that we shouldn't be over there. Snarling and carrying on. Had to put Tyto behind me so that I could tell the dog to p off and call to the owner to control it. All I got was a glare. So fed up with owners that don't give a 'expletive'. Oh well such is life. Have a good rest of afternoon folks and evening. I am off out carol singing at our local church where my daughter is singing in the choir. I am not religious but maybe I will say a prayer for the owner. LG you are not alone. My tablet and computer have been playing up and emails. ttfn peeps.
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17-12-2016, 03:08 PM
Stil very foggy here, it has not lifted all day. Miserably cold out there too.
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17-12-2016, 03:27 PM
Took both sets of girls over to the river bank so I could see what the height of the river was. Its not that bad, so tomorrow will take Lona, Mabs and Zen for a race round over there. They all had a mad tear round with each other on the wooded bit, rolled in rotting leaves and generally enjoyed themselves. Came back and gave the honeysuckle and jasmine around the gate archway a good haircut, 2 large bags of cuttings. Was intending to put lights around it, got them out, put new batteries in, and nuffink. Had a brew and a cheese, bacon and tomato butty, played catch up on emails etc and will take the batteries out and put them all back in again on the offchance I've done it wrong. I have, of course, thrown the receipt away because I bought them weeks and weeks ago.
Sorry to hear about Gypsy, LG. You will not be her favourite person, one bit. The reproachful looks and the big soulful eyes will haunt you The Pigeon Hunter has been despatched to pastures new I see, good job you were in Wales and couldn't possibly have known anything about it.
Very cold and damp with a heavy damp mist today, it did lift around lunchtime, which is when I got the girls out in the end.
I know what you mean Brenda. Hence my departure to the riverbank as they are all beginning to come out of the woodwork, I think I have been lucky this week not to have had my outings disrupted, but I think there are 2 weeks of total nightmare walks in the offing.
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gordon mac
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17-12-2016, 05:24 PM
June - Glad you could get the girls down to the river without interception by loons, enjoy it while you may for as we all know (to our detriment) Xmas is "Eejit A Go-Go" time for the occasional dog walkers! The fools and their untutored mutts are everywhere (or at least seem to be).
Brenda - I heartily concur with your sentiment about "a lot of people shouldn't have dogs". Neither should many of them drive motor vehicles nor be allowed to breed, for the replication of themselves can only be a retrograde step in the evolution of humanity. I promise I won't do too much moaning over Christmas - bad form don't you know - season of goodwill and all that rubbish!
Moyra - Although we are divided by a couple of hundred miles of English countryside we have had exactly the weather you describe up here as well, sounds like the whole of the country is in the grip of miserable fog and cold. All that is except our Nippy who is sauntering about in a tee-shirt gleefully proclaiming the benefits of the near tropical area in which she resides. Grrrrr!!!!!
Bye fer now - hopefully will be back later.
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