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20-03-2013, 07:41 AM

Morning - Dogsey Daily Thread - Wednesday

Good morning all Dogsey Peops on this Wednesday morning!

It's official spring today Yeah, doesn't look much like it out there does it! Then we've got the budget today, I wonder what joys that will hold for all of us?

I'm off to the park today to look at another van, but I've laid awake half the night wondering if this really is the way to go. I already have the worry of filling my own one up to cover the annual rent, then there's the 2nd one Dave has bought as his week-day home again with an annual rent, so this would be a 3rd one to worry about finding the annual rent. I know I'd probably fill it for the season, but it's actually adding more stress onto me and what if I didn't That would mean having to lose what I earn on the current one to pay for the 2nd one and it's not quite sitting right with me I will know after I've been up there for the 2nd time today to iron out a few nigglies.

Lynn, I expect you'll be busy slapping on that wallpaper today, hope it all goes well. Any news from the Lincs job for Gorden yet?? Still got positive vibes on constant anyway.

Chris, I just read your post in yesterday's thread, and this is exactly what my friend was like initially. How her poor husband put up with it, especially as he's not the world's most patient man and very, very outspoken, we will never know. She even shouted at him to clear off everytime he went to visit her in hospital after the operation I think it was only a year or so down the line that she accepted from her brilliant specialist what was going on with her, so it really is early days for Gary, but he will get

Bev, hope Lily is ok on that leg today, I do hope you don't have to go back to the vets again

June, I hope you can use that car today!

Linda, hope you managed a whole night of sleep.

Malka, thanks for sending for the van for those who needed it last night, I think we'll be a bit light in here today now won't we

Taffsmum, I hope those cakes were greatly appreciated and all sold on before getting eaten!

Sorry, can't remember anymore, so apologies for anyone I've not mentioned, it's a lot to remember

Better get myself out with Zena before the heavens open with whatever it's got in store, could be snow, could be rain, but it's not looking good out there and now the wind is picking up so I want to get moving.

Have a good day everyone
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20-03-2013, 07:55 AM

Umm, wot woz I on about about the van? [Shakes head to clear it, bends down to pick head off the floor and put it back on neck].

You do, of course, realise that I have a wonderful memory in that I can tell you all about what happened years ago but until I see what I posted yesterday I ain't not gotta clue.

[Hurriedly goes to check what day it is, sighs with relief that it is not a Monday or a bonus day, so decides to go back to bed].
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20-03-2013, 08:04 AM
Morning H and all

It is sunny here atm, I think there may be some showers later. Hoping to get the dogs out and stay dry today! I keep anxiously looking at the weather forecast as we have a club show on Sunday and some important decisions to make.

I wish we could all help in your decision to take some of it off of you, I hate it when you can't feel 100% about things. We could do with a crystal ball and then we would know what to do! Enjoy your walk with Zena.

Fingers crossed Lily is ok today.

I must have missed a whole load of things yesterday but I hope poorly people, dogs and worries can be better soon.

I don't know what van Malka called yesterday, have we lost members to the funny farm? We could do with one to whisk us away to warmer climes for a relaxing week, that would be good, I would go along with that!

Have a good day everybody, I hope it's kind to you.
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20-03-2013, 08:05 AM
Morning Malka, you weren't on the magic bottle were you?
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20-03-2013, 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning Malka, you weren't on the magic bottle were you?
No but I did buy some ice-cream and scoffed that...
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20-03-2013, 08:24 AM
You must have had a sugar rush!
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20-03-2013, 08:32 AM
Morning H and all,

I took lily for a little 4-5min walk up the road and back as she won't go toilet in the garden in the mornings, she managed the walk ok. But one minute it seems ok and the next she can't put that leg to the floor and is in obvious pain. I can't work it out. I have given her the Tramadol this morning so we will see how she goes. I am very worried about bone cancer as its common in greyhounds and 3 friends have lost their greyhounds to it in the last few weeks with the same or similar symptoms. However i am sure life can't be that cruel even to me so I am staying positive it is something silly that will right itself.

Raining here now started while I was at Tesco this morning. Another couple of weeks and it will officially be British Summer time, its hard to believe isn't it with this constant cold awful weather.

H, don't over stress yourself by taking on too much, remember you moved there to relax and enjoy a more peaceful life.

Lynn I was also wondering if Gordon has heard about his interview for the Lincs job yet? I hope Dillon is being good for you this morning.

mm hope you get a dry walk.

Malka hope you are feeling better today.

Hope everyone else is ok and you all have a good day.
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20-03-2013, 08:37 AM
Morning Helena, Moet, Malka and fellow members,

A dull, misty blooming cold day again here, which started too early for my liking at 05.50 when Rucksack decided he needed to go out Never mind, all was well in the garden, I checked on here to catch up with last night and I've been to Tesco to do a big food shop. Hoping to go to Painshill Park with the boys this morning as my son suggested he'd like to go .... the only trouble is it will involve him getting out of bed first

Helena - good luck with your decision making - a third van is quite a lot to take on, but having said that the choices aren't great knowing what to do are they? As you say, an awful lot more work for you but with this awful recession hanging over us still, I honestly think that more and more people will have to holiday here in the UK ..... decisions, decisions :

Moet - Enjoy your walk and I hope the forecast is better for the weekend for your show ........ pigs may fly too.

Malka - it's nice to see you back and chatty. My memory is like yours I think Enjoy your day and give Pereg a big ((hug)) from me.

See you all later.
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20-03-2013, 08:40 AM
Morning Bev, we cross posted. It is really strange about Lily's intermittent lameness Everything crossed that she improves just with rest. I know from what an awful time you've had recently that it must be so hard to think positively - but try to (((hugs))) to you and a special one to Lily.
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20-03-2013, 08:47 AM
Good morning all.

A dull and damp morning here, but at least the snow they forecast for last night didn't appear.

Probably just the same old for us today which will be lovely because I'm sick of seeing the inside of the car

Hope you lot have a good day. I also hope that Lily starts to improve, Gorden hears about the job and Helena makes the bestist decision in respect of increasing the business empire. Malka, you still should get to the docs (you know you should lady), and everyone else stays safe and well.

Have a good 'un all xx
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