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09-04-2013, 06:32 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Tuesday).

Morning Everyone. This will be the lunch time post by the time I am able to get it finished. Every time I settle to type Dillon goes in for the paw.
It is a lot less red under the paw and on the toes where they shaved but the wound itself is still looking very raw and something can't be healing and maybe the AB's aren't working we will see on our visit to the vet at 12.30 today.
Gorden did sofa duty last night and said he was quite restless with every couple of hours. No point trying the cone of shame he just goes into shut down and can't or won't lie-down and he is far to big to be left standing panting frantically.
My knee is still twinging if I move a certain way or put too much weight on it. It does feel slightly better than yesterday so hopefully will be back to normal soon.
Weather bit dismal today and having a go at raining.

I haven't looked at all last nights posts sorry but did have a quick skim through. Hello Lorraine.
Jackie I read about Millie my heart goes out to you and I hope the vet sorts something for Millie today so she is comfortable. I wonder if they will refer her for x-rays ? Clearly something isn't right.
Helena I hope your organised chaos is becoming even more organised.
Malka I hope you and Pereg have had another peaceful night.

To everyone else hoping you are all in fine fettle and our furry friends too.
To those feeling under the weather get well soon and furry friends too.

Have a good day whatever you are doing and stay safe.
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09-04-2013, 06:44 AM
Morning Lynn and everyone.

We decided to have a lie in this morning, as we were both shattered last night. I never got the chance of a nanny nap (again!) yesterday cos when I got back in the afternoon, the neighbour up the road had popped round and we couldn't seem to get rid of him. I then had to make phone calls, one of which was the plasterer, and turns out, he can now come Wednesday instead of Saturday, so I tried to bring the painter forward, but he was having none of it, so he's still next Tuesday.

Jackie, I was just catching up on last night's thread and I'm so, so sorry to hear about how Millie was last night. I know you've had a sleepless night and I do hope you can get her to the vets first thing, and that she managed some sleep after the extra painkillers. It's awful seeing them in such agony when you feel so very helpless .xxx

The list I'm working my way through, keeps getting added to, so another busy day here, and Dave is going to have a do nothing day as he's back to work tomorrow, and the work has piled up over there as one of his staff has been off having lost his father at the week-end.

Lynn, poor Dillon and that foot, something doesn't sound quite right there does it Are you allowed to put something on it? Good luck at the vets if you're taking him back for them to have a look at it, poor boy

Nice to see you back Lorraine, I bet you're having a lie in too after that long walk over the week-end!

It's drizzling here today, but I'll be off up on the top with Zena and it's usually pretty dry up there cos of the wind. Enjoy your day everyone, and I hope everyone else is ok along with the doglets.
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09-04-2013, 06:45 AM
Morning Lynn. & everyone else. I'm early this morning. Poor you & Gorden Dillon is keeping you on your toes isn't he? It looks miserable out there today. - spring over again. I don't know what I'm doing today - nothing very exciting I expect. I feel like spending some money but don't know what to buy Just to cheer me up really
Have a good day everyone 4 legged & 2.
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catrinsparkles is offline  
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09-04-2013, 06:51 AM
Morning. I am particularly grumpy after only having a couple of one hour lots of sleep last night. My 3 year old has chicken pox and was up most of the night....then my two year old woke up at 6am, which is really early for her! I was just dozin back off with her in bed, once I'd convinced Remus to stop whining under the duvet, when Tonks decided it was essential to get up at 7am and did her little 'hello' woof in the kitchen.

My 2 year old had chicken pox two weeks ago, followed by a sickness I've had one full nights sleep in three weeks. Humph, humph, humph.

So glad I text my dog walker friend and asked her to take Remus and Tonks out today.

I've also had Remus growling when he didnt want to move off the sofa last night and this morning.....I don't think so Mr!!
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09-04-2013, 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning Lynn and everyone.

We decided to have a lie in this morning, as we were both shattered last night. I never got the chance of a nanny nap (again!) yesterday cos when I got back in the afternoon, the neighbour up the road had popped round and we couldn't seem to get rid of him. I then had to make phone calls, one of which was the plasterer, and turns out, he can now come Wednesday instead of Saturday, so I tried to bring the painter forward, but he was having none of it, so he's still next Tuesday.

Jackie, I was just catching up on last night's thread and I'm so, so sorry to hear about how Millie was last night. I know you've had a sleepless night and I do hope you can get her to the vets first thing, and that she managed some sleep after the extra painkillers. It's awful seeing them in such agony when you feel so very helpless .xxx

The list I'm working my way through, keeps getting added to, so another busy day here, and Dave is going to have a do nothing day as he's back to work tomorrow, and the work has piled up over there as one of his staff has been off having lost his father at the week-end.

Lynn, poor Dillon and that foot, something doesn't sound quite right there does it Are you allowed to put something on it? Good luck at the vets if you're taking him back for them to have a look at it, poor boy

Nice to see you back Lorraine, I bet you're having a lie in too after that long walk over the week-end!

It's drizzling here today, but I'll be off up on the top with Zena and it's usually pretty dry up there cos of the wind. Enjoy your day everyone, and I hope everyone else is ok along with the doglets.
Morning Helena. If you couldn't get rid of the neighbour last night what will it be like when the lounge is finished.
Enjoy your walk.
Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Morning Lynn. & everyone else. I'm early this morning. Poor you & Gorden Dillon is keeping you on your toes isn't he? It looks miserable out there today. - spring over again. I don't know what I'm doing today - nothing very exciting I expect. I feel like spending some money but don't know what to buy Just to cheer me up really
Have a good day everyone 4 legged & 2.
Morning TM enjoy your day out and having a spend.

Originally Posted by catrinsparkles View Post
Morning. I am particularly grumpy after only having a couple of one hour lots of sleep last night. My 3 year old has chicken pox and was up most of the night....then my two year old woke up at 6am, which is really early for her! I was just dozin back off with her in bed, once I'd convinced Remus to stop whining under the duvet, when Tonks decided it was essential to get up at 7am and did her little 'hello' woof in the kitchen.

My 2 year old had chicken pox two weeks ago, followed by a sickness I've had one full nights sleep in three weeks. Humph, humph, humph.

So glad I text my dog walker friend and asked her to take Remus and Tonks out today.

I've also had Remus growling when he didnt want to move off the sofa last night and this morning.....I don't think so Mr!!
Morning I feel your pain over the sleep deprivation. I hope your little one soon recovers from the chicken pox and you can get a good nights sleep.

I have made a decision I am going to get a sock on Dillons paw and a plastic bag so he can have his little walk but it won't get dirty and I am not going to wash the paw as advised as it gets wet between the toes and we have to dry it and you can't always get it completely dry and it is knocking that wound that is trying to heal.
I thought if it was us we would cover the wound trying to heal for bath and showers to dry it off but so far we haven't being doing that with Dillon.
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09-04-2013, 07:19 AM
Morning Lynn and all

Sorry Dillon is still pestering his foot, it's so difficult to stop them when they are intent on getting to it.

LOL at you H missing your nanny nap, better luck for today. I am struggling to get a plasterer to give me a quote, I have had one turn up but no quote and two yet to arrange a time to come and have a look.

I also didn't have a very good night, Fiji was very unhappy and looking like she would throw up, she eventually did and there was a horrid pool of what can only be described as dire rear with one solid lump, I was really alarmed until I remembered she had managed to snatch a mouthful of horse poo on our walk in the day, she seems ok now. Then Rufus decided to get out of bed (which he does frequently) but discovered he had managed to get inside the duvet, daft dog!

It's raining here today, shouldn't have mentioned grass cutting should I, the dogs wont want to go far today, then back to the hospital with the heart monitor, I just hope my cousin has not twiddled around with it!

Have a good day all.
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09-04-2013, 07:24 AM
Morning Lynn and fellow members,

Lynn, It does seem that one of you have to be on duty with Dillon's paw 24/7 . Hopefully the vet will be pleased with his wounds and it can only get easier. I hope your knee continues to improve.

Jackie - I was so sorry to read about Millie last night. Hopefully those meds you dosed her with had some effect and she did settle. Masses of healing {{{vibes}}} coming your way and ((hugs)) to you.

Helena - Great that the plasterer can come earlier than expected but a shame that your painter can't. Never mind, think how lovely it will all be when sorted. A nanny nap will be in order for you this afternoon Enjoy your day and walk Zena.

Hi Taffsmum

Originally Posted by catrinsparkles View Post
Morning. I am particularly grumpy after only having a couple of one hour lots of sleep last night. My 3 year old has chicken pox and was up most of the night....then my two year old woke up at 6am, which is really early for her! I was just dozin back off with her in bed, once I'd convinced Remus to stop whining under the duvet, when Tonks decided it was essential to get up at 7am and did her little 'hello' woof in the kitchen.

My 2 year old had chicken pox two weeks ago, followed by a sickness I've had one full nights sleep in three weeks. Humph, humph, humph.

So glad I text my dog walker friend and asked her to take Remus and Tonks out today.

I've also had Remus growling when he didnt want to move off the sofa last night and this morning.....I don't think so Mr!!
You poor thing coping with all that. It is the lack of sleep that is the really difficult bit, I think we all cope far better if we're getting a decent sleep. Sorry your 'little-ones' are ill but its the best way for siblings to get Chicken Pox over and done with while they are little. Both of mine got it one after the other - one mildly the other really badly. .
What a relief you won't have to walk the dogs today though. I hope 'calm' resumes in your home very soon.

Well I awoke to heavy rain which isn't nice and the boys weren't overly keen when I opened the back door This weather is like it was this time last year ....... this rain had better not continue for as long though

I hope any poorly dogs or owners are on the mend.
See you later.
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09-04-2013, 07:27 AM
Morning Gerry, I hope you have a less stressful day and your cousins hospital visit goes well.
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madmare is offline  
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09-04-2013, 07:37 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

Lynn I wonder if its because you keep wetting the foot with hibiscrub (If your still using it). It needs to dry right out to heal properly. Thats why it doesn't heal well with a bandage on and if you get it wet at all it irritates it and set back healing. My vet always says it must be kept 100% dry, which is why I bought the Pawz boots for going out in as the foot still got wet when the carrier bag leaks.
Or maybe he is reacting to the hibiscrub and it sets off an allergy.

I am off to Tesco shortly before it rains and then apart from a walk later with lily I intend to have a day indoors and perhaps to a jigsaw.

I am hoping and keeping everything crossed our house move may be back on again. Charly and Ash are going for another look on Wednesday evening. If we can sort out the finances then we would move during the school summer holidays as that suits them and us.
We have had two people killed and one stabbed within quarter of a mile of this house in the last 4 days alone, so I am not keen on staying here.

Take care all and enjoy your day whatever your plans.
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09-04-2013, 07:46 AM
Morning fellow members cold and grey today and I have Hannah. How I look forward to warm sunny days when we can go out in the garden, it seems a long time since we were able to do that.

Enjoy your day everyone
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