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10-06-2016, 06:20 AM

Daily Thread, Friday, June 10

Good Morning everyone,

Taking my little old car in for its MOT today at 11 o'clock, I have told them the horn needs fixing, that is the second time in the last few years that it has suddenly stopped working. It was a connection underneath last time, suspect may be the same again. Otherwise not aware of any other problems with her she hardly does any mileage to speak. Bit more lately with the hospital visits but otherwise very little hence the need to charge her batteries up if she stands there for days or weeks with out a run.

Griff hope you enjoyed yourself at the club and as a consequence have a better night's sleep.

June, poor Zen, she says "I know mummy I can be naughty in fooling around and I didn't mean to hurt any of the others but I have paid the price." Hope Katharine can do something for her soon. Glad you got rid of that sparky old microwave, such dangerous things when they get old. I have an old one which I keep mainly for timing eggs and then I have a newish one for main microwaving and toasting etc.

Lynn, haven't seen much of you lately, do hope you have not got down again. Hope Dillon is ok. Isn't it about the time they advertise the posts for September, hopefully something that interest Gorden will come up.

Well no sign of you yesterday LG or Harvey hope you are both ok and it is just outdoors that is keeping you busy.

Young Eileen has gone quiet again, hope she is ok and the family too.

Well if the landlady forces our hand, I said to Steve I am reluctant to sign another tenancy agreement for the next year so we shall have to do something. I am hoping the Dr. can help, in view of the difficulties I have with the bathroom and the need for a shower room.

Norma, 1cd, Mandy, Sue, Barry and Brenda, hope you are all keeping well. Hope Tony's leg is getting sorted. All the very best everyone, God bless.
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10-06-2016, 08:05 AM
Morning all,
Moyra I hope you get sorted soon, both housing and hospital/doctor wise
Tony's knee still same, he has his X-ray today so will see after that, as he's to phone doctor as soon as he had it done, thank you for asking
Hope everyone is ok, will read through yesterday with a cuppa. I didn't get on here yesterday due to be in the garden and then a friend visited and then Liam rang for a chat. He was telling me about Sarah doing the race for life
By time I'd done tea the day seemed to have disappeared
I've had to ring the bus company up this morning as the bus Lauryn catches to college went straight by her not the first time either!! So she had to wait for another which will make her late
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10-06-2016, 08:19 AM
Morning all.
Good luck with the bus co. Mandy. Last week Elisha took Kyla on the bus to Torquay. They went upstairs for a treat, such a lovely view. Elisha rang the bell to get off but the bus started again very suddenly and they both fell down the stairs
She has lodged a complaint and is waiting to hear.
Well it is raining today, bound to be really, it is Torbays first air show today
I'm going to try and blitz my house today, haven't done any house work for days
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Sue L
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10-06-2016, 08:21 AM
Goo morning

Do hope your landlady is reasonable Moyra and if not with he help of your doctor somewhere better can be found. I would think if you were to be evicted with your health problems the council should sit up and help. Hope all goes well with the MOT.

Hope x-rays show something and that he gets the help he needs regarding the pain. Public services don't seem to care anymore hope Lauryn gets into college ok.

I expect Harvey is lost in his man cave and Gordon is still getting over the shock of having his wallet open.

Overcast but dry and warm. Out to Battle Abbey shortly, its only really just up the road so not a long journey.

Hope all backs for two and four legged friends are improving.

Have a good day and stay safe.
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Sue L
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10-06-2016, 08:22 AM
Good morning Nippy try and take it easy and not too much housework.

Hope Kyla and Mandy are ok after their fall.
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10-06-2016, 10:49 AM
Hi all, flying visit....hope kyla and her mummy will be o.k
Moyra, hope the not goes OK
Everyone else...hiya!!!!!
Bathroom going o.k sorted out the fittings for the bath panel, valves sorted for the radiator....couple of bits of plasterboard to be fitted, screwing the floorboards down ....hopefully get a sink and loo in this weekend...ifeel pretty useless to be honest
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10-06-2016, 11:54 AM
Good afternoon all that's been and all to come
Hope the mot goes ok Moyra
Mandy do hope Tony's x Ray goes well and Lauryn gets an apology from the bus company
Sue enjoy the trip out hope it encludes coffee n cake lol
Nippy if you've the duster out nip up here please lol
Griff hope your ok YEAAA bathrooms getting there soon be done
TW hope girlies sore bits are on the mend
Lynn ,LG, Losos 1cdog hope your all ok including doglets
Own up who nicked our sun wet here today
Not done much the last couple of days apart from yesterday being bowled over by an exuberant red setter on a flexi lead friction burn on leg & couple of staved fingers why do we always put our hands out to save ourselves lol
Hope everyone's having better weather and having a good day
Take care stay safe xxxx
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10-06-2016, 12:44 PM
Had girls out, heavy rain overnight, but dry now and very very warm. Minute I'd done my jobs I was straight in the shower, felt so sticky and grubby. Sat down now with a cheese and tomato butty and mug of tea watching the news.
Have put the tower fan on in the utility and left the back door open, closed the tall baby gate between the kitchen and utility, Kesh has made her way to the baby gate and is lay letting the fan wash over her, Zen is stood on the other side by the back door in front of the fan. Not sure if any of the others will get a look in. Lit the citronella candles and also some lavender ones and they are dotted about the yard and inside the kennels (hopefully out of Zens reach) to keep the flies off, smells lovely out there
Had a bit of a shocker when I was out with Lona and Mabs, just by the back of the school, could see a guy coming the other way (trees and bushes very thick and a narrow track), he immediately pulled his dog in, I shortened Lona and Mabs lead to go past, and the dog was on its hind legs barking, and the clip thing on Lona's lunge line gave way as we passed and Lona shot forward towards it, luckily guy very nice and grabbed her and handed her back, apologised profusely to him because that must have been scary, but he kept his cool and understood that when the clip gives way unexpectedly like that there isn't much I can do. Never seen him before, but he was extremely pleasant about the whole incident. Luckily Mabs lead is double ended so was able to let her offlead once on the tow path, clip her lead to the end of the lunge line and Lona could have a bit of freedom without me having my heart in my mouth. On the way home clipped one on each end of the double ended lead and we came home fine, with me carrying the now defunct lunge line.
Norma,those flexi leads are so dangerous, I've heard of dogs eyes being put out by them when they snap, and heard of so many dogs snapping them as well, wish they'd ban them.Hoping you are OK and the owner of the dog was apologetic at the very least.
Moyra, hoping your little car passed the MOT alright and nothing wrong with it.
Have a nice day out, and I would certainly expect your day to include cake, whats a day out without cake
LOL LG not been seen since he was forced to open his wallet, wonder if he is in ICU
Mandy will they sort his knee out pretty quickly if they find something doable, fingers crossed here for him. Will Lauryn be in trouble at college because the bus never stopped and she was late
Nippy, poor Kyla, thats dreadful. Hoping they are both fine and not too badly hurt. You may as well do housework if its raining, otherwise you should be sat in the sun, basking
Griff, why are you useless, without you the bathroom would never have even been started
Well I'm going to get some shopping done this afternoon, there is very little food for me, girls (of course) are fully stocked except for tuna and tinned mackrel
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10-06-2016, 01:42 PM
Lol...yeah, poor LG!!!
Norma, ouchy....hope your fingers will be o.k...hate flexi leads
Omg, how Scarry TW.....least the fella was good about it
I feel useless as I can't really do very much, just suggest stuff and move little odds and sods
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tawneywolf is offline  
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10-06-2016, 03:35 PM
Stop it Griff, you are solving the problems and getting stuff sorted, its called Foreman I think
Rain came down as I set off out to the shops, really bouncing it was, stopped now and still very warm. I expect the candles will have gone out that were outside though!!!
Think I'll have a cup of tea and watch The Chase
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